phobias with age???


Well-known Member
hey folks,
anyone notice that things get to you more now than when you were younger???
I get aggravated easier but the 2 things that really get to me are heights and tight places. I've put on a little weight over the years, maybe that's it?? Used to hang like a monkey on a ladder and climb anything that pointed to the sky and crawl into just about any hole. Wife got real bad over the last couple of years regarding heights. She can't drive over some bridges without almost panicking. Is it just us?

Maybe it's the self preservation thing kicking in. As you get older your body realises that more things can kill you.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just talking outta my butt on this...

Donovan from Wisconsin
I've got a lot fewer phobias than when I was younger. But, Ive also gotten smarter, realized things dont heal near as fast, and that I'm 10 feet tall and bullet proof. So there are a few more things I dont do, not that I have a phobia of them, just realize how much longer it might take me to get over them.
IT's NOT just you,,,,
The reason your getting aggravated easyer, is because your ageing, and time is running short for you, Life is always good when your young, then, when you turn a certain age, (different for every one) your sub-consience is working against your desire for life to end sooner then later,

you will also notice that it's harder to fall asleep, Putting on some weight, is just that your are eating more, to help satisfy some urge, this go's along with your condition at hand.

some times,,, a Psychologist can help you through some tough times, I friend-ed a psychologist, and use to help him out with his own problems, I found he was nutter then his clients, could be,,, it worked on him just talking to others.

I do have remedies to help people through this condition,,, but I can only help them face to face, and my remidies do not connect to every one, only because every one is made up different to desolve this condition -- is the easiest way to explain it.

just for some open advise, talk with your doctor, and if he/she is sensitive to this condition, he can perscrible medacation, but just that you know,,, every medacation have side effects,, ( but it does help most )

that is my best advise for the short term chat, Good Luck in seeking help...
Go Zeke
What a bunch of Cow Patties.If a person has used any judgement and common sense by the time they're over 50 they should feel much more secure than than at 20 because they are more secure,house paid for,kids gone etc etc.Anyway I never have problems falling asleep of course I do work and get tired so I guess that makes a difference
I found that after I got stuck twice coming thru the opening in the foundation of a house I was remodeling. The whole world got bigger than ME. Now High bridges terrify ME (not good for a truck driver) and tight spots are really hard for me to go into. It has been a couple of years now, and I am working hard to get past the bridge thing.
I can now go across the Lewis and Clark bridge at Longview WA. without white knuckles. Its slowly getting better.
Tim in OR
I didn't say every one has this condition, and I also said, it's different for every one,
If you use common sense, you would have figured that out.

eventually, every thing you've worked for, and every thing you own, will be gone, Your so called security will melt away, you will have to leave it behind, that does concern some, but not every one, cause they simply don't care,

but some do care, and it works on them in different ways,
It's good that you have no problem sleeping, as your tired from working, and that's good,
being active helps to keep your mind off things that concern others.

BUT,,, some day,,, you will just sit, and like others, will think about what's ahead, if anything, and what will be left behind, if anything. and if your happy with the results, that's all that matters for now...

Good luck in your future....
"anyone notice that things get to you more now than when you were younger"

Definitely YES... unnecessary noise and "spinning" chinldren are tow examples.
Thought about it this spring when I was doing some volunteer wiring for our old historic theater. I don't move like I did when I was 20, and I know how bad it's gonna hurt if I make a mistake on a 25' ladder. Maybe it's old age after alol.
Bridges have always been a phobia of mine just like other high places. My brain isn't use to getting those signals from my eyes when I'm up that high. I can fly but it takes me a little while to get use to being up there. After I get so high what is there that I can do any way if something were to happen.
I have one other phobia that I've always had and it's a fear of large water pipes. I just don't like the thought of what could happen if one were to burst.
Heigths are more a problem than they were years back. I can still do them but not without at least hand rails. This really didn't start until I stepped thru a manhole in a catwalk at the top of a 110' leg elevator and caught myself with my right elbow, left knee and a few ribs
I think it is because we have seen so many things happen, that we get more careful. 20 years ago, I witnessed and barely escaped a crossover accident on the interstate. Watched 2 cars hit head on, and it killed 3 people. Even though most of the interstates have cables in the median, I still keep an eye toward the median... Some things you never forget.
Heights bother me worse than they once did, because I am bigger and clumsier than I was years ago.. A lot of our fears are just good sense.
One more Phobia of mine, Steam Engines at shows.. I never felt safe when they are under steam.. Everyone always made fun of this fear, until the one in Ohio blew.
In a lot of ways, I'm mellower now than I was when I was younger.

One thing that absolutely infuriates me is if and when I have a physical ailment 20-something and 30-something medical personnel act like at my age all I want is to be comfortable for what little time I have left. (Their interpretation, not mine).

I'm no where near ready to check out yet, and if I have an ailment, I want it fixed so I can get on with my life.
I am a pilot(was) and for many years heights did not bother me. Took pictures straight down from the top of the Eiffel Tower in 1952 etc. About 15 years ago I found myself getting fear of heights. Bridges in Boston and Charleston SC, were narrow and open and I had a devil of a time getting across each one. This grew worse until about 8 years ago I had my cataracts removed and lo and behold, fear went away. My peripheral vision had deteriated and caused me to not focus properly. I am sure that there are other reasons that have to do with your ears also. Henry
Used to work on bridges. Really enjoyed them, and kinda even got some sort of a thrill out of being up real high. Last bridge I worked on, I was scared to death most of the time. It was in town, over a railroad, and the movement of the trains had a dizzying effect to me. I attributed it to ageing, and possible wisdom that comes with aging. The poster who mentioned eyesight might have hit the nail on the head.

I fell off the roof of my house about ten years ago. (A whole 'nother story about foolish safety shortcuts) All the way to the ground, I couldn't understand why I couldn't get positioned to land on my feet. As I laid there in the pile of nail embedded 2X4's (another safety story) I remember thinking that "ten years ago, I would have landed on my feet".

Age and wisdom, as mentioned above.

Little kids screaming really get my nerves rattled. Kids talking back to their parents and telling them what to do. If I had done that I would not be alive today.
I just turned 51, and I can tell you that I am much more sensitive to both claustrophobia and heights than I used to be...i think it's because of the eyesight deal (trifocals now): close in or far away it gets hard to focus, and it freaks me out.
Also have just about completely lost interest in red meat- dunno why, really, just seem to prefer pork to steak now. Becoming a codget, I suppose.

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