Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
and more rain. Official rainfall for the area of the farm for the month of Oct. is 17.49 inches and more on the way for Thursday.

We have a small pond at the farm with a 12 inch drain pipe for overflow. As of last w/e, water had gone over the dam at least twice because the 12 inch pipe couldn't drain fast enough. The area where it went over has got a good stand of grass so it didn't cause any damage to the dam.

Since we got 2.79 inches (officially) yesterday the pond probably overflowed again and with more rain predicted for Thursday, it will probably overflow then, too.

The ground is so saturated that we have water standing in low spots even though we have sandy soil. If you take a walk, you hear squish, squish, squish.

My saddles have mold on them and I had to move them to the house. One of my horses now has "scratches" which is a fungus caused by moisture.

Its a real mess!!!! We could use a week or so of sunshine.
We are in Bryan and last week were griping about mowing and the dust. Now we have put pontoons on the tractors. But the tanks are full and the gras is growing again. Will take the rain. Looks like a couple of dry days then more rain. Lots of land is saturated so will start getting more runoff.
It can always be worse. Our next 3 day prediction is for a winter storm with snow. By Thursday night we could have 10-15 inches. We're still trying to bale hay, so that could cause some problems, and we have calves to wean. No corn has been combined, and some people still have sugar beets to pull.
Saw some guy named Noah in town the other day. Said something about building a boat. Here around Centerville Texas. All the stock tanks are full and fields have water standing in them. Nancy how is the trinity doing up at your end.
I heard last night on the weather that Central MO. is 9" ahead of normal for the entire year, and the year isn't over. It is still showering today. Lots of crop still in the fields, and little wheat planted.

You are either too young are haven't lived in Texas long enough. Don't ever complain about rain
unless you are in a life boat and can't see land.
All rivers, creeks, any type of waterway, etc. are way up. Flood warnings posted everywhere around Dallas.

Week end before last, we learned the road to the farm was closed (first time in 20+ yrs) due to creeks overflowing and flooding the road.

Temps are running 5 to 10 degrees below normal, too.

This is the wettest, coolest fall we've had in over 20 yrs.
I've had my backyard dug up for 2 months now trying to get 2 retaining walls built. U sink in mud up to ur ankles when u try to do anything. I broke the footing out a couple weeks ago, & been waiting for some dry days to pour some concrete around the new pvc pipe that was laid in place. Yesterday I just got tired of it not getting do that I poured the concrete in a bucket & formed it all up myself. Ain't no weather going to keep me from getting anymore in behind. Would love to get the walls built before it freezes.
I had just gotten our horse trailer sanded down ready to paint on sun. Havent gone out to see how rusted it is. Our donkey was standing on the front porch when it really started raining, wanting to come inside the house. Everytime I went out he tried to walk in. His girlfriend was standing out in the rain with her ears and head drooping down. It was so sad. The cows could care less. When i went over the trinity river on the way to the farm it was way up, at the farm on sat we only had 2/10's of an inch after the whole previous week of rain.
In Oregon we like rain. It keeps the Californians from wanting to stay here.
Two weeks without rain and the moss on my back ain't none too happy :)
Heard on the radio tonight that the Twin Cities is about to set the record for our raniest October ever - if that which they're predicting for the next few days comes through.
I've got an engine to put in my tractor if it would dry up when I'm not working. Ok to tear it apart in the rain but not set the new one in.

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