OT: Record rainfall


Well-known Member
We broke a record here in Eastern NY from 1871 for rainfall in July, 9.36 inches. I have only been able to get about 60 small square bales done. It rains every other day! Any one else haveing a hard time haying. I hope better days are coming. Then to boot Its raining here today, so I think the tractor pulls at the fair are gonna be cancelled. Crappy weather. j
Well so far I have 3 or 4 rounds done and about 40 squares because the weather man calls for rain about every 3 days which is not long enough to be safe to cut hay. Also been so humid that are dark you can walk out in the fields and get your feet soaked from the dew
Yup--Northern NY (Watertown area) is just as bad. Lots of farmers still on first cutting. Haven't kept track of the official rain records, but it's the wettest summer I can remember.
Have been comparatively lucky but we have lacked heat to really move the corn and beans along. Did not have to go more than 20 miles in any direction to find those that had rain just about every other day. Going to need a warm September and early October to finish the crops safely, I'm afraid.
Here in SE MN it was the second coldest july on record. We have been getting a few tenths here and there but the pastures are starting to brown off. Going to have to get some decent rain soon or I'am going to have to start feeding cows. Corn is tasseled but is way behind on heat units. If it does not warm up I'am afraid unless its a November frost we are going to have 40/40 corn like 1992. Send the heat and rain MN way!
I understand your problem, but enjoy the rain while you can. Here in south-central Texas, next month will be two years without hardly any rain at all. We are setting all kind of records, but on the other end of the spectrum!
According to our weather people, July was the coldest July on record here in west-central Michigan. Gotta be one of the most frustrating rain situations too. Have been fighting rain every couple days, while trying to make hay. But we need rain so badly - VERY dry, corn and beans look absolutely sick. What rain we been getting is minimal at best. Was talking with grain elevator man last week - he says we'll be lucky to make 50% on bean yields this year. My hay crop is absolutely scrappy this year. Nasty stuff, but it's all I have, so I'll put it up and anumals will have to make due.
Since June, lots of rain, spring was drier than summer. We got 80 round bales in, no rain, and 600 small squares no rain, but also left a bunch of rounds in the field, rained on, probably sell for bedding. I'm worried about the oats, needs to get harvested before we get a bad thunderstorm or something similar, now raining, not as heavy as earlier this week, seems like every other day now, maybe it will break, like last year, cleared out in August.
Wish I could send some rain down your way, saw pics this week of Texas in the Newspaper, everything was brown.. There call for rain today, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Over 7 inches of rain here in east SD in July. Lots of flooding damage to corn and beans. Been cool also. But I am just a few days away from 3rd cut on alfalfa. Looks like I can get FOUR! That NEVER happens. Dry land field.

Not a record July rainfall for Louisville Ky, but never had a 90 degree day which is an all time record low for a daytime high.Joe
Here in Central MO, second coolest July since records have been kept, 3" over on rainfall. We almost need some heat to finish this corn up.

Coldest July since records have been kept, about 1880, here in South Central Michigan. So much for AlGore and his global warming!!
Tied for the second coolest July here according to the tv station in Evansville. Had over 10" of rain. Been more like April or May weather than July for sure.

That's why I gave up baling last year. It was more of a hobby that got too big, I didn't have any critters that I had to feed. My lawn is still lush and green and it's August now, gotta mow every third day!

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