Selling Etiquette


I have an item for sale and two guys expressed interest via several emails. First one wanted to come Thursday-Saturday, but never came or contacted me again. Guy two won't be able to come untill the end of the week, but says he will buy for sure. Do I hold for guy two, or is it first one to show up?
Usually first to show up unless you have a prior relationship with a purchaser.Some of these people make you wait all day,show up late,kick tires and never buy after they say they would buy over the phone.

No right answer? You could hold it but take other people"s contact info and let them know if he does not take it. I have done this as a seller and when the "sure" guy backed out, have sold it to the third person on the list(second person wanted to bargain a lot, third person agreed to the listed price). I have also had sellers do this for me and let me buy something I otherwise could not have bought because I could not get them the money for a few days. It was a nice gesture on their part from the buyers standpoint. It involves some trust.
YOU make an effort to sell something. The BUYER must make an equal effort to buy. If he doesn't work at it, he is no good. 90% of buyers will drag their feet. Blame womens Lib. It takes courage to buy. wimps are not customers.
I sell to the first guy to put cash on the table. Small down payments work well. Serious buyers will provide money to hold an item. If they are not happy, I gladly refund that down payment. It shows interest and its enought to get the ball back in your court.
This is what I've learned the hard way : The first here with the CASH (only) takes it . Too much scamming & fraud going on so don't trust a promise or checks , bank money orders (USPS money orders are safest). If they come with a check only , tell them to go to town & get money from their check & come back . Oh yea, hand shakes are a thing of long gone good days . Also remember that family can be the worst to deal with , so tell them also CASH gets it . Don't be a statistic . God bless
It all depends on what you said to them, If you promised to hold the item for the first guy then you are legally required to do so for the time set.
If it was just a note from someone and you never acknowledged it them go to the second one. Don't make a promise and not keep it, it could cost you what the item was worth.
I dont 'save 'anymore,90% never show up.first one with money owns it.Same goes for hay customers,if they want the whole stack,they pay for the whole stack,not as they pickit up
Has it gotten worse? It's enough work for me to hammer something out on this computer that I don't do it frivolously.
I can't believe the idiots who reply once to an ad then never again!
Also- my pet peeve- I had a lot of interest in a used combine last fall- but most asked FIRST about lowering the price. How can you judge value when you haven't even seen the item yet? That to me is just plain stupid.
So where does that leave me? As said before- "Cash talks- BS walks", and don't waste my time.
As many has stated previously SHOW ME THE MONEY! I don't believe your going to buy it until I have green money in hand. And cash or certified checks only. I"ve been screwed by a personal check once, acct was closed.Lost money on that deal. Good Luck Mike
(quoted from post at 16:57:11 03/28/10) It all depends on what you said to them, If you promised to hold the item for the first guy then you are legally required to do so for the time set.

No promise to hold for first guy, just said he would contact me to meet on Saturday. This happened to me as a buyer. The seller was waiting for someone to decide if he wanted the item. He called me when the first guy never got back to him in the alloted time. We made plans to meet the next afternoon and I was to call when I was leaving home, so he would be ready. I called, met him and bought it.
The ONLY time I'll hold an item is when the potential buyer calls and tells me he's on the road headed my way. I'll hold it long enough for him to get there. It would be very rude to have someone drive several hundred miles and find the item gone when they arrive. (BTDT, was P.O.ed myself) I explain that to the potential buyer, and ask for him to let me know when he'll be showing up. I let them know if they haven't showed when they say, all bets are off. Call before you leave.... If it's going to be an extended time period before you're headed this way, the item MIGHT be sold anyway. Again, call before you leave home. Don't drive 500 miles and THEN expect me to drop the price. Negotiate before you make the drive. (Or else don't get upset when I won't drop the price)

Beyond that, first person w/cash in hand (preferably MY hand) wins. Business is business.
Not a hard choice to make for me. I've long since learned that the buyer who "will take it for sure" is the guy that doesn"t.

Although it happens very seldom, the buyers I have trouble with, are the those that leave a small deposit and will be back in a couple days, only to no-show. And some don"t even come back for their deposit. I end up sending a refund by way of a cheque, so I have a record of it being cashed, in case they show up after the item has been sold to another buyer. The first time this happened I took the guys name, but not a phone number or address. I still have his $100,00 deposit.

