OT That Wasn't Any Fun At All!!


Well-known Member
Nasty weather here in eastern Ia & western Ill. Weather guessers calling for lots of snow and then the wind started about 10am. Wife and I both made it to work OK. She gets off at 2 and I get off at 2:30. She calls me at 2:30 and said she was just ready to turn off of the blacktop onto our gravel road, wasn't too bad. 2:35 she calls me, I'm stuck in a drift, I can see the house, should I try to walk home? I said stay in the car and keep warm till I see if I can get there. I came in the back way, blasted thru some good drifts with the 2wd pickup but made it home. Put on more clothes and got the 1850 and blade and chain and went to try to rescue her. She was about a short 1/8th mile from home. Had to back up to the car and pull snow away with the blade and cleaned a path out on the road. Shoveled snow away from the front of the car and finally found some metal to hook chain onto. I told her to put it in drive and if the car moved, give it a little gas to help me out. Pulled it right out, car was on top of the drift. I lead her home and put the tractor away. I don't think we will be going to work tomorrow till the snow plow goes by. Be Careful Out There!!! Chris
We got 12 -15 inches with 25 - 40 mph winds today .... stay home and got the driveway open ..the weatherman just said it's -11 below wind factor ... and getting COLDER as the sun goes down ... Roads are ice to snow pack 100% ... this is in central Iowa ..
DON"T go out ...
The weather man just said that we received 17" of snow along with a lot of wind in SW Wisconsin. Tonight it will get down to 0 degrees. Absolutely no temperature. :eek:)
Yuck! You"re right, that wasn"t any fun.

October was unseasonably warm and the wettest month I can ever remember (20+ inches). November was about normal, but looks like we"re in for a colder than normal winter.

If we get any of that white stuff, we stay home.
We got "Lucky" Chris,
Didn't have the snow last night but rain - things were frozen this morning. BUUUTTT has been cold and windy all day.
Keep telling billonthefarm to put up the snow fences near Farmington and it worked last night - now you have to gettum up by the Quad Cities!
If you and James are looking for a vacation, you could always come to Illinois and look at the horses! Stop by the house in Peoria for 4 wheeler rides and then we will all go up to glennsters Bed and Breakfast!

We got about 10 inches of snow dumped on us yesterday, and 30 to 40 mph winds over night and today. The wind disappeared the middle of this afternoon, but snowplows won't be out until tomorrow morning because our stupid Coundy Road Dept. has a written policy of only plowing snow between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. No Saturdays or Sundays.

Neither my wife nor I made it to work yesterday or today. I suspect plenty of he11 will be raised over that plowing policy. I'd raise Cain myself, but due to political maneuvering I won't bore you with, I'm in no position to pi$$ off the County Commissioners right now.

BTW, while I'm on the subject, I'm now eating copious amounts of crow over a comment I made a week or so about SUV's wherein I said I couldn't remember the last time I used a 4wd pickup because I absolutely had to have 4wd. A couple of times today I was darned glad I had 4wd.

Who was it said, "Time wounds all heels"?
I was up near Wisconsin in Illinois about that time working at a place that had a large screen mounted on the wall behind me that I wasn't paying any attention to. I don't know what made me tun around and look, but when I did there was this really huge snow storm looked like an avelanche about to leap out of the screen at me taking place just about right where you said you were and my next stop was Joliet. That sure got my attention..."See ya later but not later today, gotta go, been nice, I'm out of here, goodbye" and I scrammed. When I got to Joliet was flurries, windy as all get out, and all of that rain that didn't used to be frozen was frozen. Worst of all? It aint even winter yet. On a positive note, I heard on the radio that the days start getting longer in a couple of weeks. I sure can't wait until global warming sets in just the same.

Stay warm, drive safe.

Still blowin' and snowin' here in South central MI. Supposed to get down to 14F tonight. Maybe it'll be better by tomorrow night.

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