Ronny 1961 i was 2 years old

Hate to be combative, but if you can't see the forsight and wisdom in this and many other speeches he made, you are truly and idiot. He wasn't perfect, but he knew what the constitution was and what it would mean if we ignore it. And here we are.
That's interesting,,,,, you have to be told to Skip over it,,,, seems your life is some what a scrambled egg.....
Ronald Reagan was a corporate shill.This is another example of why the nnalert are not for the people.He was a nnalert before he was a nnalert.I think in those times he was doing this stuff to impress the big shots in The nnalert party as to how much good he could do for them.Medicare passed anyway.Reagan was on the wrong side of a lot of issues.Not every issue,but all of the issues that had to do with working people.Until Reagan was president the medical insurance was a lot better in some ways than it is now.Improvements in medicine have been made since then but the quality of insurance has gone way down.Watch Bill Maher this week about the travelling medical clinic set up in Los Angeles.Yes Los Angeles California.People lined up at 4 am and waited all day to be seen just like in Africa.When will you people understand?You heros are lying to you.America is becoming a 3rd world country and you are causing it.nnalert are evil,bought out,corporate puppets ruining the country.
I'm sorry trucker. I'm sorry the working poor man doesn't have a chance in your eyes. Maybe they have a better chance in say africa or just pick your country. Ob came from nothing, reagan from a farm, lots came from nothing and made something of themselves. Some to a lesser extent than others. I came from a very poor family.
I'm sorry that you haven't made it . It's all a conspiracy on your part.
Very sad. I hear there are part time jobs being shills for the townhall meetings. Probably pay more than your making now from the way you talk.?
Lots of people won't go the extra mile. My wife was a little farm girl,
she has a masters in computer science, most of education after hours. She is now a Chief Master Sergeant in the Air force. Lots of work and sacrafice for her.
Maybe some people need to buckle down and really fight for a better life.

Not feeling like the fight today.

You know you are disgusting dont you?I dont fit your picture of somebody you can run over with your lies so you try and twist things that way.I dont see what you think is good about Reopublicans especially Reagan.They dont do anything good for the country.I guess even though I hate it this comparison is as good as I can make right now.There are people who give and people who take in this world.nnalert take from poor people,others like old time nnalert gave to poor people.Poor people in todays world could make 80000 dollars a year with a few kids and a couple of cars and a big mortage cant make it.Who did that?Ill give you a hint,it wasnt nnalert.Either give a real answer,or shut up.Only deranged misinformed people would agrre Reagan was good for the country.Reagan caused a mess thatw e are still suffering from.external_link is no prise either.Howevr you are not going to play a record Reagan made and say it was anything other than propaganda for big money.With all the billions if not trillions people have been bilked out of by them you should be ashamed of yourself for saying anything.Reagan was worthless.
Trucker40, Did Reagan take you off the free cheese line? You thought this was your chance to get back on? Things aren't looking so good now for the hand outs and you are starting to lose it. You better stay in line with the sheeples or you will never get to the PROMISED LAND....James
I'm sorry trucker that i have done fair for myself. We are definitely not rich
money wise. But we are rich in life. I'm sorry. If i still went to church i would say a prayer for you and and the rest that are so bitter in the world.
I posted the clip of Ronnie for people of the same mind set as me. I had never seen it. Never been in politics in my life. Because it is so vicious.
But at 50 years old and what is happening the left has awoke a VERY LARGE CROWD OF PEOPLE.
A crowd that was on the side lines. The lefts promised land isn't to be. It was fought back in 61 and it is being fought now.
I'm not going to attack you personally. I have no hate for you . People are standing up to all this nonsense that is happening out of the left. The right wing needs help also. We will weed out all non conservatives in coming elections. Seems to me to be alot of wolfs from the left with sheeps clothing on in the my party.
I have to go make a hay feeder for my wife's horses now.
I will have a good day. Hope the same for you!!!!
Here ya go,Trucker40. I am assuming you work for a living driving truck. You won't see truck driving in the top 100 of the greediest jobs. But if you will type in truck driving you will find the median wage is around 36,000. I'd be hot suckered if i had been left behind also.
Course nothing there about healthcare, free cheese, and all the other things that you and like minded people believe in.
How about a life course change never to late?