Since then I take the info needed to contact them if they are a no-show. I had a fellow cash the refund cheque then show up nearly four months later to get the tractor. Jeez was he pi$$ed off. I learned quite some time later that he even went to a lawyer who basicly told him "you snooze you loose".

On the other hand I had one fellow send me more money for a set of fenders than what we had settled on. He said after checking around, everyone else wanted two or three time what we settled on and he didn"t want me to feel I had been taken advantage of. I sent it back. A deal is a deal.
There's an etiquette? News to me, judging from folks behaviour.

I recently was enroute to pick up some barbed wire. I had to call for better directions when I got close and was informed someone else had shown up and paid more. I was not pleased as the seller had messed me about by making three previous appointments and then canceling.

I have also had the problem of people paying me for stuff and then not showing to collect. How long does one wait?

I do not deliver either. I delivered some items with a friend to a rather remote location. They easily could have taken the item and what ever else they wanted and left us wanting or dead. They were some very unsavory characters. I'm very cautious going to remote locals to view items too. Likewise, the potential seller knows you have money, sometimes a lot, as no one wants to take a check.
(quoted from post at 17:41:08 03/28/10)
I do not deliver either. I delivered some items with a friend to a rather remote location. They easily could have taken the item and what ever else they wanted and left us wanting or dead. They were some very unsavory characters. I'm very cautious going to remote locals to view items too. Likewise, the potential seller knows you have money, sometimes a lot, as no one wants to take a check.

I always have reservations when giving out directions and times. They know you are at work and where the item is. Even if no one will be home, I will say something like, my stepson will be home, but doesn't know anything about the item for sale. At least I have a name and phone number (if real) to give the police.
First thing that comes up anymore is "what your lowest price you will take for it". Another thing people say is "I have cash". Craigslist is a great thing for selling, but I have learned to ALWAYS ask a bit mor than you want, this way you come down in price, buyer thinks he gets a deal, and you get what you wanted. I was selling truck last fall. Asked a fair price, everyone wanted it, can you hold it for me. I had 5 or 6 that "wanted it" come along and offer some low-ball offer. Sure I would want it too if I could get it that cheap. My usual response to these guys was "Bye, thanks for wasting my time." Most got mad about it, but oh well. Don't hold anything for anybody.
cash is good for nickle and dime stuff,but who's going to pay cash for a 10000 tractor?
I have to repeat the well worn advice to insist on cash only. It amazes me how it simply doesn't seem to occur to a potential buyer why I would want such. Even after having made it clear I've had more than one buyer look at me with a blank expression when it came time to settle up and either not have the cash or not have enough. What on earth could they have possibly been thinking?

I've also learned that the first one to place the money in my hands is the real buyer. I soon wearied of being stood up by buyers who couldn't muster the simple courtesy to phone me and tell me they weren't coming for whatever reason and subsequently wasted an afternoon or warned off another party who expressed interest. Once I had two parties show up at the same time and party A said they would take it. Only after party B left did party A start to quibble about price and try to give me some song and dance about paying part of it now and the rest when his CD matured at the bank. Naturally he wanted to take possession of it on the spot. I practically turned the dogs loose on him.
First one to put the money on the table gets it.

All my dealings on Craigslist are by email until I'm satisfied the buyer is serious. Only then do I give a phone number and address.

If someone emails when and where they can see something, I email them back to email me with a specific time and phone number and I'll call them to confirm and give directions. Usually by then they are the serious ones, and the lookers and dingbats have been eliminated.
First one to put the money on the table gets it.

All my dealings on Craigslist are by email until I'm satisfied the buyer is serious. Only then do I give a phone number and address.

If someone emails when and where they can see something, I email them back to email me with a specific time and phone number and I'll call them to confirm and give directions. Usually by then they are the serious ones, and the lookers and dingbats have been eliminated.
Unless I know the potential buyer its first person with the cash gets the item and I always explain to anyone who says "I'll be by at whatever time" to call first to make sure the item isn't sold.
Like everyone said. First come with the cash gets it. Sold a truck a while back. Had two potential buyers coming from long distance on same day to look at it. First one came, offered to purchase at asking price, no quibbling over price. I felt obligated to wait for second party to show since they had called saying they were near. Second party decided they didn"t want truck. First party then wanted to quibble over price since competition was gone. So much for being nice guy. I even think that the two parties were working with each other to get the advantage. First offer of cash gets the item, no matter what. No more mr. nice guy.
My standard response to: "What is the lowest you'll take for it?" Is: "What is the most you'll pay for it?" "I started with a price, you need to make an offer and we'll bargain it out somewhere in between."
Made an offer to a fellow on his tractor and some equipment. Plus I had some equipment that would go with it. Well,guess what, he sold it to another party.

