Thoughts from a "city boy"

Pete D

Moved from NY city to Iowa about 10 years ago to raise a family. Bounced around a bit as kid. Lived in Indiana, Arizona...but spent my last two years of high school and my 20's back in NY, my place of birth, before my move to Iowa.

Long story a little old farm house/ big fixer upper...on three plus acres out in the country. Luckily my neighbor is a saint and has used his tractor for years to get me out to the highway in the winter cuz the plows take a little longer than I can wait to clear our gravel road. He always told me I could just come and get his tractor, but I was never comfortable with that. If I can't replace something if I break it, I don't want to borrow it!

Finally got my own tractor with lots of good advice from the people here on this site. Farmall 560 gas. My cousin who actually owns farmland has given me some equipment since he is constantly upgrading. Of that old equipment was a case 2 bottom plow. It's OLD...rusty... had a flat tube tire which aired right up. Some grease and some WD40 and my garden is now a LOT bigger than originally planned. =)....

I never understood why people talked with such glee about plowing...tractors etc...BUT...NOW I DO!!! My original intent was just to have it for mowing and snow removal...I swear I didn't want to stop turning dirt!!! It was almost hipnotic watching that dirt turn over. Thank GOD my wife is around otherwise I wouldn't have a strip of grass left on my little three acres!!
Thank you. Yes I LOVE IT!!! It did pull with no problem what so ever. My skills at leveling it and dropping the plow arm? back in the wheel joint? (to raise and lower the plow using a rope) are not quite where they need to be but I enjoyed every second of it!
A 4 btm plow will be twice as hypnotic as the 2. That tractor will handle 4 - 14,s most anywhere and those plows are around for scrap price. Now you know what the "city boys" are missing. Don't tell them , let them stay in the city.
(Don't tell them) =)))....Don't worry....I moved for a reason ;). I'm keeping as secret as I can!!
I figured my post was long enough, so I left out that I played in my freshly turned dirt like a 5 year old making mud pies. and YES...I did pick up a chunck and smell it. Why? I couldn't tell's not like I know what I would be smelling for anyway?? Just felt like the right thing to do at the time.
I am 68 years old and been around farming all my life. There is nothing like the first 2 or 3 hours of plowing. A close second is the first round of the year with the combine. Yes, I do walk bare footed in the fresh dirt and pick up a hand full and smell it. I don't know either what I am smalling for, just like that smell. Mix that with the dogwood and lilacs along the field and no better fragrance in the world... Gene
Great story. I hope your wife loves it half as much as you seem to.

I am a Country boy relocated to the city. I am hanging on to my dad"s "49 Farmall C in hopes that I will use it to mow ditch and cultivate some tree rows someday. My wife is a city girl who doesn"t have the country fever. She likes to drive my tractor though.

I too grew up in the 'hood. But my mom grew up on a farm, so I got to visit a lot when I was little. Spent a lot of time exploring the barn and sheds, and playing on the old equipment in the "junkyard". When my mom inheirited the homestead and a few acres, I spent most of the weekends of a summer and fall fixing up the old place. I fell in love with the quiet and the friendly lifestyle. And I knew I wanted a better life for my kids. I haven't regretted moving to the country for a second. BTW, my road is plowed in winter way better than it ever was in the city!

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