OT: Kids???


We preach constantly to our high school kids, "Don't make bad choices ... Don't make bad choices" over and over again, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Only our junior and senior students are able to get parking permits. When school let out today. a young lady tore out across the parking lot to, I'm sure, try to beat the buses out of the parking lot. All traffic stops when the 35 or so buses start moving, so it takes a few minutes for traffic to clear out after the buses leave. She decided to take a shortcut behind the last bus in line and clips the back bumper of the bus. She kept going. It appears only the paint was scuffed on the bus, but if the bus driver felt it on a partially loaded bus, no telling what it did to the car. They had a description of the car, but no license number. When I left a few minutes later, there were five constables and several school personnel there. They had brought another bus to take the kids from the involved bus. They had the driver's log, and were filling out forms. They will be checking all the cars in the parking lot tomorrow, and in all probability, the car will eventually be found. If it's found, at the very least, she will probably be charged with leaving the scene of an accident, and certainly will lose her parking privileges for the remainder of the year. Why don't people stop and think?? I guess that's why we call them teenagers, but I'm glad I'm not in her shoes right now.
back when i was in high school, [ and thats a long time back] dad solved the teen driver problem for me and my sister, we were allowed to have any car we wanted-when we earned the money by ourself to buy it, and thats BUY it not make payments on it, we were required to insure it, maintain it and buy our own gas and parts, he would help us install any needed parts and offer advise, both me and sis owned our own roadworthy cars by the time we turned 18 , these cars did get parked from time to time when one of us did not have enough money saved for gas or insurance, if parents would go back to this method, it would A relieve parking lot overcrowding , B give the teen a taste of just how hard it is to afford to have a car and keep it up, thereby teaching the value of money, instill in the teen the work ethic so often lacking totaly in the modern teen, [ you must work to get the money to do anything or buy anything]
A few years back my friend's son led 2 sheriff's cars and 1 hi-way patrol on a high speed chase. Two months later my friend said he put his foot down and replaced the Z28 with a "NEW" Silverado to end hot rodding. Boy oh boy,that sure taught the boy a lesson. Need I tell you that his now 30 year old son is still a lazy pita.
Have a friend who"s daughter complained to him a few years back about "engine/transmission" problems with her car...don"t remember the make.....She claimed the problem happened during normal, everyday driving. He drove it several times and never could get the car to give any problems. This went on for several weeks so he finally decided to take it to a local shop owned by a freind of his. The friend put the car on the computer and the both got a real suprise. The car was actually giving problems, she was right in that respect...thing is the problem was only occuring while the engine was turning something like 6000RPM in first gear, while waiting to be manually shifted through the rest of the gears into drive. Funny thing he asked her twice again when the problem occured after taking the car to the shop and got the same answer each time. He finally had to confront her with the computer printout showing log of the conditions of the various components when the problem occured for her to admit that she was attempting to do burnouts with it.

