O/T Pondering What To Do :(

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
All the muscles of my left hand have really been giving me fits lately. Always swollen up first thing in the morning and when I move my fingers, it hurts.

Wife says that it is the guitar that's causing it and that I should just get rid of the problem.

Hate to though, she's such a good cook. :>)

Yo Allan, Thats like the signs you see where some good ol boy redneck dude is shopping for a wife and notes she must own a boat and it says send picture of boat !!!!!!!!! Or the Country song "Im sure gonna miss her"

Happy Pickin

John T
Maybe you should stay awake some night to see what you're doing with your hand that causes it to swell up. Maybe take some anti-swelling medicine at bed time, but definately keep the Guitar.
Oh for sure,

Been there and done that when I was a boy. Other hand tho.

Wow! does that ever hurt and feels like you have sandpaper in your ligaments. :>(

Well, I'll soon be 70. I have some swelling issues that occur during the day.(feet and ankles). but the swelling is always gone by morning. Doctor said it could be caused by too much salt in my died or heart not pumping right. As long al it is gone by morning, not to worry. Seriously, you should have it checked out. Our bodies have a way of telling us things, but we have to be aware of the signs. Surely, you don't want to give up the guitar, that would be a shame.
Thats just the way it is. Not much you can do except pills from a good doctor. Playing probably doesn't cause it, may even be good for it. Move to a dry, warm place. It will get worse..ask me how I know.

Seriously. Ibuprofin at bed time and again in the morning will help with the swelling and pain. Probably should go see the medicne man too.
I have RA had it for years runs in the family. Cold damp weather no sunshine will set it off. You really need to see a good doctor who knows about RA although it could be AA which is not very easy to help other than new joints. Or it could be CTS to help that get two 1 gallon jugs filled up with water and pull them straight up which will stretch the ligaments out. Also back off what ever is causing the problem for awhile rest is good for all three ailment.
I have been on Clineral for about 25 years now it really helps a lot and is much better on the stomach. Although there are other drugs you just have to try them all to see which will help you the most.
Don't take aspirin or Ibuprofen they are both hard on the stomach no need to cure one problem by adding another.
Wait till you get to 77. Just kidding its my legs that bother me at times. My hands are pretty big for the rest of me guess it was from milking all those cows when I was a kid. So far no problems with my hands. Hal
Aspirin is a valuable tool in combating many illnesses involving pain. To just make a blanket statement "don't take aspirin" is disingenuous to say the least. My dad had rhumatoid arthritis (knee joints) and took 2 aspirins four times a day for about 50 years. (After meals). Yes, he had 4 meals a day. Never bothered him at all and it was the most effective pain medication for him. Yes, he did try others on doctor's recommendations but always experienced side effects or less effectiveness. Aspirin does bother some people. Then, don't take it. Best to take it after meals.
I second the carpal tunnel. An uncle of mine had that in both wrists several years ago. Same symptoms as you are having. It got so bad he could hardly stand it and finally went and had them rootered out. He says he should have had it done years ago, eliminated all the pain and swelling.
I know I shouldn't, but I have taken 800 mg. (prescription)of IBU 3-4 times a day for about ten years now. Doctor says limit it to 3 times, but a lot of days I go 4. Always take with food. Taking aspirin or other over the counter pain relievers for me is just like taking a sugar pill and does nothing. All the other high power stuff has too many side effects and makes me feel worse than the original pain, so I have just stayed with the IBU. The cold and damp weather this winter is making it rough.
Have you tried Aleve? I get no results from aspirin (taken 1 a day for fifteen yrs)or tylenal. I have trouble with both hands and my ankles. I take one before I go to bed and it will last for about five hours of sleep. Sometimes take one during the day too. Len
Well, I'm right handed and used to have the same problem with my right hand, but I fixed it though. I went out and got me a girlfriend. It sure solved that problem, but created a whole lot of others. I guess we can't have everything, now can we?

My right hand is the one that bothers me. It is from playing to many computer games. I rest it awhile and then it is ok for awhile.

If you rest your hand for the same amount of time that the recovery time is for surgery, it will probably be ok without having the surgery.
I would like to add that if you have the surgery and then continue to do what caused the initial problem, the problem will most likely return.

Thanks for giving us a chance to send some advice your way for a change! I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I bought a brace at Walmart that looks like a bowlers wrist brace. Wear it when sleeping only and the problem goes away. If I don't wear it, I'm awake within two hours lookin' for it. A cheap try for a fix.

Good luck

Allan, Try wearing a brace at night. One that keeps you hand straight. You might be making a fist when you are sleeping. I tend to make a fist with both hands and they fall asleep. Have you ever tried to shut off the alarm clock when both hands are asleep?

Good Luck!
I used to wear gloves and industrial sleeves on my arms at night. Helps. Might scare the daylights out of your new girlfriend. Also don't lay on your arms. Might try glass of milk or bananas in your diet. Ain't no fun, I'll tell you.
Try some heat, I use "Author X" it is a roll on and helps, do the blood work to see if you need Testim. That helped my joints as much as anything.
I respect all the feed back Allan, but that is what doctors are for. They get paid to tell you to slow down and behave.
Course, they just might kinda find something else....
Get your backside to the doc.

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