Untitled URL Link
There are people in this world that see a glass is half full and those that see it as half empty. The successful ones see it as half full and then try to find a way to fill the rest of the glass the others worry how soon it will be empty. It doesn't make a person greedy or selfish, just more motivated to provide for their family.
Go ahead and be combative, I didnt care for him then and still dont. If he is your hero then fine, im no dittohead, and if you want to wait for me to apologize for the fact I dont agree with his politics, you will have a long wait.
AND if you want to sling names like idiot at me, I can reduce myself to your level and use much more discriptive works than that. Have a good one.
You know there are people right here that did something like you just did,gloating,then had a life altering experience.I have seen a lot in this country.I have hauled that free cheese and lots of food for hungry people in the United States.Also I am older than you about 7 years.
I dont mind arguing about some of this stuff.You are misinformed and wont listen to the truth anyway.
Now if you want to argue you have to know something first.I spent 15 years listening to Art Bell on the all night radio while driving a truck.You have to know just what is going on,or at least the outline of it.
Thats as far as I can probably go with this.
Global government is a farce.Now do you think your Conservatives are the answer?
If you are such a Conservative why dont you know about the greed in the Neocon way of government we have been forced to endure since Reagan maybe Nixon and Johnson too?How Christian is that?Arent you conservatives Christians?What you just wrote on here to me,is that Christian?
Face it,you are a blowhard,a hypocrite,and are being used to spread propaganda for evil greedy people,neocons,who are warmongers.Now go get your Bible and read about the evil,greedy warmongering blowhard types of people and what happens to them some times.If you dont care to read the Bible a history book can also tell you.
I think you need to do a little charity so you know what belittling poor beat down people does.One day you could be begging for cheese.I also delivered quite a bit of food to prisons over the years.You wont like prison in Georgia out in the black and white uniform building a road with a pick.I doubt you would learn even then.
(quoted from post at 08:42:12 08/15/09) There are people who give and people who take in this world.nnalert take from poor people,others like old time nnalert gave to poor people.Poor people in todays world could make 80000 dollars a year with a few kids and a couple of cars and a big mortage cant make it.Who did that?Ill give you a hint,it wasnt nnalert.Either give a real answer,or shut up.

What a bunch of nonsense.

What do the "poor people" have, that the nnalert can "take"???? (it sure ain't MONEY,... so name something else.)

nnalert take from "ANYONE" that actually works for a living,... and gives it to the one's that are too LAZY, FAT, or, STUPID, to get a job. (trucker40, judging from your posts, I actually think you might be a member of the latter.)

Anyone with a lick of common sense can live on $80,000 a year. sheeesh!
ART BELL are you talking the nut on Coast to Coast, that talks to the nuts all night about area 51. Are you FFFFnnnnn nuts man , he's on right now and talking to some guy about reversing sound bites and secret messages.!!
You need help man if thats all you listened to.. I read about the guy on wikepedia. Good entertainment but real life.................. wow.
anybody else listen to coast to coast ?
Well at least he might be a libertarian from what i gather.
Trucker maybe you are shifting towards a libertarian and don't know it.

That does explain a lot about trucker40. I knew there was a screw loose somewhere. Everyone is out to get HIM. His tirades come from the mind of a raving lunatic....James
In Trucker's defense ,
Art Bell did start out as a conservative talk show way back before he went off the deep end. I've never heard any of his shows back then. So how conservative was he ?. He now is a libertarian, but he did vote for OB.
I got this off of wikepedia. Don't know how much you can believe off of there also. Oh well
Sort of does explain his confusion in this world though. I think trucker has spent to much time alone on the road and them diesel fumes got to him.