Oh well we were all young and dumb once. The main thing is that some of us learned our lessons, grew up, and got smarter while some just never really grew up and/or just got dumber...
What I really dont understand are parents at these private schools. They will buy their kids a brand new Mercedes or BMW and when they total it like lots of kids do their parents will buy them a new one. My brother and I both drove vehicles that were handed down from our parents. We took care of them. I would never buy my kid a brand new car, and especially one that is worth more than all of the vehicles i have ever owned combined. I know when my cousin started driving, I never knew you could drive that fast in reverse down a drive way.
More like why did your parents let you drive? You can't sit there and tell me you never did anything stupid when you were a young driver. If you are telling me that you were probably "Hall Monitor" in school or a liar. It is only different because as parents and hopefully now more mature love our kids and are scared to death of the hurt their antics can cause. My kids don't know ¼ of the things I did and hopefully never will.
One of he worse thing parents can do to a kid is give them something. They just expect more. When they are made to earn it, they will respect it and take care of it. That's where those kids raised on a working farm have an advantage over the urban kids. Most farm kids know how to work.We don't teach responsibility any more. And no, this is a poor school district. The precinct constables provide security, so it was done by the book in this case.
Pitch, I hear ya, these kids today do not hold a candle to what I used to do....the difference is I paid for my own muscle cars and the up keep, by doing so I learned the mechanic trade and it has made me a good life. We spent all our waking moments either in the shop or on the road...did not really know much about t.v.
Well I can tell a different story here. When dropping off the little one at school it's the parents that drive the craziest. The ones who drive minivans are the worst. They think they own the road and i've had to pull over to the ditch to avoid them. Why should the kids act better than the parents?
Not budget overflowing- trying to protect against lawsuits. If something happened with that bus later that day, even if un-related, the parents would sue so quick your head would spin. "The accident caused it, why did they put the kids on a safe bus instead of the accident damaged bus".... no common sense needed to make decisions anymore, thanks to the idoits and the lawyers they retain.
When I went to High School, in the 50's, no one !
drove ! The only cars in the parking lot were
those of teachers ! Town kids WALKED! Country
kids rode the school bus.(in my case 1 1/2 hours)
Sure am glad I never did anyhting stupid with a car 30+ years ago. ha ha I like to think my difference is that I grew up. Many parents are truly the maniacs in the parking lots and on the roads. I'm sooo tired of having to wait when the light turns green while Mrs mocha-latte fat a$$ runs the light in her 47,000$ escalade. Or driving for 45 mins. going 5 over the limit with Mr halogen headlight silverado 1 1/2 ft behind me, pi$$ed because I'm not going 15 over the limit like I'm "supposed" to. From what I see the teens are the "safe" drivers.
I agree with I don't think high school kids should drive to school. When I went to school in the 50's they didn't have a parking lot for students if they drove they had to park on street. Only a few could afford cars. Most had rich parents. but even then they didn't get to drive every day. My personal thought on driving is I don't think they should be able to drive until they have completed high school or 18 years old.
I have a 1992 ford ranger with a 4 cylinder in it with over 300,000 on it and I have out run the cops twice. I am 28 and we get the cops to chase us for fun these days. You should come to my place if you want to learn to drive. NO one rides with me because they cant stomach it. You old guys think your so tough, I could tell stories that would make a nascar driver puke.
We all did dumb things in our youth, and haven't totally eliminated that flaw in our character yet, even those of us who have been around forever....lol. And yes, some parents drive like maniacs, setting a very poor example for our youth. Oh well....
I am not saying all teen agers are that way,but most of them are,
1. in a hurry to go some where
2. Not thinking
3. got there head in the phone {CELL Phone}
4. not paying attition
5. dont care
6. or rud and inconsiderat It is a shame but they are. This takes me to a question that my two children asked not to long ago, they ask Dad why dont you say mutch to us any more if we do somthing wrong, My answer was.I have tryed talking to you when you were younger and you did not listen then so what makes me think you are going to listen now, and now that you are older you can learn the hard way. Thats life and I still tell them that I love them.end of story.
Never got into trouble driving first car- had to raise a couple hogs to pay for it and gas was out of earnings baling hay or cultivating. Only time car went into ditch was very slow trying to herd loose pigs back into field with fence break. Other damage was somebodies halloween prank- sent him to hospital a couple days. Motorcycle on the other hand --had a few speeding tickets with T500 Titan. R69, holiday traffic and Jack Daniels not a good combination. The term "getting plastered" for being drunk must have come from the resulting casts on body. Now the younguns aren't getting drunk as much but those eargrowths (cell phones) are worse for other drivers- last fall car backed out of parking spot and hit back of old van, car got the worst of it, driver got out carrying phone and says- "have to call you back, somebodies blocking me now", sigh. Makes me wish for old hot rodders who kept eye out for traffic and police. RN
We had a kid like you in town last year. Speeding showing off. Killed his self and three other kids. Hope you make it to 29

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