Not a good way to start the day

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Coming in to work from the GF's house this morning. East bound on I 94 just east of Rogers MN.
Traffic doing about 30 mph due to snow and icy roads. Moron in front of me decides to change lanes then thinks better of it and hits the brakes. I backed off the gas and instantly lost traction. Totally out of control! Missed one car and nicked another as I careened towards the ditch.
Snow banks are real high and almost solid ice.
Hit the bank at an angle and the pickup turned over on it's top. Uggh!
Had to crawl out of the broken driver's window.
Both of my truck boxes emptied their contents. Tools everywhere buried in the snow.
Moron who caused it never stopped of course.
I'd hate to be the highway mowing tractor next few years. Lost about 15 lbs of nails and screws scattered in the snow.
Cop was a total jerk. Smart mouth and a bully. (as usual) Wrote me a ticket for failure to use due caution. I will fight it.
06 Chevy 4x4 3/4 ton. Dunno if it's totaled or not yet.
Called my ins. agent and he had seen it on tv news. He told me he hoped it wasn't one of his customers. Was sorry to disappoint him...
Got a stiff neck and a couple of cuts from broken glass. Little dog was with me and wasn't too happy about the ride but we both walked away ok.
In a way I hope it's totaled - who wants a wrecked/fixed truck.
In a way I hope they fix it - can't afford another one right now.
Hadn't even had breakfast yet. But just got home and it's after noon already.
I'm hungry.
Hope you all have a better day.
unfortunate for you Sir..

I have traveled that route also, from near Foley to Mpls. daily when I worked for Mc Crossan building highways and demolishing them with a crane, in 2001

Friend of mine who use to commute daily finally had to quit commuting as the traffic was just too much, he lived near me,and often traveled to Bloomington, so he bought a travel trailer and started stying on the jobs all week,and head home on wknds.

hope you recover well,and glad the doggie is alright,I have often though how my two dogs would fare in a wreck, as I try to take them with me to work as much as I can, I work with swimming pools now, and 95% of the home owners are "pet friendly", and I luv seeing all the pet pics here too, have gotten to know Wriggly by now, lol...


We both now its not wirght:and yes there are some
big headed cops out their trying to get a notch in his pistol belt.I am glad you and your pup is ok. But my son would say this, every thing will buff out sooner or later: TAKE CARE and STAY SAFE
Sorry to hear about your bad day. I got slammed from the rear by a girl on a cell phone Dec 23. I was stopped at a light and she hit three cars before a nice older couple was forced into me. Mine was the only car that could be repaird. I had 11,000 on my 08 3/4 duramax and the old folks behind me had only 500 miles on their first ever new car. A chevy aveao. It was up under my rear axle. One split lip was the only injury. Big pain in the back side but the girl that started it had GMAC insurance and they paid off for the whole thing.
You gotta find another way to work for bad weather days, so you can stay off of I94. I drive from west of Buffalo to Mpls. every day, and I take back roads as much as possible. I drive Hwy55 from Buffalo to Rockford, and saw 3 cars in the ditch between. Got a nice view of the underside of a Toyota Tundra that was sitting on the drivers door, in the ditch. I drive 394 for a few miles, and had a few cars change lanes about 3 feet ahead of my bumper. One was a Lexus, other a Porche SUV. You try to leave room to stop if you have to, but they just cut in if you leave a car length. 2 hour drive this morning, so I'm leaving early to get home and plow snow.
"Cop was a total jerk. Smart mouth and a bully. (as usual) Wrote me a ticket for failure to use due caution. I will fight it".

I know how that feels but the cop is right...if you cant slow your vehicle down in time to avoid another person slamming on the brakes because of the ice, then you were going to fast for conditions or failure to keep vehicle under control. I think though as bad of an accident as you went through that they would forget the ticket. I tipped a semi load of corn over once and got a ticket and he said I was going to fast and I asked him how fast I should be going. He said slower than I was....I hated his answer but he was right, so I hit him right in the nose and knocked him out cold. Our neighbors were all around the accident scene helping clean up the mess, everyone was laughing. When the cop woke up he was mad but I told him if he is going to be rude then I will hit him again. After that he was always nice to me. and the cops leave me alone now. not that I was trouble maker or anything,just some of them can be dinks about stuff. Glad your alright. hope it works out for ya
You punched a cop and knocked him out cold and then said you'd do it again if he was rude. The fact that you didn't get criminal charges for assaulting a police officer is beyond me, unless of course the incident never happened. On a very icy road it is very easy to lose traction and control when trying to slow down. All it takes is a split second for the tires to lose surface tension and send the vehicle out of control. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. A vehicle can actually speed up when the tires start to slide on ice. Dave
Glad to hear no major injuries. Isn't it ironic the idiots that usually start an accident or cause it usually escape with the least amount of consequence.

