What A Loss

Dick L

Well-known Member
One of my employees contaminated a box of special light gray tire color. I ended up with over 150 tires with dark color streaks. Nothing wrong with them other than the streaks. They are rated for 300 pounds each and would make good cart wheels. I sold some that size for tall creepers built for working on large tractors.
Some days it don't pay to make your own products.
What Good Ones Look Like
Forget the double price if I could get half I would be tickled. They be 12 buck wheel tires with bearings to large manufactures. That would almost buy supper tonight. :)^D
30 years around plastics, and I have seen lots of bad parts and scrapped material due to contamination.. Often due to someone forgetting to clean out a dryer or granulator.. One careless act can cost a lot..
Dick...is that 12 bux a pair or 12 ea???
also are they pneumatic or solid and what size axle ?
i got a couple dollies around here that need new wheels.
shipping would be to 77475.
If the rubber tires can be removed-- just replace them. All bad contaminated ones save in future too, and sell as doggie chewy rings. or would be a tie ring for some dogs if attached to a leash and placed over a temporary that you could add and sell for 6-8 bucks.
The wheel is placed in a mold and then the tire is molded on. It was an idea I came up with in 1983.
I talked a company into springing for a prototype mold and after testing started production in 1984.

The tires become part of the wheels never to come off. I can lathe cut the rubber off, grind and reuse the materials. That costs bout that the material is worth if I hire it done.

Now copied all over the world.
You have that right. A special light gray shade of dry color shipped in a box that was not closed after the last use and let set close to a grinder that is used on charcoal colors.
Jezz, Dick I hate that I see things happening like that all the time. I've said in my next life I'm going to start a business with no employees. I've been at this for close to 40 years and have never seen a case where directions have to be so specific. Don't get me started. Good Luck Dick. CT
Dick, here is another costly mistake.. A big Conair dryer hopper, stainless and insulated, full of melted polycarbonate... Someone set the heat way too high.. One big blob, it has been sitting there for a few years.. At one time, we had a 500 dollar bounty for anyone that could get it out, but no takers..

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