Some people...I showed great restraint today


Well-known Member
Don't you hate it when your in line to get gas and the person at the pump takes as much time as humanly possible before moving and appears to be totally oblivious that you might want to fill up too? I was close to telling a bus driver to hurry up and get out of the way. I was going to get my other truck and bring the skid steer home for snow removal. I stopped and filled up a jerry can for the truck and then proceeded to go around the corner to the diesel pump. At the same time a school bus pulled up to the pump so I had to wait. I watched the woman driver for about 5 minutes fooling around inside the bus with a bunch of papers. I thought perhaps someone else was filling the bus and got out to look. The hose was still on the hook and about 30 seconds later the driver finally started filling the bus. She went in to pay and had to know I was waiting, and when she came out she did a complete once around of the bus and finally got in. Did she pull ahead so I could fill up? No, she went in, put her papers on one of the seats, picked up a broom and swept out the front of the bus, took her gloves off and eventually pulled ahead. Of course she was looking straight ahead trying to act like she didn't know I as waiting. I felt like telling her she should be a passenger and not the driver. Then she might learn something called courtesy. Man that ticked me off. Dave
I know just what you are saying. I still can't figure why it takes so long to put on a seat belt and start the car and leave. Stan
Seems like I always get behind the creepy old guy that likes to be a stalker to the young girl working in the quick stop. Stands at the counter trying to wow her with all of his brilliance while the rest of us wait for him to move his car ahead.
I get my people skills tested and tempered every day at work.....As far as a gasstation we have one on post that is also the convenience store and very seldom is there a dedicated gas register. People will either shop before paying or get in the longest line and talk with someone. I never say anything if it's a soldier, but if it's a civilian or an employee (jabbering) that is holding up the progress, I'll raise he!!.

I don't know the state of things where you are, but around here they still let you fill up and then go inside to pay. This all works fine until someone moves to get out of the way and then the new cashier flips out when the pump hasn't been cleared and someone else turns it on to get gas. If you are in that big of a hurry, you probably should have left 15 minutes earlier. And if something kept you from doing just that, don't try to take it out on the rest of us. We all have things to do, jobs to do, and lives to live.
Where did I mention that I minded her going in to pay? My beef was with all the other crap she was doing which made me have to wait a lot longer than necessary. She didn't have to fiddle and fart around with the other stuff while stopped at the pump. It was very inconsiderate. I had already filled up a jerry can with gas and was waiting to get diesel so I could pay both at the same time. I couldn't just drive away and this was the only place to get diesel on the way to my land. As far as gas pumps go, there is a register inside and they have to reset it before the next person can fill up. It also keeps track of previous fill ups in case the station is busy. Dave
I'm with you Dave. I always try to be considerate of others and rarely say anything to those who are not. With bus drivers you have to be aware of who they are. A bus company in my area was fined last year for not paying min. wage. When I went for my TT license a few years back the DOT inspector went on a 20 min rant during my road test about his disdane for bus drivers and the companies that they work for. While most bus drivers are very competent and some I have known are the very salt of the earth, there are many that give the company no more than the minimum that they pay for.
In town here, alot of stations do not have diesel, and if they do, it is only 1 pump. When I had my diesel FedEx truck, I always tried to get out of there as soon as I was done. I was paying at the pump anyway, so no big deal. Of course, if someone got there right as I did, they did not feel the same way! Greg
Had a cute little thing drive in front of me and cut me off at a pump last week.
Yea, its bad, but learn to live with it.
The first time I laid on by back with all those wires running to test machines caused me to do some deep thinking about life. I learned to be worthless and not get too excited.
I was in line to get gas ,,older gal ahead of me . She went in to pay ,,,took forever . Another pump opened up ,I went in ,there she was sitting and having a sandwich . I politely told her she was still parked in front of the pump ,,gave me the deer in the headlights look . I make it a point to fill up ,then pull up to the station to pay ,freeing up the pump asap . Unless it's one of those places with tons of pumps . I don't like waiting on people who go in to pay then shop mess around ,,and I don't like folks waiting on me
My biggest rub is the people that pull into a station and park in front of the pumps and usually block at least 2. Then get out and go inside, buy what they want and leave never having bought any fuel. Doesn't matter that there are 12 empty parking spaces off to the side for shoppers (and 4 are handicap).
I dont know how many pumps a Flying J Truck Stop has maybe 20.Most of the time they are full.I think some drivers leave the truck in front of the pumps and go in and get a shower,eat dinner,make phone calls instead of pay for the fuel and park.Some of them will do an inspection after they pump the fuel instead of parking and then doing their inspection.I saw 2 drivers get in a fight on the fuel island last summer because one told the other one to pull up.The one not wanting to pull up did quickly after getting hit in the face a few times.Seems like whatever he was messing around doing wasnt all that important once the guy behind him got violent but in 15 years of driving thats the first time I ever saw that happen.Also trucks were backed out in the street waiting to get in to fuel.You hardly ever see that either.
Dave, I never knew there was so many inconsiderate people on this board. People, just get your gas and get the he11 out of the way.
I try to not hold anybody up.
Just the way I was raised. Mark
I had a guy one time, at the TA right across from our terminal, knock my taillights out because he was waiting on me for a half hour to move. I scaled before I fueled, and I had not had my scale ticket in hand for 20 minutes. He backed away from a truck two pumps over to pull onto the one I was on when I pulled up. I took a leak, grabbed a pizza (off the shelf) and got a root beer. The TA's mechanics saw him and called over to the office, I couldn't see him do it because of the angle. Then the retard started riding my bumper yelling about not doing a pre-trip. So I took several pictures of his plates and ID numbers as he went by. Had those mechanics got my attention he would have waited on a police report to be filed before he left.

