A friend sent this nice note

Hope this doesn't offend anyone except maybe the chinese. O the horrors.!!!
It will require a little effort on your part to participate in this program. Just a little!!!!!!
Maybe i am to late with this post , might have been around for a while.


> A physics
> teacher in high school, once told the
> students that while
> one grasshopper on the railroad tracks
> wouldn't slow a train very
> much, a billion of them would. With that
> thought in mind, read the
> following, obviously written by a good
> American. Good idea
> . . . one light bulb at a time
> . . . .
> Check
> this out. I can verify this because I was in
> Lowes the other day for
> some reason and just for the heck of it I was
> looking at the hose
> attachments. They were all
> made
> in China.The next day I
> was in Ace
> Hardware and just for the heck of it I
> checked the hose
> attachments there. They were made in USA . Start
> looking.
> In
> our current economic situation, every little
> thing we buy or do
> affects someone else - even their job. So,
> after reading this email,
> I think this lady is on the right track.
> Let's get behind
> her!
> My grandson likes Hershey's candy. I noticed, though,
> that it is marked made in Mexico now.
> I do not buy it any
> more. My favorite toothpaste Colgate is made in
> Mexico now. I
> have switched to Crest. You have to read the
> labels on
> everything.
> This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W
> light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets. I was in
> the light
> bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand
> I normally buy was
> an off brand labeled, "Everyday Value.”
> I picked up both types of
> bulbs and compared the stats - they were the
> same except for the
> price. The GE bulbs were more money than the
> Everyday Value brand
> but the thing that surprised me the most was
> the fact that GE was
> made in MEXICO and the Everyday
> Value brand was made in -
> get ready for this - the USA in a company
> in Cleveland, Ohio
> So throw out the myth that
> you cannot find products you use every day that
> are made right
> here.
> So on to another aisle - Bounce Dryer Sheets . . . yep,
> you guessed it, Bounce cost more money and is
> made in Canada . The
> Everyday Value brand was less money
> USA !
> I did
> laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets
> performed just like the
> Bounce Free I have been using for years and at
> almost half the
> price!
> My challenge to you is to start reading the labels
> when you shop for everyday things and see what
> you can find that is
> made in the USA - the job you save may be your
> own or your
> neighbors!
> If you accept the challenge, pass this on to
> others in your address book so we can all start
> buying
> American, one light bulb at a time!
> Stop buying from
> overseas companies!
> (We should have awakened a decade ago . .
> . . .)
> Let's get with the program . . . . help our fellow
> Americans keep their jobs and create more jobs
> here in the
> USA .
Been doing this for a while. Trying to talk to the little lady into a Chevy instead of a Honda. Drove a new Malibu the other day and what a slick car. About $8,000 less than the comparable Honda. That right there made my choice before I even drove the thing.

Anyone that watches the show South Park will get this:

They took our jobs!
The good old USA is responsible for all the product coming into the USA, not the other countries that produce it. You mention Canada. Lots of cars and parts are made in Canada for the US market. Now lets talk about a bigger market, oil. I guess all the pipelines from Canada into the US should be shut off. Syncrude alone supplies 3 or 4 US refineries and then there's Suncor that provides a lot as well. You don't want to offend anyone but don't mind making a snide comment about the Chinese. Maybe the Chinese are smart and that's why there economy is doing better? Maybe it's American business owners that are greedy who out source to China and Mexico etc. Years ago everyone thought the Japanese stuff was junk. Now the big US auto makers are comparing their quality as high as Japan. There are some good products imported and some bad products but for the most part it's the USA that has allowed it. Dave
You already know the answer to that!!!!!!
The Chinese didn't know how to make our products until we showed them how and what we need.
Bail out or not, still better than buying something that is entirely made overseas. At least I'll be getting something for my extra tax dollars.
A buddy and I were auguring politics. I heckled him because of his Toyota and said buy USA. He said look where you Ford Crown Victoria is made. I did----Mexico. He got the last word, by saying his Toyota is made in USA and it is. Go Figure.
Think about this, we buy only products made in the USA, then we have to import half of China and Mexico to do the new work because we don't have enough people to fill all the new jobs.
Personally I would rather they make it over there than here.
In the 70s and 80s we had a mass migration of people from Mexico to do the farm labor, now it is almost all done by machines so these people have migrated back because of lack of work.
My friend victor is having trouble getting people to help with the Xmas trees this year. He even has his wife and kid helping with the trimming for the first time.
Countries ,Corporations it makes no difference. The ULTIMATE power is your wallet. Buy American and you will see the corporations and political policy that shipped our jobs overseas bring them back.IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!!!!!! And to the hand wringers, screw the other countries if our econ is growing and theirs for a change is not they will come around. We have forgotten that you can not nego. from a weak position either economic or militarily. .
No, they haven't. But they have been very careful to keep that option open. It's a fall back position.
That's a nice concept, but, corporate profit generally runs less than 10% and probably closer to 5% for a big manufacturer. So, do we buy the Toyota and keep 90% of the money here or do we buy the Crown Vic and keep the 5-10% percent here? It isn't as simple as we would like it to be.
I hate to disagree with a high school physics teacher but I really don't think a billion grasshopers would slow a train down. I mean really, how? Most train engines have 16 cylinders, each the size of a big garbage can and usually several engines are hooked together. I used to combine with a 750 Massey and although I never counted them it must have had a billion grasshopers on it several times and it never quit.
They get the track wet and slimy and the train wheels lose traction- I have seen this happen about 12-15 years ago, bad year for grasshoppers, the train has sand boxes to sand the track, -mike
Ya know, I was thinking about this very topic on the way home today. I picked up a utility light for my tractor and did not look at where it was made. It started to bother me that I hadn't looked and didn't know where it came from.
Then I thought to myself, is there an American (or at least North American) item made for every item made in China.........or more simply put, if we wanted to buy everything American made, could we? It is still possible.
Then I thought about some way that you could research what is and what is not. And there is a website usstuff.com where you can look and search alphabetically for any item you might be considering purchasing. I like that idea.

