OT: Monsanto warns of lower profits



Somethings not right.
They jacked up the price of seed but yet they say they can't make a profit and will do deeper layoffs. I wonder where all the money went.
Shoot , Because the goverment allowed them to loot so much Money from US, They probably Bailed out the banks and are now a major Stock holder in GM ,. Now they Are bracing themselves in position to Pay for Health Care Reform ...how much Can a Company take? ! , Don't You feel soory for them ? ,,,they gotta cut costs somewhere so they can keep raisng the price on their seed ........
Where did their money go?

Buying out other companies, great volumes of research, and attorney fees for defending the patent rights of their products, which BTW was all started due to lying cheating farmers who broke their legal agreement with them.

I really hate to hear of this as often research is abandoned during tough financial times and it takes quite awhile to get back up to speed once things smooth out.
Albert Lee seed company still advertises some open pollinated seed- Reeds Yellow Dent and a short season variety good for Dakotas growing season or replant after floods. Amish have some good open pollinated varieties also. Forget the fancy high priced hybreds, fertilizers, herbicides and go back to proven open pollinated lines, cultivating and letting cows and hogs clean up fields after picking. There are enough old tractors and equipment among posters here to do the job. (only half joking here, some old fashioned outfits surviving yet without bankers grabbing property during droughts) RN
I will go back to the old ways of farmng when your wife goes back to rubbing and cleaning your dirty grimmy overalls on a wash board or in the creek...
They WARN of lower profits. I'm sure most people are happy to hear this with the bad name they have given themselves.Hate them. Main Example: The Percy Schmeiser case
Because Lexar is cheaper and gets better yield and doesnt belong to Monsanto.Plus more farmers arent using Roundup because the price of corn and beans are down.Probably once the word gets around about the other stuff Roundup will be a way distant second place and they wont ever get the profit out of it they did again,and they know it.Also the public is not happy with them at all,its their own fault,and they knew they had the price of their stuff jacked up too high,but until somebody else came along with another product,they didnt care.
How about the stock options and bonus's the executives and board members take...looked those up in the annual report lately? Or how about the clean up costs left over fromm their pollution in Anniston, Al and East STL? And how about their own legal cost defendind themselves for bribery and and pollution in foreign countries? And least, lets not forget the cost of them renting trucks from a company in St Joe, MO for the purpose of spying on farmers throughout the country to see if they are being good boys? All fact....all true!!!!
WOW-the mere mention of Monsanto sure separates the farmers from the wannabees. Lower profit (not a loss, as some read into that) is a result of lower prices on roundup due to increased competition from generic glyphosate. Good news for farmers that don't feel they need the full slate of benefits that buying Roundup brand herbicide offers. (I know glyphosate is glyphosate-I am talking about the rewards program). Monsanto does an unbelieveable amount of research-and they do expect to get a return on that research, as would anybody. They also know the value to the end user of their traits, and price accordingly. Both the farmer and Monsanto split the increased profit. I do not work for monsanto-I laughed at roundup ready beans and refused to plant them for a few years. Same way with roundup ready corn. But seeing is believing-I can make more money (on average) easier (less weed and insect pressure) and more consistently with them than without them. And even though my seed bill is certainly way higher, my herbicide, insecticide, and application costs are way down, and my corn yields do not see the dramatic drops in tough years thanks to better roots and plant health.

As a custom applicator for a large agribusiness in central Wisconsin, I can say that Monsanto is a very hated company staffed by arrogant pricks. Our sales rep is lucky he isn't dead in a ditch somewhere. Of course, he's been fired recently.

Monsanto raised the price of roundup by $20 a gallon spring 2008. Their reason? China is having the summer Olympics and their glyphosate production is down. After the Olympics were over, the pricks jumped it another 10 bucks. They're so hated that they didn't even bother to put in a booth at the Wisconsin Farm Technology days. Couldn't look the farmer in the eye.

They're enjoying lower profits due to the way they do business.

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