pics from around the neighborhood


Farmington IL
Christmas day started with pouring rain and creeks and rivers rising quickly. It has been raining for a couple days.

I started chores at 4 this afternoon and we now have a white christmas.


The winter backdrop makes for nice pictures. A couple of the critters happy to see me.


These calves quickly figured out what it means when my truck pulls in the barn lot.


The snow isnt coming down hard, just showers for the most part. At the same time the creeks are out of their banks and the Spoon river and Illinois river are both starting to flood.


When I stand in the door they look to see if I have a bucket, they know that good things come from the bucket.


Unfortunatly harvest is still not complete here. Guys have been doing their best but the weather isnt helping at all. This is not a uncommon sight. I'm sure I could find a thousand acres of corn to harvest in our township. This is FAR AND AWAY the most unharvested crop I have evern seen this late in the year.


Wrigley inspecting a field of unharvested corn.


Just a picture looking out accross the windswept prarie as the mercury falls and the snow comes down.


Merry christmas everybody from wrigley and myself! Hope you had a wonderfull holiday.
As we all start to look forward to the begining of another year lets hope that those with the completion of harvest still in front of them are able to wrap things up before we begin 2010.
thanks for the nice pics.
as you still are trying to harvest I have already started my new tomato crop in my 2 acre greenhouse.
have a good new year
Merry Christmas to you and your family and Wrigley.

Thanks for the great pictures you have shared during 2009. Please keep them coming in 2010.
Thanks for the picutres Bill and hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas.

We went down to the folks in Lincoln yesterday and I'm sure they had more water standing in the fields than we have around here. Almost all the crops are out and some fall tillage done.

Sure hope 2010 is better than this past year!

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