As regards the reason so much is made in China, greed plain and simple!
Buy cheap, sell at more profit.........trouble is we all support it because we all want the latest greatest gadgets and we all want 'em cheap! Consider for a moment all the things a cell phone will do..........internet surfing, video camera, text messaging, game system, GPS, the list goes on and on..........oh, and you can make phone calls with it too!
Consider 20 years ago.........even 10 years ago the price we were paying for a simple, basic analog cell phone...........consider what we can do with one now and the fact that we are, in a lot of cases paying less now than we did then...........how is that possible?
The biggest challenge is to realize that all these things we "need" to have are not really needs at all.........if we could get by with out all these so called conveniences we could likely cut out a LOT if not all of the stuff coming in from China...........is that ever gonna happen? Not a chance.
Just my $0.02.
Walt Said,
"Think about this, we buy only products made in the USA, then we have to import half of China and Mexico to do the new work because we don't have enough people to fill all the new jobs"
Already got most of the workers in from Mexico.

They want to close the border to keep em out so we have jobs. but as you say today's Students all want "hi tech" jobs and no physical labor so why close the gate when the cows are in, and content.

[DUCK !!!!!}
Good Point.
I very rarely go into a WalMart because of what it's done to the "small" busineses around Central Illinois - but the wife doesn't have any problem going to WalMart for simple things like toilet paper, etc. 20-25 years ago, they were an American company (Sam Walton) but NO more - profit/greed versus the way of life.

Just my 0.02
(quoted from post at 14:55:32 11/13/09) The money made on that ToyAuto goes to Asia. At least the Crown Vic profit stayed in America.
Actually more Toyota stock is owned by American banks then Ford. Currently Toyota is the only one who can claim that some of their cars are 100% American made. Strange as it may seem.
Isn't trade supposed to be a two way street. Consumers apparently wanted cheaper goods, they are getting them, they aren't likely made in USA. Get used to it!!! I am sure if I rummage around I can find lots of junk that was made in the USA. Small gas engines are one example that comes to mind. And yes, I wish Canada could shut off the pipelines from time to time. But I believe it's called TRADE. Sorry, this post pinched a nerve.
The big companies like Walmart,Coca-Cola,Proctor and Gamble,etc. are all looking to get listed on Chinese stock exchanges. So I guess you're really gonna starve.
Preaching "buy American" is about 30 years too late. You should have listened to the Auto unions when they told the population of the USA what was going to happen. The people didn't listen and it happened. Now the jobs are gone and the schools are crying for more money because the Auto plants are closed and the auto workers who made good money and paid the high taxes to support the schools are gone too. Now it's a case of too little too late. rw
My sister's 2006 Toyota Carolla said made 100% overseas when she bought it from the dealer.
So was the Highlander and scions displayed while I was there.
The 2nd war was futile then, they have achieved their aim through economics, remember when all the cheap parts were made in Japan, cost of living must have risen lately for I have seen Japanese Companies names on spare parts packaging shown as being manufactured in Indonesia.
(quoted from post at 10:05:47 11/13/09) Been doing this for a while. Trying to talk to the little lady into a Chevy instead of a Honda. Drove a new Malibu the other day and what a slick car. About $8,000 less than the comparable Honda. That right there made my choice before I even drove the thing.

Anyone that watches the show South Park will get this:

They took our jobs!

You might want to check on the malibu. I watched a show the other night on the great All-American sports car, the new Camaro. Even the engine is made in Canada, as well as most of the rest of it, and it is assembled there.too.
I went to buy a Honda trash pump 2 month ago. Made in TAIWAN!!!!!!! WTF A nice little 5 hp pump, i mean the quality was there but come on. HONDA made in Taiwan, wonder if some of their cars or parts are made there..

Take care all
Ya old dinosaur we are now in a global market ,so anymore made in the USA really means nothing anymore ,now look at your vehicle how much of it was made outside the country .If you buy cars like dryer sheets I bet you walk everywere .

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