Fox stealing chickens ideas?

I've got a fox that has been stealing my chickens over the last few months. Only seen him a few times but never enough time to get my gun. Tried for a long time to get him in a big live trap but hes to smart. Only other option I can think of is a foot trap but I dont like them because it puts them in pain until released or killed. Cant afford to loose any more chickens. I know somebody will say keep em pened up. I do for the most part unless I'm out in the barnyard.
i got a sneaky coyote that does the same thing. i just keep them penned up now. Really liked to watch them wander but would rather have the chickens than have them come up missing. i have heard you can get guineas and they will make a ruckus but that won't help unless they run with the chickens
Could you stake a chicken out in the open? Tie it to a stake with a light rope around it's foot. Then take up a hidden position with your favorite scatter gun and wait him out.

Once they figure out where a free is to be had they keep coming until the kitchen is closed.

Do you have a dog?

Otherwise a baited trap is you best bet. 3

We've found coyotes coming right into the yard in the middle of the day without any reguard for our dog (who is sleeping in the sun or in his pen). I've gotten two but the coyotes have three chickens. The last one got a couple hundred yards out and sat and watched the commotion he created. To bad I only had the .22 in hand at the time - next time I'll reach out and touch him with my .243.
Fox stealing chickens ideas?

When I read the title I was gonna say you don't need to give them any ideas.

Sleep ina day time and set up all night with overhead bright lites and a 20 gage.
You seem confussed,,, at first point, you say,,
the fox is gone before you get your gun,,, then,,, you say,, don't want to set a trap cause it will cause foot pain,,, gosh,,, what are you going to do with your gun,,,, wave it in the air and scare the fox,,, if he could,, the fox is going to laugh at you,,,

you best protect your your chickens the best way,, get rid of the fox,, or the fox will get rid of your chickens,,,
Well, you could try getting a really mean rooster. I have one that no creature will get within about five feet of, but on a more serious note--a pack of coyotees or even a few dogs on the place will keep the fox away.
here's the delima.. you can't loose any more chix.

he's not ther ewhen the gun is

and you don't want him in a foot trap.

my vole is for the trap checked often and have the gun nearby... or.. keep buying chickens..

Buy one of those 6 dollar cottontail rabbit varmit calls. Set up at dawn or dusk with that .243.

Set your large trapp again and bait it good. Get a bale of pine straw, cover the trap with straw and straw around it completly, even entrance. Next morning haul and release him where you wish.
Should be easy enough to bait him in, I agree with making the trap less conspicuous, I don't really like the leg traps either, knowing there are other options. I've had them come in many times after providing food, last year I left a couple of dead goslings out in the backyard, in the heat, cooking like 2 days, real ripe, and one afternoon that red fox came right up and chowed both of them down just about whole, took a few photos of that too. You can learn a lot about whats around, by leaving things like this out, though probably not a good idea if you live where there are dangerous predators. I do that with deer carcasses every year, had a bald eagle stay for 1 week last year, we don't have any black bears, well once in a great while, so I don't usually worry when I do this, hawks, vultures, fox coyote, right in front of my window, good opportunity to dispatch same if need be.
A local guy, now deceased, was good at trapping fox. He would set a wooden fence post in the edge of the woods and fasten a live chicken to the top of the post with fence staples. He'd also set several leg traps around the post. Fox would jump for the chicken and come down into a leg trap, then thrash around and get into a couple more. He checked his traps often - said he didn't want the fox to suffer long.

Apparently had little regard for the chicken.

I'm not suggesting that you use this method, I'm merely telling how that old timer handled chicken catching foxes.

He also dealt with hawks by setting a 10 or 12 foot pole out in the middle of his field. He'd fasten a leg trap to the top of the pole. Hawk would land on the pole and trip the trap.

Don't try this either - it can cost you some money and get your name in the paper.

We set up a baby monitor in the chicken house. The chickens will start making a fuss long before the fox or any other varmint gets in. It has given us enough early warning that, so far, anything that threatened the chickens has died of lead poisoning long before they had a chance to do any damage. If you wait until the chickens get loud enough to hear them from the house w/o the monitor, it is usually too late.
No one can say for sure what kind of feelings a fox has.

But maybe ryanwheelock has compassion for Gods creatures. and wants to have as little suffering as possible.

You used to preach good words . but you never follow them.

How is it in wedding vows ? Let no MAN put us under? Seems you forgot that.

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