I was a Libertarian in the 1980s,voted for Perot in the 1990s and decided that since a Libertarian wont win started voting for nnalert.I turned 21 when Carter ran for President and I voted for Lyndon LaRouche who was a nnalert then if I remember right.Also yes some of the stuff on his show is out there I know,but some of it is true.The truth is out there,but you wont get much truth off of Fox News.Almost everything you know,or that has been taught to you,is a lie.Art Bell would not try and tell you it was true or not,he just had people come on his show and tell what they found out.Also why do we have a 500 billion dollar if not more "black"military budget?The questions go on and on.When an answer comes along you hear it on his show first.Sometimes years ahead of mainstream media.All the stuff you hear on the daytime radio is propaganda to keep the agenda going.If you think nnalert are doing anything good for the country you are believing the propaganda and are part of the problem.I could be wrong but it seems to me that nnalert are trying to set us up for some stupid world government where we only have one vote and are outvoted by the evil non democratic countrys.A United Nations form of government,or to be more accurate a world where the very rich do what they want and everybody that works is reduced to a slave.Sort of communist only worse.I dont think the nnalert are going that direction.Or at least they are being sneakier about it.You cant trust either side OR ANY POLITICIAN.Going by what they have done over the past 15 years,nnalert say one thing and do the opposite,make it harder on working people.I dont see why you or anybody else are for them.They do have a good propaganda mill.Thats about all they do well for the working man,lie to him.
Yeah you are misinformed,misled,and one day you might discover that.Im telling you now,but you dont believe me.I also will tell you thats its way worse than you think it is.Voting for a nnalert you are like a frog in a pan of water on the stove asking the nnalert to turn up the heat and not knowing any better.Now you cant say that you dont know better because I told you.The people with the screws loose are the ones who blindly follow the nnalert and listen to daytime talk radio as if it was true.Just like a high school pep rally.Fight,fight,fight,but you are fighting yourself,like a dog chasing his tail.
Well lest see in the 1970s taxes were about 17%.In 1991 they were 30%.Who ran the country,Reagan,Bush.I know you dont believe the nnalert cut your taxes do you?Not unless you are a Millionaire.
I havent worked anywhere that raised my pay when a nnalert was in the White House yet.Its all very plain to see who raised taxes and who got a pay cut because of it.
I dont need to argue with you about it,its a historical fact,look it up.
Do I agree with everything the nnalert do?No I dont.Did I say more than once they have to be watched like a hawk?Yes I did.Did I say they did stuff for working folks?Yes they do.Do nnalert do anything for working folks?No they dont,in fact the nnalert take more from working folks and give them nothing in return.The nnalert dont even represent working folks so they should be run out of government.
I dont know what you did for a living,but they must have got real tired of telling you aver and over and retraining you every day.Maybe there was a whole nest of nnalert and that was all that was available so they had to retrain you every day.Does it get though that thick head yet?How many times have you actually looked up anything about what you claim?Did you look it up somewhere that wasnt a propaganda web site?Do you even know whats going on?Are you even in the United States?I find it hard to believe you dont know better,but maybe its best you just stay that way,misinformed.
Trucker40 says,.... "nnalert say one thing and do the opposite,make it harder on working people."

Soooo,... trucker40, HOW are nnalert any better????

...., or do you think Obuma is living up to his campaign promises?

Wake up and pull your head out,.... it's impossible for the nnalert to be any worse then the nnalert.

If you think nnalert have the best interests of the "working man" in mind,.... guess again,... 'cause you're even goofier than I first thought.

The unemployment rate keeps RISING, and this nation has NEVER BEFORE been this far in debt... and THAT is with a nnalert president, and nnalert majority in congress.

This country will be lucky if it can survive the crooks in charge today,... heck man, the "taxpayer" supports this country, and look at all the people Obuma has appointed to his cabinet who have "forgotten" to pay their past taxes (and THEY are nnalert).

nnalert are for the "working people",... HA!!... that's the biggest joke I've heard in a long time.
You know trucker we can't have everything we want. When we vote, we vote for our core beliefs. You are right the nnalert aren't right in everyt hing, but they have what i am looking for.
Gun control is a big issue for me. Only one side that is against it.
Lower taxes and do what i want with my money. Now there has been alot of lip service on both sides. That will change when we get true conservatives in there again.
You talk christians, i was born a go to church every Sunday Catholic,
. I have chose not to show for the big showing every sunday. Large churches are a racket in my mind, money thing again. But i do thank god everyday when the sun comes up for the day.
Less taxes , only one side has the view i am looking for. And it sure hasn't been happening on my side for alot years either. Again it will change when we get true conservatives in. Conservatives that stand up and say no.
Now we wouldn't be having this conversation if we could find some real people like you and i that have worked for a living .
We both can agree that greed is on both sides. We just need better common everyday folk in there to stir things up. Its a tough row to hoe right now. lots of weeding to do!!!!
Well have to get my truck and trailer ready to go. Heading to illinois to do some work on the place there. Hope the roads are open on Monday and they haven't shut them down like the city of Chicago.

