please remind me..........


Well-known Member
That I'm a people person.........
We live REAL close together here (as in a few feet apart).
Every year, I get a kitten to keep around and take care of mice in the barn. This year, I had a great prospect and a do gooder neighbor struck again..........

Have treehuggers on each side that just LOVE animals and hate the fact that I don't pet mine. Every time I get something, as soon as it explores a little, they feed/pet and make it part of their family. Of course, they don't come back and I catch/dump mice the rest of the year on the neighbors' property/barns......... I've even gone so far as putting a bright orange collar on them and telling the neighbors ahead f time to leave them alone, still doesn't work.......
Remember the times when you could just clout someone upside the head and solve problems????????????
I have the opposite problem. My wife works for a vet and everyone seems to think we need more cats to feed and that should not be a problem for us since we also have a barn. They dump them off all of the time while we are at work.
I wonder if it would offend them if I showed up at there door wanting food since they have a kitchen ?
Animal rights people put a higher value on animals than on humans. They will gladly crush yours civil rights. very scarey
Just get a couple of breeders. Then you will have more cats than you want and then you can give them away.
Don't wanna over simplify,but what you need is a whole BUNCH of cats so they outnumber the neighbors. I'd think even the do gooders would have their limits as to how many they'd take in. If you want about a dozen,send a self addressed stamped carrying cage to 118............
People don't want to pay the cost of getting pets neutered, so they wind up with a litter of pets which they don't want/can't afford to feed, and have to dump them off on someone. I used to think it was cruel to kill newborn pets, but it's more cruel to dump them off for someone else to take care of, or left to starve. When I was growing up on a farm, dogs and cats served a function. They lived outside, were never neutered and never saw a vet. We kept only male dogs. Only one lived to old age (almost 15 years). The rest were run over by cars.

Dave, are you allowed to use rat/mouse poison?
Dave Cats like to be part of the family. Maybe you should show the cat he is needed, by petting him now and then. Do you feed the cats, of just have them relay on barn catches. When the mice are gone he needs food, and goes looking. stan
Would rather use poison on the mice than have a danged cat rubbin around my legs thinkin he owns me.

If you can grind it fine enough, fly bait on baby pig pellets works its magic on rats AND mice.
Dave, Dave, Dave......

If you were just a CAT person you wouldn't need to worry about people luring away all your kitties. You'd hug them and sqeeze them and love them and dress them up in little doll clothes....

Ehhhh, now that I think about it, that might work with the neighbors as well.
Dave I hate cats but I have to have one around to keep the mice under control so here is what I do. I have a friend that has a lot of cats and he does nothing with them and they are wild. I set a live trap for them and then I bring one home put food and water in a building and turn it loose. Give it a little food every day and it will catch mice to. If your neighbors try to pet it they will get clawed. Problem solved.
I had eight wild barn cats that the neighbour started feeding,then taming,neutering,giving names,taking them in her house,etc. They don't come over here anymore.
Dave, I was a cat hater until about 9 years ago our Golden Retreiver( a true part of the family) was dying from liver cancer. One day this cat came in when the door was open and layed down right up on Maggie. That cat wold not leave Magie for 3 days until Maggie died and then just moved in. He brings us mole, voles and mice, an occaional squirrel etc for presents. We have taken to him (nuetered) and now wonder why we didnt have a cat before. He is very enjoyable and believes he is just one of the dogs, Try a little love and it will get you everywhere.
If you can get a bob cat to hang around, he/she will take care of both the mice and domestic cat problems. :twisted:
Now, let me get this have a cat, and you expect it to, effectively, "do work" for you [catch mice/rats]. But the neighbors are willing to actually feed the cat and show some affection with NO work requirement involved.

And you can't understand why the cats leave? Sounds like the same feelings expressed by slave owners when their slaves ran away. [Although, to be fair to slave owners, many of them DID feed their slaves and generally treat them well...while many didn't.]

There has to be some give-and-take in a relationship. You want to have a relationship with a cat that's all "take" on your part, and all "give" on their part. Good luck making that work with ANY species...human, cat, dog, horse, or hippopotamus. And yet you want to blame the neighbors, because they feed the cats and make them feel wanted.

You seem to understand how to make a segment of society addicted to welfare, by feeding them and keeping them in comfort; yet you seemingly can't understand why your cats won't stay, when you give them every reason NOT to stay [as opposed to what the neighbors have to offer]. You seem to understand how the concept works when it comes to illegal aliens coming to America, but it seems you can't understand when the same principles come into play with barnyard animals.

