yt sensors naughty word list


Well-known Member
could the yt staff against free speach please print a list of the words that bring up an error. Seems anything besides dog, cat, car,tractor brings up an error even though the message contains no profane, obscene or improper words.
Seems like the term for "a threaded fastener with a slotted head" catches a lot of folks. But I don't believe there is an actual list...some days, it seems it's just whatever they think will trip up folks the most.
Free speech takes a battering, but why do you want to push the envelope?. use some !@#$%, Good to see billingsgate utterances are controlled.
There are all the BAD words that you cant (should never use) in front of a lady, and you can NEVER say in church.

Then there are words that are ethnic based like Ja3, Jems, and the like, you notice that I had to misspell them, and there is words like 8itch and 8astard that you cant say either.

I agree that the profanity should be filtered out, I would hate to see the F-word used and other bad words and have kids reading it, not to mention that I work in a shop and hear these words ten times a day and I dont need to read it on this site.
some guys use offensive swear words in this forum, and mispell them or disguise them. There is NO need for any offensive language on this site. I find it childish.
I'm glad to see a lot of that stuff filtered out here.
No I don't think it's limiting anyone's freedom of speech as you can always go to some place like Craigslist or start your own forum and swear to your heart's content.
I've always thought a guy who uses a lot of profanity was just too lazy to use better words.
And as others have said, misspelling or mixing the words around to get your swearwords past the filter is just plain childish.
Keep up the good work admin's. This is a tractor board. There are plenty of political discussion forums for that crud.
This is a "tractor" board????????????

90 per cent of the topics here are OT..
The minute someone says anything negative about the ONE...poof goes the thread.
I post regular here, and I think that only twice in 5 or 6 years has it bounced my words. Makes me wonder what your every day speech is like. If you are having problems, clean it up.
I am not trying to post swear words,It makes sense that to limit that, once I tried asking about the grain/livestock checkoffs and it blocked me.
When i was an industrial arts teacher there were technical words I did not use. One was for a certain cut of a file, another was a punch like a center punch with a sharper angle, and the names for internal threads and external threads. also a type of hinge and a tool for marking the gains for the above hinge.
Based upon starting the thread with the insult "YT free speech police", just what kind of answer do you expect from them? We are guests here.....their turf, their rules.
Yesterday I repeatedly tried replying to the Tool Talk forum regarding Chr ! s t mas tool gifts, and kept getting a blank screen back. This was the title of the thread, and I couldn't understand it not going thru. I even sent a post to determine if I had a computer problem, now this makes sence. Thanks

There is one way--post your replay into a text editor or word processor, take a screenshot and edit it to a jpg, like this:

Or the past one.

It got really nasty politically on here around 2000. I left for a couple of years over it.
nnalert, external_link, crook, thief, socialist, pinko and leftist are on top of that list.
stuck my greeting last week, reminds of a saying

The trouble with self made men, is that they worship thir maker.
I get the error screen pulled on me often,usually after a long bad words.Next time it happens Ill quit the forum.

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