Job at Tractor Shop

Roy in Ga

I posted some time back that I found part time work. Some said that maybe it will turn into full time work,the man that is running the shop has decided to retire at 75 years old and I have been given the opp. to take over the shop. I am still learning about tractors so you can bet that i will be here looking for advice and help on many aspects of tractor repair. The owner said he would like me to make a career of it so I think he is impressed with my work. Thanks in advance for any help I may need
The owner asked me about a helper and I told him I would rather wait and see how things go.I know you were just kidding but the motorcycle shop in the same building has a helper and we kinda help each other with special tools and a hand when needed.
Im glad that it worked out to your benefit, I should be heading into that part of buisness when i graduate with a john deere power tech degree, Either 2 or 4 year

Good luck and if you ever need any advice, All your friends here at YT will help ya out
Walt, don't say that...this poor guy has a sensitivity problem as it is...this whole post goes poof pretty soon now, I predict.
I understand how you feel I have worked on equipment and mostly automobiles since about 12 years old my father had a shop for a short time where I started tinkering. I know I will have some issues finding some solutions but on a side note the current shop foreman told me it is nice to have someone in there that understands machinery.
ALL your post are negative and I didn't report it I feel sorry for you as you have to come on here and try to pick a fight.Walter had some constructive criticism and I responded appropriately.Have a good night
Great luck. I'm in kinda the same situation only the owner is now the wife of the one running it and the first thing that would have to be done is fire the other relatives that dont do their share. It'll never work so I just keep my head down and be pridfull of my own work.
yeah whatever, Roy. ALL BS ASIDE, I sincerely do wish you luck on your new job. I hope it turns into something very rewarding$.
Never knew of very many who started at the top other than the son of the owner-so it is one day at a time and when you have a job that is beyond what you feel that would not be your best effort pass. When you are looking to hire from my experience the one's who tell you they will do you a good job is best to keep looking. Let the group here know how it is going in about a year. Should be lots of equipment repair with the todays cost for new ones.

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