The principles are universal. You just need to figure out how to make them work FOR you...which might involve in changing a few tactics on YOUR part, rather than slapping the neighbors up side of the head. Stop thinking like Castro, and start thinking like Obammy.
Here are 3 of the 15 barn cats my friend has, they get dry food every day, and water, there a few new ones here this year, but I see the gray long hair nust have left since last winter. We dont have any problems keeping them or getting new ones! I should get a pic of them when there all eating, kinda funny. Only thing I dont like is, with that many is they "go" all over the barn, you gotta watch you dont step in it. ;(
The point is, to make a cat a good mouser, you can't feed theem very much. While cats naturally hunt mice, they are much better hunters when a little hungry. If you feed them too much, they make hunting the mice a hobby (get lazy). If they are a little humgry, they will make it a vocation. You don't have to starve them, just feed them less than they really want.
I understand the principle. My family has had horses ever since I was an infant, and we always have kept a cat or two [or six] around the barn for mousing duties. You do have to keep them a LITTLE hungry, but you also have to let them know they are appreciated. We've had some that were too wild to catch, and we've had some who would get underfoot every time they saw you...and we treated them all the same. What we DIDN'T have was cats who left for the neighbors' farms...but we often had neighbors' cats move in on our place.

While I was attempting some humor, I was also trying to put things in language that Dave would have no trouble understanding [thus the references to welfare, illegal immigrants, Castro, and Obammy].
Does this look like a neglected, hungry pet???


The neighbors are just idiots......They don't work, so are home all day. Wife and I work so we can eat, pay bills, and let them set at home....
Doesn't leave a lot of snuggling with the cat time but they eat better than we do. The one has taken 3 cats over the last 6 years or so. When I ask if they've seen them, it's always no until I see it in the window. Then it's a "oh, didn't know it was yours".. Pointing out that the important thing is that IT WASN'T THEIRS just goes in one ear and out the other... They have a basement window that opens next to my feed room that stays open for ventilation, I keep everything closed and put a little feed in a 5 gallon bucket that catches most all the mice alive and I deposit them in that window. Last year, they got 3 rats, a weasel, and a marder (martin?).

You'd think they'd learn.........
The ones on the other side started taking one in the house, giving it canned food and really loving it. Til they backed over it in the driveway. They took it to the vet and gave them our name and address for about a 400 buck bill. They ended up paying it and the cat got hit by a car and killed as soon as it got back on it's feet. Had another one that had babies in the barn, they started loving it too. Moved all the kittens to their house and they thought it was so cute. Kittens got old enough and they come ask me what I want them to do with my kittens. Said I didn't have any cats, had put poison all over the area , and would kill any animal on the place that didn't belong to me.......
I got people skills though.............

Dave, I'm not saying you don't treat your cats well...I'm just saying that even a cat can see that if there's a choice between "subsistence living" and "living in luxury," just like all those illegal aliens, they'll jump ship for the "gravy train" every time.

[And the cat photo...remember the pics of Elian Gonzales and Fidel? Elian says HE's happy in Cuba, too.]

So in order to keep 'em, you'll either have to have an effective "border patrol," or you'll have to build a bigger fence or create some other impediment that makes them think it's not worth the effort or the sacrifice [think East Berlin, pre-Reagan] to leave. Otherwise, they'll RUN towards the "welfare state" EVERY time!

See? You CAN teach global political lessons in the home! [Just having a little fun at your cats' expense, Dave...]
Just shoot them cats when they show up and hang em from the mailbox. After a string of about four or five of them, I'll bet the neighbors will stop dropping them off. My apologies to your mailman.
Don't want to arguementative, but that's been proven not to be true. Even domestic cats are natural killers, and will kill more mice when well fed. If they use the mice for food, they will eat, then be very inactive till they need to eat again. We always gave the cats all the food they wanted, and they killed lots of mice. Didn't eat them, just killed them. The cats were also a lot heathier by getting the proper nutrition.
(quoted from post at 21:13:22 02/19/10) Just shoot them cats when they show up and hang em from the mailbox. After a string of about four or five of them, I'll bet the neighbors will stop dropping them off. My apologies to your mailman.

And then you'll be dealing with a Federal felony. Buddy of mine thought it'd be funny to put a dead raccoon in our mailbox when I was younger. Mailman called the cops. "course I didn't rat him out, but he could be a felon right now. they have no sense of humor...
dave2, reckon what it would be like in neighbor's house if they took mama & her babies inside to pet?
If people have to be extreme about something, I guess I'd prefer the tree hugger with 20 cats and a little bit eccentric to the genius with the dogbox on the back of his chopped half ton dodge and the coyote pelts frozen to the front hood. Actually knew a farmer that chased one of these guys off his wheat field with his german luger...for some strange reason I see a connection here.

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