Antique Tractor Restoration Contest $2,000.00 grand prize


Well-known Member
Hey everybody,

I am trying to get the word out about our club's restoration contest we are having for chapters of the FFA. If you know of any young man or woman who is in a FFA chapter and would like to show their tractor this September please pass the word. Purity Dairies of Nashville has invested the grand prize money here. We are trying to get young people to take an active role in preserving these machines.
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Got any questions? Please e-mail me.

Just wanted to add that this contest is open to all states. We are even looking into the possibility of adding 4-H or boyscouts divisions in the contest.

So far we have had feedback from many states but we still need some more groups to come and help add to the fire. The more groups I get the more prize money I can get for the groups next year!

Why do they have to come to your show? A chapter in, say Minnesota isn't going to make much if they have to truck a tractor all the way to TN and back. Sounds to me like your trying to up your attendance?
There has to be one like you, doesn't there? Unless this is a total fraud, it seems like they are trying to do something positive, and you have to be a sh@#head. Yet, you will probably be the first to complain about kids today!

We are trying to do this to rekindle the ag mechanics programs and maybe influence younger people to get into antique tractors. I hope that in the years to come that we are able to raise more prize money and make it more worth the drive to Tennessee.

As it is we get a lot of tractor pullers from other states. I know not every state can afford the trip but I opt to put the word out on forums like these to better spread the message.

I am sorry this comes off wrong in any way.

Excuse me, but that was uncalled for. They could have the chapters submit entries by essay, pictures, and video. The chapters that want to bring their tractor could do so if they like, but there is no reason for that to be a requirement. That way the chapters from longer distances could use the money for what they need.

Sir, Really, I am not trying to argue with you or anyone else. Like I said before I am just trying to get the word out.

I know that it is not perfect but I can't think of many contests that you don't have to carry your animal or machine somewhere to be judged.

This is true for car shows, horse shows, and the list goes on. And like in any of those contests some people can't make it to every show.

The ideas you listed are very good and it is my hope that in the years to come we can offer many chances by essays, photography, or whatever means to encourage young people.

This is our first year and we are doing the best we can with what we have.

Again, I am deeply sorry that this offends you so. I really feel like this has come off wrong.
You are doing a fine thing with your contest. The group that restores the tractor could sale raffle tickets on the tractor and make money for their group.
I guess my only comment would be that it's a little late now. For a Chapter to find and restore a tractor between now and the end of the current school year is asking quite a bit. It will work fine for Chapters already doing a restoration.
Great for you and your efforts. I won the mechanic's contest for our FFA chapter many many years ago and it taught me a lot, not just about fix'in tractors, but how to conduct myself that would represent my chapter well. Anything to get the kids involved in constructive endivers and keep them off the streets is a great thing. God's Speed
I want to say thanks to all the kind comments. We have a lot of chapters who will be working through the summer on their projects. We don't even demand that the work be done at school. A member of the chapter can work at home with their family and submit on behalf of the chapter. That gives a little more slack in time limits.

We have done everything possible to be flexible and we hope to have a good jump on next year's event.

Thanks again for the feedback. Like I said I know it is not perfect but it is our first year.

Good for you. It would be nice if every state would have a statewide contest similar to yours. The more we can get kids involved in serious projects, the better.

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