I'm sure sorry to hear the bad news. My son who farms with me lives just west of Rogers, and usually takes that same piece of road to work at the St Paul campus U of M. He decided to work from home today...good choice if you can do it. Neither you or I have or had that option. I remember how proud you were when you just got that truck. UGG!, on the roof!! at only less than 30 mph. Now that is a dam piece of bad luck. You are lucky you were able to get out instead of being pinned in and possibility of fire from spilling gas. I'm glad the pooch is OK too. What a bummer!

You'll probably be stiff as heck for a few days, but hopefully no worse. Best wishes!!

Paul in MN
Hey, I'm glad to hear both you and your little buddy are ok. I saw the red exclamation point on the traffic map on fox 9 news showing a rollover out that way this morning. Quite a few accidents and rollovers in the metro this morning. Hope all goes well with getting your truck repaired or replaced.
Pilots say every crash you can walk away from is a good landing. Lucky you weren"t banged up more. SIL usually takes 55 or 12, took 2 1/2 hours this AM. My cardioversion (electric heart shock) is tomorrow at MPLS VA- we"re going down tonite to minimize the hassle, staying at daughter"s house in SLP. Don"t need what you went through- again, glad you"re on your feet.
Sorry to hear that, but glad you and your watchdog are OK.
You and Kenny need to work on a HD front bumper- next time that happens, don't let off the gas, just push the idiot out of the way.
Glad to hear about your good fortune in not getting hurt. I would be praising God. Have you ever been into Crow River Rental in Rogers? A good friend of mine used to own it.
So very glad you and your buddy are ok. Hope your truck isn't too bad.

Forecast is for rain/sleet/snow here on Thurs. If it happens, I'm not going anywhere.

My dad (from Indiana) always said "there's nothing more dangerous than a Texan on ice.

James says the same. I agree.
Where you in 4WD? My best friend has a body shop and three wreckers. He says in the winter on slippery roads, 70 % of the vehicles he tows are 4wd vehicles that were using 4wd at highway speed. All the 2wd vehicles are of course not there.
4WD is for off road slow speed driving, period.

Jerry---good to hear that you and the little "dog" are ok. Bumm way to start the week though. Hope your truck isn"t completely gone...

Better days are coming...

I agree with 135Fan, and think this never happened. I have never seen a cop who would get smashed in the face and knocked out, and then not file charges. Tom
I was in two wheel. Came from west of Buffalo in 4 and hit the freeway. It was dry so I shifted out. About 4 miles up the road the road was iced and then it happened. If I had left it alone I would have come on home and never knew the difference.
It took some time in life to learn this but I didn't call the GF till after I was home.
They do like to worry you know.
So you spare them the angst and the need to come fetch you in bad weather if you can. Just seems to work better that way.
When you have enough people around to vouch for you not doing it, it helps alot. Plus if you hit someone hard enough they will be scared of you enough not to say anything... to embarassed to admit it
Sorry to hear of the wreck and insults added to injury but good to know you walked away.
Odds are if the wreck happened in a 1960's,1970's truck you would have been maimed or killed.
Mike all I can say to you is this. Better steer clear of Texas, as I can tell you if you hit a State Trooper or a Texas Ranger in the mouth, they will teach you some manners. There is no way they will be afraid of you. They deal with hot-head, big talkers all the time, and are well trained. Tom
Glad you are ok, Ultradog. Your truck is new enough they might be able to take a snapshot of the last few minutes of wheel speed, throttle and brake input. Good luck to you with the ticket. Too bad the cop came across rude, it sure makes the day worse.
-karl f
ps And hello to cousin Will.
The word of a cop has more credibilty than a dozen rubber neckers. Anyone can be sucker punched but why would a cop be scared of you and embarrassed? He has a gun! He'd get the last laugh by putting the cuffs on you, throwing you in the back of his car, charging you with assault, uttering a threat, driving too fast for road conditions, etc., etc. He could probably add some more on the way to your holding cell at the police station. Dave
Good to hear no one was injured. Don't fix your truck. Had one that was repaired and no dealer will take it in on a trade. It's like getting screwed twice. Also had an old dodge 250 with a 4:11 gear and it was exciting on slick roads. Had to push in on the clutch before I got off the gas. I kept a change of underware in my tool box for such occasions when I forgot. LOL with your stiff body.
I lived in Rockford from 1970 till 1979 and drove into Hopkins and later to Toro on Lyndale.
Your post brought back a lot of memories. Never had an accident, but came close several times. One of most memorable times was when a South Dakota car exited 494 going east from the left lane to go south on 35. Cars were spinning all over the place, but not one scratch or injury. We all got straightend out and continued on our way. Whew!!
scary, isn't it , when the vehicle takes over and there is nothing you can do, it seems to go faster.Did you not take due caution when you applied the brakes so you would not hit the vehicle in front.. Then nature took over.I would fight it because it is beyond your control.

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