Evening/Night time tractor work


Hey guys I was wondering if any of you do much of your work before the break of dawn or even late at night? I ask this because I have some memories of my Grandfather choosing the 7pm-10pm time period during the summer to get most of his discing or furrowing taken care of on his old Massey.
Dont know why Grandpa did it but could have been heat, biting insects, (wind blows them away?) or just relaxing from "people pressure". The last is the best reason for me to get away from the supper table and "polite conversation). Or maybe the work just needs getting done.
I do quite a lot of my mowing in the evening, sometimes after dark, mostly so that the first rays of sun in the morning will start drying my hay. The farmer I worked for as a teen did the same. Also the nutrient value is highest if mowed late in the day.
I"ve never been a morning person, despite being a dairy farmer for 30 years. Worked a B or C shift in college. Dairy farming, 5 AM drifted into 6, then 6:30, but I always ran late at nite, often into the next day. Like Bob says, relief from people pressure. After evening milking, kids are in bed, time to go out on a comfortable tractor seat and get some relaxing time, plan the next day. Even now, semi-retired, keep some acres black all summer so I can have my relaxing time, working it. Uffda office says it is a wetland, I can hay or pasture it- it is my relaxing time by keeping the weeds down- even if they have not sprouted! Don"t plan on buying any seed, either! While farming full-time, everyone runs late to get the acres covered. Not much of that while growing up- some tractors never had working lights, but things are different now.
I ask this because I have some memories of my Grandfather choosing the 7pm-10pm time period during the summer to get most of his discing or furrowing taken care of on his old Massey.

Welleverybody knows Infernal Combustion engines run better in the evening. ;-) (Gloaming, as we call it) &, of course, with the smaller tractors in the good old days, it took longer 2 get everything done, hence the longer hours. I have fond memories of plowing far into the night with the 8N trying 2 get the fields ready 4 planting. Took many hours 2 do wh@ a giant multi-bottom rig does in a few minits! & 2 this very day, I bush-hog @ night, 2 escape the HEAT & Sun of midsummer!! But it all eventully got done. & The heat, bugs, etcetc are another factor, as well. Not 2 mention off-farm work, because small farmers can't make a legal living without another source of income. Yep old-school farming ain't a 9-5 job!! CC

You guys all make some good points which make good sense. I should have figured the nice cool air would make more efficient engine operation with tractors since the same holds true with cars. Also, we do have tons of bugs and other critters that really bite the heck out of me as I disc up until noon time. I also believe you guys are right about "relaxation time" and time away from pressures. My Grandfather has always been a solitary sort of person.
I have a 9-5 off-farm job and my commute is almost an hour each way, so yeah, the lights on my tractors get a whole lot of use. I'm already hating the shorter days.
That dew can help keep the leaves on when the crops are in a dry spell. I've seen some that will rake the early morning of baling to keep a little moisture when we've been too dry.
If I want to puts around with a rotary hoe or a disc and I can see what I'm doing, I'll gladly take my tractor out and about from 7PM to 10PM when it's dark outside. The engine on my AC WD runs better then in the summer time than at any other time of the day. That night air is perfect for it. My car likes it too, for that matter. :D
My dad used to tell us he spent a lot of money making sure that all his equipment had lights on it and we should use them on a regular basis.
Oh heck yeah,

Ya do what ya gotta do.


I like working after dark but around here as soon as the sun goes down the skeeters come out. Unless you have a cab tractor it"s not a good idea. In early spring or late fall they aren"t so bad, sometimes I stay out until midnight or after.
Used to work the little jd40 some at night. Muffler would glow red. Not noticable in the day.
Always spooked me a little since the muffler was about a foot away from the gas cap.
I don’t get to spend much time at our farm. So when every one is sitting around at night I go out on the tractor to mow and disk. I like being out after dark no one comes by to stop you.


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