usda report


Well-known Member
Did any one else feel the latest 87 million acre corn crop was a lie.One third of Ilinois wasn't planted major areas of Missouri and Indiana was also effected. Just an Thought but could this be a ploy to hold down food prices in this looming depresion
The USDA reports always have been slanted to the benefit of the gov and Chicago board of trade.
It is going to be interesting to see external_link's attempt to control the weather. He can ruin the farming operations but I don't know how effective his hollering (WE CAN)will make it rain when he wants it to.
I am afraid it is going to be tough sliding because he is going to want cheap food and that will require farmers to take it on the chin for a few years. We are going to get caught with high cost of production and very low prices.
Had a talk with the grain buyer that I like to bounce my decisions off of and he thinks the USDA screwed up the march report. The swing in acres didnt really happen but they had to make the change to get the numbers closer. The thing I still cant understand is how in the heck did the private market guys not see this coming?
Looking around, here in our part of central IL, probably 99% of the corn acres got planted and other than being planted late things look pretty darn good.
I just took a trip from north illinois down to lake of the ozarks and i saw alot of water logged corn some tassled and right beside it 18 inches tall. I don't care how much corn you plant if it isn't going to produce bushels like it should............ Very eratic looking fields all the way down.

Corn here is drying up. alot of areas here had very poor germination due to no rain in may. North of me alot got hailed out. I here of alot of talk of southern MN, Iowa and other states not getting their corn in untill mid june due to wet land. Gonna bring yeilds down, sure there may be 87 million acres planted, but that dont gaurantee 87 millions acres will be harvested with any where close to average yeilds. That report sure did tank the cash and future prices, which is what it was probably intended to do. Corn drops too much I'll feed it to steers, goes up where I make a decent profit I'll sell it. I have to have something to harvest first though, glad I took the revenue ins, but if I have poor yeilds every year, it wont be worth insuring.
Just for the sake of argument, you guys see a conspiracy? What if a big crop comes in? What will you think then? We had a lot of rain here, but the crops look pretty good. They were spraying the beans across the road from me today.
Perhaps there"s more acres in the south. Last 10 of 12 years we"ve been in drought. More corn in my area that I"ve seen in many years. We had a wet spring this year.
Cheap domestic food prices? Reminds me of Carter blocking soybean sales to Japan to keep food prices down. result? short term political gain for Socialist/nnalert but Japan trading companies then considered US unreliable and liars- went hunting for second source of beans and financed the Brazilian soy bean and other agricultural business. Japanese equipment in grain elevator, Japanese construction equipment used to clear trees and plant beans, Japenese cars and trucks sold to farmers, Japanese processing equipment for the cattle, chickens, and hogs slaughtered and shipped to Japan. Lets ask external_link if he plans to send other ag markets to Indonesia or Kenya where some of his relatives live.

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