Imagine that the weatherman was wrong again


I struggled to get my corn and soybeans planted this spring. Ended up with 600 acres of 1000 planed for corn and planted the remaining 400 in beans. I planed for 1000 acres of beans planted 700 of the 1000 and left out 300 for prevenitive plant. Needless to say not had time for cuttin any hay in between. Looked at the weather for yesterday 10% chance of rain. Rolled the 4020 into action and cut about 25acres low and behold around 5 I noticed it gettin really dark and stormy lookin. You guessed it that 10% chance was now 100% ole nick getin soaked on the way back to the barn with the tractor and all the hay I had just got cut getin an inch and a half in a 45min rain. Only person I know that can screw up that bad and keep there job is the weather people.
This morning, the forecast here was 10% chance all the way up until 10PM. As of an hour ago, they updated it and it's still 10%. It's pretty obvious looking at the giant wall of storms flying in on the radar that it's going to be dumping rain by 5PM when I get home. Too bad they couldn't have given a better guess a few hours ago or I wouldn't have asked my dad to rake the 10 acres of hay that I have down.

It's turning into one of those years. We haven't had 3 consecutive days without rain since the first few days in June. Not exactly the best hayin' weather.
We haven't had any excess rain here in NW Iowa, but the little rains we do get just won't stop. The crop was planted right and is looking good, but so are the weeds. Our windows of opportunity for spraying are pretty narrow.

Saturday I sprayed the wet 60 and drove through water to get it done. I was going against every instinct I had when I headed for the water puddle and kept on going through it. Had a shower so Sunday was out. Sprayed all day yesterday in perfect conditions and wrapped it up this morn with plans to spray fencerows. Got half way around one field spraying fencerows and here came the black clouds so I headed for the shed two miles away and got there just before the .45" of rain came pounding down. About three acres out of my 16 acres of very brown hay was baled before the rain came rolling in.

I feel kind of guilty whining about the weather when you guys who live east of us have been drowning all spring. Good luck for the rest of the year.Jim
YOur right about it bein just right for the weeds. All this rain weve been gettin is makin it hard for sprayin and sidedressin. I just hope we dont have a repeat of last year were it stopd rainin in june and we never reall seen any significant rain till october. I have to say tho Im gonna have one hell of a hay crop this year with all the rain hope the rest of my crops do well too.
Sunday said ALL WEEK DRY. Cut Sunday Afternoon. Alf. Had two stormes come up monday. One went North the other South. Feeling better.. till now just heard Thunderstom watch for all this evening.. Then 40% for Wed even. and thurs. Not to mention weather radio has given heat indexes today in the 118-120 range.
send it south all the way to the texas gulf coast our hay fields won"t make fuel costs
i think a drought is worse
We just had 60 mph plus winds here. Thank goodness there was very little rain with it. South of us about 20 miles had up to 1.5 inches. I sure am glad I finished spraying corn for the last time. It is growing so fast I think it will be to tall by Friday anywhere around here. Looks like Friday is the best bet for cutting hay and oats. I want to chop 25 acres and round bale another 38 of oats then start on 140 acres of alfalfa. REALLY NEED SOME GOOD WEATHER

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