How dirty do You get?


Well-known Member
We had an engine to go bad in one of our old R model Macks the other week. We had another whole truck that we got from an auction [no title]. It took us several days to swap out as there were a couple of differences [older engine in newer truck]that had to be taken care of. It was deja vu all over again coming home greasy and dirty from head to toe. When I was young Mom would meet me at the back door with a bar of soap and point me to a spigot in the backyard. I was just wondering if Yall ever get that dirty and have to wash in the yard?
I came home one time and the wife had thrown all my clothes in a pile out in the yard. Had to get another wife.

Oh, guess that is a whole 'nother chapter. :>)

On our farm, the practice was to wash any heavy crud off out in the old milkhouse, and to shed boots and particularly dirty or smelly clothes in a mud room enlarged for just that purpose.

My sister-in-law's mother is a real terrorist. They have a covered but not enclosed entryway outside the mudroom with two stools for the guys to sit on and a shelf where she folds up ahtever she wants them to change into. You strip down and change outside. Dirty clothes go in a basket that stays outside until she does the wash. Lunch is served outside. I'd hazard that no one has ever more than once dared to sully her mudroom with anything so foul as mud.
When the oldest boy was about 6 or 7, he decided he would help dad and grandpa casterate pigs. We had one of those little Sentinal farrowing houses that held 10 sows. He got on his hands and knees and would drag those pigs out from under the crates. He stunk so bad that when we got him home we just stripped him off out in the yard and got the water hose.

His Kansas City born and raised mom didn't know quite what to think.

been awhile since i swapped out an engine, however, when i work, i work and that usually involves dirt, mud, grease and sweat. i turned a portion of a storeroom down stairs into a shower. purchased a fiberglass stall with some dings for a few bucks and plumbed hot/cold water to it with the discharge out through the wall. works good, keeps me out of trouble with the lady of the house.
When My first Wife left me I took her clothes to Good Will and dropped them off. I had them put her favorite dress on her and I'm sure She is still wearing it.
Try Invisible Glove.Its from auto parts store.Coats hands before starting,then grease glides right off with water.
Best quick hand degeaser I've found is three squirts of simple green from a spray bottle. Easy on the hands, takes everything off but the skin, and leaves a fresh odor.

Friday at work, I did an oil change on a Powerstroke and managed to drop the filter while taking it off. I got oil splashed on my right shoulder. The guys in the shop were calling me, "The Eighth Dwarf, Dirty".
The way I see it, there's two kinds of people.

There's the kind than can change the oil and grease a D8 Cat wearing a pair of white coveralls and not get a spot on them.

Then there's the folks that can walk through a new car showroom and come out looking like they've been swimmin' in the grease pit.

I am the poster child for the second group...
My dad always told me. If your afraid to get dirty don't be a mechanic. Took alot of back yard showers before the wife would let me in the house.
Been blacker then ace of spade so many times the misses would like to string me up,the worst time was rebuilding fire damaged skidsteer a few years back.Wore the rottenest cloths I had,when done burn barrel they went.Scott
I belong to that group too. When I was little whenever they needed a soil sample around the farm Mom would say just take me. My next younger brother could work right beside me and stay clean as could be.
I get plenty dirty, I save the dirtiest job for the end of the day.
I worked for a new car agency. There was a guy who came to work in nice sports clothes, went home that way too. How? One time he had a job to do, he asked out loud "how do you do this?"
The foreman came over, grabbed some tools, "ya just do this, then ths, then this." Well the job was done, and the guy was still wearing his nice clean sport clothes!
Well the wife has two washing machines. One for me and the kids and the other one for herself. My kids get hosed off before they leave the milking parlor. Now my wife works around the farm all day and does most of the milking but she never gets dirty. Me and the kids cant walk from the house to the barn or shop without one of us getting covered in something.
You are exactly right. I once watched a friend change the oil in his car while he was wearing a white dress shirt. He rolled the sleeves half-way to his elbow, got on a creeper, and changed the oil and filter on a chevy. Not a spot on him above his wrists when finished!
I'm reasonably clean when I finish most jobs, but compared to him, I'm a disaster.
It started when I was a little boy. Mom would get me and my brother all ready for Sunday school and before we would leave the house I would have grease or some kind of dirt on me. Well 50 years later the only thing that has changed is someone getting me ready for church. My wife says I'm not happy unless I have grease on me. The only grease I don't like on me is gear grease, that stuff stinks.
I can walk by a piece of equipment and get dirty. It's good we have no neighbors, because I leave my clothes outside a lot. My uncle, on the other hand, could change out a motor in a white shirt and still be clean enough for church.
i had to go to eye doc i got so dirty.
i was working on tractor eye itched so itched it i thought hummm that smells like gas on my finger. couple of days later eye is burning so bad i go to eye doctor. he gave me some eye drops and said use them 4 times a day. if not better in a week come back.
I had over 500,000 counts plus hot spots on my plastic suit after handling a reactor channel inspection tool.
Even after carefully taking the suit off in a rubber area. I still had several thousand counts of loose on my overalls. Then the monitors started going off on high background. We checked with gamma meters and friskers to find out we had a "fuel flea" hopping around.
Little twit of a thing was too small too see but we picked it up with duct tape. It read around 10 rem contact.
Conventional dirt? I was about 10 at a farm auction when they decided to make a human cattle ring. They chased the half wild livestock from the barn for inspection/auction. One of the steers figured I was the lowest point in the "fence" and went over myself. My Father hesitated to claim me and had problems getting myself clean enough. To enter the vehicle for the ride home.
You don't know what dirty is until you have baled 50 acres of clover hay that the river flooded.
I can order a case of grease on the phone and get it all over me, plus the truck seat and the wife's kitchen chair.

I worked at a Lincoln_Mercury Dealership right after I got out of service. I would need help, and the Service Manager who always wore a white shirt would come and give a hand. He was always clean when we finished, and I was always dirty from head to toe. I finally asked "Bob, how do you get in here with me, and only have dirty hands when you're finished?" his response was simple, "I only use my hands, not my whole body." after that, I started watching him with the other mechanics, and what I was doing. I could finally work and stay fairly clean. Over the years, I changed from mechanic work to body work. I still am able to stay clean for the most part. Every car I work on gets washed, under the hood, inside the doors and deck lid as well as the outside of the body, and underneath before I start. That keeps me clean, and produces a clean product for the customer. And, most of the time, they will say they hadn't seen the engine area that nice since the car was new. Helps in finding leaks as well... Now the only time I get real dirty, is when I have to spend time on the frame rack. Seems every one of them will have a hydraulic leak of some type...
I used to catch chickens at night. When it was real cold, I wore alot of layers and would take the outside two off before getting in the truck to come home. When it was warmer, I would wash off with a garden hose behind the truck shop and drive home bare foot and shirtless.

I atract grease, big time. I can't change the oil in my car with out get'n it all over me.

Try Summer fallowing all day using a tractor with no cab, like I sometimes did when I was a kid--probably the filthiest I have ever been. I knew better than to come in the house that way, and dressed down and washed up in the back porch, leaving my outer clothes by the washing machine. The nice, warm shower sure felt good right afterwards. But I would be blowing mud out of my nose for a week after completing the Summer fallowing job. Probably not the most healthful thing I ever did, but it had to be done.
Anyone wanna know why I hate automatics? When I was about 15 or so I was draining the trans fluid it missed the pan an went all over my shirt an neck Its not the most satisfing felling have fluid run down your neck
Two friends of mine walked into my barn one day while I was working in my neighbors Farmall BN. One remarked "Paulie is his natural color, Grease." I guess that says it all.

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