It's one thing to park at the fuel island when their is parking available, but good luck finding parking after 6 at Wytheville, VA. I had one of my fellow company drivers start yelling at me after I came out from taking a leak about parking at the pump and how this guy behind me was there for 20 minutes waiting. I gave him the bird, I was on the LAST PUMP, it wouldn't have been that difficult to back way and go around if they were in that much a hurry.

It was 11 at night and there were 4 open pumps closer to the building.
Honest to God,I think I've been behind that same bus driver at the local BP! Is there some kind of class where they teach them to act like that?

Only thing you forgot was the part where she came back out with a slice of pizza and a soda and sat there eating her lunch!
I understand, Dave. I'm a pretty low key guy, but outright selfishness always just is so - rude.

I think some here don't quite get the point.

The world doesn't center around me me me.

Be polite to others, go about your business, but think a little bit about others. Parking a car at a gas pump & then shopping inside or eating a sandwitch inside is just plain rude.

Being a little older, or a little slower, or having one of those days than nothing is happening quite on time - that happens to everyone & I understand. I'm sure we all understand.

It's when one is so focused on themselves, that they never see what they are doing to make others wait on them - that's just rude.

I was waiting to get into the only diesel pump at a gas station once, I had a trailer on my truck as well. I was waiting patiently while this lady went in to pay, after about 10 minutes she comes out with a doughnut and pop in hand, which she proceeds to eat in her car without moving from the pump, then she honks her horn expecting me to back up so she can pull forward, oblivious of the fact that if I did back up, my trailer would have to go out into the street and block two lanes of traffic. I decided to pull forward instead, when my front bumber touched hers, she finally got the idea that she better get out of my way or I was going to push her out. Still pisses me off to this day.
This sounds like a serious situation. You might oughta contact your buddy o'bummer to see if there is some way he can get the government to step in and deal with this problem.
Worst thing nowadays is every place around around here is pre pay, so people have to guess how much there tank needs go in and pay.If they over guess they have to go back in for change, then the need to buy everything under the sun, or suddenly have to go! While were waiting. Its also not easy to get into some of the stations around here with a truck and 18ft trailer.
I had a guy once pumping gas while we waited behind him, sob goes in to pay, we wait, comes out to his truck and decides to figure out his gas mileage sitting right next to the pump. I finally got out and told him to get the hell out of the way. Would you believe a guy on the other side of the pumps say what happened and started yelling at me... j
I love when i get my gas and am done by the time the next guy gets his card out. I ussually see how much faster i can go. Some people don't have any skill at anticipating what they will need to do to get gas. It's not like every station is that much different.
I hate it when there are 20 pumps and only one is diesel/gas and some guy blocks the only diesel pump while there are the other 19 gas pumps open. Its like are you that oblivious to things. A friend of mine in highschool said she would always get yelled at for blocking the diesel pump, until she grabbed the diesel nozzle to fill up her car. One time there was a lady parked at the diesel pump car was parked and not filling up, i waited for at least 10 min then i backed around so i could reach the nozzle with my truck and started filling up. She came out when i was about done and started yelling at me. I was like i'm about done, you shouldnt have been blocking the diesel pump. I get my card out while waiting, or when i know i'm going to be filling up, jump out of truck get fuel going, as soon as i'm done, I pull out and then take care of anything else so everyone else can fill up.
