OT Rotator Cuff

pat sublett

Well-known Member
Fell awhile back and tore my sholder up. Had surgery last week. Doctor split it open and screwed the muscle back to the bone. Anybody had this? How long before you could use it. and can did it fully recover?
I had it done a couple years ago but my labrum wasn't torn away so all they did was clean out the "grass" in between the cuff and take off a little bursitis. I think all of these surgeries take about six weeks to heal enough to use without re-injuring it. My shoulder blade was tender after the surgery for two months. Makes it hard to sleep. My shoulder froze completely before the surgery and I slept in a chair for three days before it loosened up. Doctor says they don't know why they do that. Do your rehab for at least a month and you will be all right.
I had it done a couple years ago but my labrum wasn't torn away so all they did was clean out the "grass" in between the cuff and take off a little bursitis. I think all of these surgeries take about six weeks to heal enough to use without re-injuring it. My shoulder blade was tender after the surgery for two months. Makes it hard to sleep. My shoulder froze completely before the surgery and I slept in a chair for three days before it loosened up. Doctor says they don't know why they do that. Do your rehab for at least a month and you will be all right.
January of 2009 I had rotator cuff surgery to reattach the tendon to the bone. Dr used only three entries to do the job. Six weeks of phys therapy. I was supposed to do 6 more of PT, but I was getting along so good that I didn't even go. Dr "turned me loose" after the 12 weeks. He said that the reattachment is not totally healed till about a year, so you might want to take it easy till then. I have no problems with my shoulder whatsoever now, but I still choose to favor that shoulder somewhat.
Had the same operation as you. Completely tore all the tendons loose from the bone. Had to sleep in a recliner for almost a week before I could sleep flat in the bed. Went to physical therapy two days a week for five months. Did all the exercises at home that were assigned to me. After six months could do just as much as before my accident. No problems so far. I just am more careful and aware of what I am doing. Good luck on your recovery. It"s not fast, but if you do what they tell you to do, you"ll be O.K.
Had mine repaired but just had to be a hero. And show how much I could do too soon.
Paid for it then, paying for it now. Listen to your physician.
I've had both of mine done. First one I did all the pt at home. Therapist showed me what to do and as long as I made progress I didn't have to go in. Took about 6 weeks to get it loosened up again. The second one went much easier. Did the same therapy at home again. It got real stiff though after I went back to work. One day I was steering the 620 and it felt like I tore it loose. 4-5 hours later I could swing it all around like it was as good as new. Doctor said I probably had some scar tissue that caused it to tighten up and it let go when I did the steering thing. Both work good yet except the second one gets stiff in the winter but usually gets good again in the spring. I had 2 different doctors do mine. Wish I would have had the first one do the second one. First time was in 97. Second one was in 2002.

I ask the Doc about a repair on my shoulder and he said it had been too long and can't be repaired...anyone else heard that about a shoulder..??


What kind of symptons do you have with that?

I messed up my shoulders last summer trying to pull t posts out of the ground. Left one hurts every day and I can't hardly lift with it. Hurts when I raise my arm up.
Had it done a year ago and now I feel great. Had it re-attached with a screw the doc said would turn into bone in a year. For awhile I didn't think I'd ever be able to get a spoon up to my mouth with that arm but it came out of it. Still does a little crunching from scar tissue rolling over the tendons but it's not painful-just annoying.

You've gotta learn to trust the therapist. After the first week of therapy I noticed the therapist was looking into my eyes intently while she was cranking on my arm so I jokingly asked her if she was watching to see if my eyes were gonna roll back and she sternly said said "yes". Jim
bc, after mine popped I couldn't lift it going forward or out to the side but I could go backward with it. The doc said most people have the surgery because they can't sleep at night and finally give in and have it done. He also said it doesn't take much of a tear to make big pain.
I am a physical therapist and rehab these all the time. Takes a year to get to full function. Pain early, do OK but not great at 3-4 months, and slowly improve. Get range of motion early and do not push aggressive strengthening until at least 4 months. Some cowboys will beat the odds and go quicker (also depends on the size of the tear), but if you go too aggressive and re-tear the repair you have a huge problem. Make sure you find a therapist that does a lot of these.
Have had both of mine done - last one was pretty bad and the Doc. considered doing a replacement. Fixed what was there and said "2 years for recovery and then only about 90% of what it once was" - its been 2 years and he was right.

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