Chinese JUNK!!!!

I work for a John Deere dealer and yesterday we had a Jinma tractor come in that thay handed to me to put a clutch into.What a POS! Castings are rough,bolts are loose,oil leaks all over and the thing only has a 100 hrs on it.Anybody that would willingly buy one of the durn things ought to be deported to china with it!!!
Why didn"t you reject the tractor for repairs? Being a reputable Deere dealer, you should know better than to work on unsatisfactory machinery.
Same thing as what I call "Walmart Syndrome". People can't see past the price tag.

Stupid people pay $8000 thinking they're going to get a $18,000 tractor. No amount of logic will talk them out of it.

I just laugh at them when the POS dies on them and they can't get parts for it.

The Chinese are building what stupid people are willing to buy, and they're building it down to a quality and price mark that stupid people are willing to pay.

Their level of quality is coming up every day, and if you're willing to pay the price, you can get good stuff too. You'd probably stroke out if you knew how many components of that "Quality, American Made" whatever are actually Chinese.

It's a Global Economy. Get used to it.
Why would this surprise you?

Most all stuff from China is junk, The dogfood has plastic in it, the bread has cardboard in it and the baby formula has radiator fluid in it......

Hmmmm........So why would the tractors from there be any good.

Why would a Deere dealer work on a Jinma Junk tractor anyway? Unless the service guys are sitting around playing cards with nothing to do.
well go figure!! most americans are motivated by one thing MONEY that's why they buy cheap crap from walmart..quality is always the last thing they consider and then they cry and wonder why the stuff they got broke or did not last.
i try real hard to buy american and i get what i pay for.
It wouldn't happen to be one made at the several manufacturing plants john deere has in china would it.
Ya,,,,100hrs on it???? sadly my Ford 1720 was made in Japan, but other than a glow plug, battery and front axel seal, Iv never had any major problems like that. 1994 model with 1134 hours on it, and I love that tractor.j

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