When selling I would increase the price some to give me room to bargain. Most buyers didnt bargain. They would eithr pay my price or walk away.

I sold a truck on Craigslist awhile back, and the behavior of some of the potential buyers appalled me. Everything about the truck was exactly as described, plus I had posted photos. Still, some folks decided they didn't want the truck after driving out to see it....OR they wanted me to cut my price in half. I asked every one of them if I the truck was exactly the way I described it, and every one of them said it was exactly as advertised.

Finally one lady and her husband came out, driving over an hour one-way with a trailer. They checked it out, decided it was worth the price, and we loaded it on the trailer, signed the title, and sent it on its way.

Afterwards, as I was deleting the ad,I got an email from a guy [who had emailed me twice before, but had NEVER come to see the truck] asking--for the THIRD time--for me to post more pictures, or to emial them to him. I suggested he meet with Olga...Olga I wasn't interested in filling his photo collection.
For the one who signed the title and took the bucks and good bye. Here is the rest of the story---I had done that many times until car ended up in the Chicago Impound with the vin number coming back to me with a demand letter for about 1800 bucks for tow tickets and etc. Long story short the buyer never took the title out of my name and ended up leaving car on the street on the near south side. Found a friend in city hall and openned the door to the state police and got the problem off my back after 6 weeks of guff. NOW the buyer flips title to himself and I get a copy of the used sales take form and all his ID for driver license and the plate on vehicle he drove in my drive with and a sign bill of sale and them the new owner gets the keys. Sound to be untrue, but CYA more and more.
If first buyer offered full price and cash, and you made him wait til second buyer got there, he had reason to get mad.. I would have left..

One thing I always do, is to only have one person come out at a time.. If I am driving over just a few miles, I ask that the seller wait til I get there, once I am on my way.. Bad to drive an hour and the item is leaving as you get there.. A guy did that to me on a toolbox he listed on Craigslist, He said he would hold it an hour til I got there, I drove 30 miles, and 2 guys were loading it up as I drove up.. I let the seller know what I thought of him..
I don't hold anything for any one with out money in hand. An email from some one you don't know say'n they will come with cash in hand is worth about as much as a letter from Nigeria say'n you won their lottery.

I hate to be that way but I have been burned several times.

I pretty much buy stuff at auctions. I look at craigslist & such, but it seems just too much hassle, as a buyer look at the other side of things, you need to show up with cash any more, somebody waiting with a club or how do you prove it's yours, how can you track it without a check & so forth, what if it's stolen goods?

One fella asks double what it's worth, the next is asking lowball price, you offer one 90% and he thinks you insulted him, the next one kinda wonders that you didn't bargin with him for a while, laughs at you as he watches you load the stuff.

You drive to go see it, just sold it, oh it's at this other location, oh I don't know much about it, need to talk to Mr X instead he'll be around tomorrow, tomorrow - oh it just sold this morning I took 60% of what I was asking........

It ain't no picnic for the buyers out there either, I like auctions. I bid what I think it's worth, and I go home with it or not. Works well.

If i had minimum wage for all the time Ive spent waiting for people to show up, I would have something.Now I tell people I will be there at a certain time, lets say between 9 and 930, if they dont show by 930 I can leave if I have things to do, and I know they werent interested.
Many states have "Sellers report of sale" form attached to the title- when you sell the vehicle, you send the info on the buyer to DMV, and it lets you off the hook if buyer doesn't transfer the title.

Dad sold an old Buick to a guy from the local reservation years ago (before the above form was in use)- got a visit from a State Patrolman several months later, as they had tied "dad's" Buick to a crime of some sort. Luckily, dad had jotted down the name of the buyer, and when he told the cop, cop got a big smile, and said that guy was their main suspect, and now they could tie him to the car and ship him off to the hoosegow.
Take payment at your bank and deposit cash.Or the buyers can pay you with a treasures check.Be aware that 10 grand cash deposits are reported to IRS>

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