(quoted from post at 07:28:10 08/16/09) Well lest see in the 1970s taxes were about 17%.In 1991 they were 30%.Who ran the country,Reagan,Bush.I know you dont believe the nnalert cut your taxes do you?Not unless you are a Millionaire.
I havent worked anywhere that raised my pay when a nnalert was in the White House yet.Its all very plain to see who raised taxes and who got a pay cut because of it.
I dont need to argue with you about it,its a historical fact,look it up.
Do I agree with everything the nnalert do?No I dont.Did I say more than once they have to be watched like a hawk?Yes I did.Did I say they did stuff for working folks?Yes they do.Do nnalert do anything for working folks?No they dont,in fact the nnalert take more from working folks and give them nothing in return.The nnalert dont even represent working folks so they should be run out of government.
I dont know what you did for a living,but they must have got real tired of telling you aver and over and retraining you every day.Maybe there was a whole nest of nnalert and that was all that was available so they had to retrain you every day.Does it get though that thick head yet?How many times have you actually looked up anything about what you claim?Did you look it up somewhere that wasnt a propaganda web site?Do you even know whats going on?Are you even in the United States?I find it hard to believe you dont know better,but maybe its best you just stay that way,misinformed.

Trucker you don't pay any taxes that would help you anyways. Your problem is you need a better paying job. Get retrained man , it's not to late!!! Lots of stuff will get you better wages . OOOOOrrrrr how about your own business, like i have done my whole life. I found out at an early age working for the man is crappp. Never did make any real money till i stepped out on my own. TAke a chance guy. Ain't nobody gonna take care of ya.
If ya could do it what's your dream in life .??? Do it !!! CAn't be anybetter than you have in now by the sounds of it. Hey how about owning a trucking company instead of being the ant that gets squashed everyday.


trucker40,.. when wages go up, the price of EVERYTHING ELSE goes up too,... so where's the gain???????????????????????????

The minimum wage law is a joke,... and unions have forced the price of new vehicles up into the $40-50,000.00 range.

But you go ahead and believe what you want to,... and the rest of us will continue to laugh at you, 'cause you're to dumb to realize what higher wages do to the price of (all) end products.
Thats a good thoughtfull answer.The only problem is that the conservatives are neocons.What that means is they claim to be conservative and even the coservative champion Reagan grew the government.Yeah it sounds good,but it has never and wont ever work.Soon as you cut everything away,hurt working people and grow the military budget and nearly double working peoples taxes,your conservative label doesnt apply anymore.They are big government,tax and steal nnalert,and big government tax and spend nnalert.If nnalert are spending on the working class as long as they can pay for it and it makes life better whats not to like.Why vote for a bunch of liars who steal from workers to give to rich people that dont even live in the United States?No there is no such a thing as Conservatives as you seem to think there is.There is only a bunch of thieves that I see and I will not ever vote for them.Im not married to the nnalert either and they are making me mad at them,but at least they seem to be pointed in the direction of helping workers.nnalert wont ever be for working people except in some big fantasy they describe as conservative.Has not ever existed and wont exist if you think nnalert are going to do something.They will but not for working people.
Well there are nnalert that represent working people.Name a nnalert that ever represented workers.
I have to agree sort of about the ones we got in the election as being crooks.So that means if they are crooks they arent representing the United States,they represent a bunch of crooks.Also if you look at the people that are in the cabinet,some are an improvement over Bushs crew,but some are not helping anything.Im not smart enough to know what for sure is going on,but when a bunch of them are dual citizens Israeli/American,I dont like it.Bush had some too,some are still there.If there was so much difference like the claims back during the campaign,why can they work on both sides?Well I guess some things are actually the same on both sides,but I dont like it.This is not the country I grew up in,and I dont like where its headed.Since both sides seem so cozy it has to be bad for the people.Still does not make it right for you to say conservatives were good,they werent,and I dont see a way for them to ever be.The only real choice you have is to hold the nnalert feet to the fire until they fix things.The nnalert wont fix anything.The ones in the white house may be corrupt and a bunch in Congress may be as well,but not all of them.I think if enough of the good ones can get the others to do something things might get better.nnalert have ruined our country.I dont see how you could see it any different.There is no good conservative nnalert,never was,and I dont see how there ever will be.

The fact is, the more nnalert move to the left, the more nnalert move in that direction also,.... why,... because an ever increasing portion of voters (these days) think they are OWED a living from the "government",... and THAT pathetic idea is put into their heads by nnalert propaganda.

Way too many people in this country have turned the abundant "social" programs into a career, and the nnalert caused that situation and continue go after their votes in order to get elected.

When nnalert get elected by the un-producing population in this country, then it's that population the nnalert represent,... NOT the "working man" paying for all those social programs.

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