I went to get some diesel at walmart last week and a van load of black women parked at the diesel pump and were all using the restroom.I sat there 15 minuites waiting for all of them to finish, then walk slow to the van,load up and pull away.
A friend of mine manages a big station.He said the people who fill up then park before paying sometimes walk around in the store then leave without paying.It's usually older people with campers.
I can see your point and it is valid.
My pet peeve is when you pay first as required at most self serves they do all their shopping before pumping gas, or like you say if they can pump first wont move the car.

I have seen instances where the clerk though 1 pump was paid and opened it for another costumer in line though and wrongfully turning it on and causing a line up.
Happens to me all the time.About 2 years ago I was 200 miles from home and needed diesel in an area where towns are pretty far apart..Theres only one place in this town that sells diesel and I fill there several times a year.A car from another state was sitting at the diesel pump with no one around.You cant even get to the other side with a trailer on.

A local guy was ahead of me in a Ford Powerstroke with a trailer and we visited for about 15-20 minutes.No one showed up so when a clerk came out to smoke we told her that she'd better tell whomever owned that car to come move it quickly because we had a log chain ready to pull it out of the way.

The owner finally came out there,never said I'm sorry, and then tried to visit with us but we told him to move it or else.He got huffy and left.What should have taken 15 minutes took over 45 minutes.It caused me to run in to a terrible storm less than 25 miles from home.

When I went in to pay for the diesel one of the clerks told me that the guy blocking the pump was telling jokes and thought that he was real cute.They would have loved to seen us drag his car out of the way since he was rude.

At our local truck stop they have one aisle for diesel pickups and trailers but it has gas too and you always have to wait..One day it was raining and a girls softball team was using the aisle to rearange some equipment and I had to wait 15 minutes for them while the 5 gas aisles were all empty.

Our Walmart and most of our local convenience stores have their diesel pumps located to where a pickup pulling a gooseneck trailer cant even get in and out of them.Getting diesel is a real pain most of the time with so many inconsiderate people around!
Walt ; are you saying that all the stations are full service ??...haven't seen that in Miss. since the 60's...Kent
You are exactly right - it is rude and inconsiderate to take your sweet time getting out of the way. Sometimes I wish I had a push bumper - I would just give them a shove out into traffic then see how fast they could get started and in gear!
I was waiting on the only diesel pump at a local station with a powerstroke and Kuhn 2-wheel PTO rake on a gooseneck, when this car with a couple girls from the local college pulled up behind the truck I was waiting on. He was facing me and I could only get into the pump one way, and they seemed to think they needed that pump. I went and told them I was waiting on the other guy to leave because I needed to use the diesel pump, she got a dumb look on her face, and went to an open gas pump.
As long as this thread is raggin' on bus drivers, here is mine. In this school district every school bus immediately moves into the left/fast lane & goes slow. ????
Somebody has to be telling them to do that...way too consistent. Talk about whizzing off all the other drivers! :x
(quoted from post at 07:30:40 12/04/09) Sounds like you had a pretty good day if this was the worst thing that happened to you all day.

That's kinda my thinking.
As a Veteran and cancer survivor as well as a Senior citizen..SOME things just don't matter any more...But you are right ...people have NO consideration for someone else...makes me thihk they grew up on another planet....Charles

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