local dairy farm robbed


Well-known Member
What's this world coming to,local dairy farm workers were beat,tied up and robbed at gunpoint today here in western ohio.The sheriff said the home invasion type people are now hitting local
bussines and farm operations for cash. I guess they new the workers were getting paid today in cash.A while back they beat an 80 year old widow farm woman to death with a hammer for nothing.
I see on AOL news that a couple was killed in Pensacola, Beulah area, last night also. The couple had dedicated their lives to adopting hanicapped children. Three males in a red van are on security video. This in driving distance from where I"m at. Pray for their family.......
Well you can thank the ACLU and all the bleeding hearts for this kind of thing.Crimanals have more rights than we do.
Last big crime we had here, a local couple was murdered. The husband's brother is being held pending trial. He was upset about an inheritance, or lack there of. He was a security guard, shot his brother and his wife with a .357.
Last big crime we had here, a local couple was murdered. The husband's brother is being held pending trial. He was upset about an inheritance, or lack there of. He was a security guard, shot his brother and his wife with a .357.
I"ve got to jump in on this, what does the ACLU have to do with this crime, or any rights criminals have that are not guarenteed in the Constitution?
got a phone solicitation today for home security i told the young lady i had a gun case full of home security all loaded and various calibers phone went click
Those crooks had to be pretty stupid. There aint no dairy farmer that has any money to steal right now including me.
What was the immigration status of the workers that the dairy farmer was going to pay in cash at the end of the week and could it have been an inside job ? Or did "lose lips sink ships" and some of the illegal immigrant workers mentionedn to some buddies that all the workers get paid with lots of cash on Fri. ? Just wondering.
Had one of those home secuirty Salesman call on me at home one day last week. the first thing he said was he was going to give us a home security system, I stoped him right there. I told him that no one gives you anything. and ask him to leave. Told him that I had heard enough. where I live the responce time for 911 is 30 to 45 min. if they come at all. Told him that my home secuirty was a M-1 Carbine with two 30 shot clips.
(quoted from post at 19:28:01 07/10/09) I"ve got to jump in on this, what does the ACLU have to do with this crime, or any rights criminals have that are not guarenteed in the Constitution?

I was thinking the same thing. There a lot of folks to be frustrated with, not sure this is the right one though for this instance.

Because they get these guys off on little items. My friends cousin got out of a murder charge because the cop said he had a red cap on. When he had a black cap on. He later went on to rape a lady in front of her kids. I am all for a fair trial. But I have no use for the ACLU or the bleeding hearts of this world.
Because they get these guys off on little items. My friends cousin got out of a murder charge because the cop said he had a red cap on. When he had a black cap on. He later went on to rape a lady in front of her kids. I am all for a fair trial. But I have no use for the ACLU or the bleeding hearts of this world.
Two local bad boys showed up at my garage one day, several years ago. I noticed they were looking around , very interested in what i have in my garage.
After some small talk, one noticed the printed sign i have posted around in various places. It reads: "THIS PROPERTY PROTECTED BY SMITH & WESSON"! CARE TO TAKE A CHANCE?"
And then, the other one spotted the 12 guage standing in a rack, close at hand!
The first guy asked if i really have a Smith & Wesson! I assured him of that fact and asked if he wanted to see it. They suddenly became dis-interested in my place, and almost ran up the driveway! Ain't seen hide nor hair of either one since!
Just wondering, why does it automatically have to be illegal immigrants? Come on.....it could even be the "local boys" down the road who wanted a little beer money. Or maybe someone the farmer p!ssed off or screwed over and this robbery was their way of getting revenge or payback.

And because they were getting paid in cash, it automatically means no taxes? I don"t think so. Heck, 20 years ago many large companies (thousand plus employees) used to pay their employees in cash. Used to push a cart around with an armed guard and pay each person at their machine or station where they worked. Even the farm I used to work at paid in cash. And also paid taxes.

I miss the ACLU point with this robbery.


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