Maple syrup production this year?


Well-known Member
Just curious how some people did. In my area of central New York, this was the worse year in maybe the past 15-25 years. I did lousy. Also every minor and major producer around here (that I know) says the same. 1/3 to 1/2 of last year's production.

I heard parts of Canada had a great year.

We had way too much warm weather for a few weeks, and now the nights are in the 20s again. So, warm enough to ruin the maple sap (and/or close the tap holes), but too cold to plant corn. Soil hasn't even reached 50 degrees F yet.
That will make the price go up on maple syrup. I had frost on Wednesday morning in northeast MD. Hal
Price here"s already gone way up--wife (who likes maple) looked at a small bottle, looked at the price, shook her head and put it back...
Here in Mass. it was awful. My Dad tapped barely over two weeks before it more or less stopped on him. The quality didn't seem to be there either. The first run was not that nice color as usual. I heard CT was the same way and ther Vermont did a bit better, but not by much.
When my family used to live in Quebec, they frequented one syrup manufacturer for years (like 20+). Peter & Amy moved down here in 1980, and once they moved down to the maritimes, they continued to order their years supply of syrup from the same company. I was in touch with them a few weeks back to touch base, see how the family was, inform them of Peter's passing, etc....they said while it wasn't a record-shattering year, it wasnt their worst. Its hard for them to put numbers down until everything is said and done, but their estimate is that they -are- down this year, but only by ~10%.

if thats any indication, then yes, it'd seem that Quebec did better than the US this season.
We set our 15 taps on the 22nd of February, which is way earlier than normal for us here in northern Oswego county, and we ended up with an 18 day run that made 21 quarts, which is three less than last year but still enough for us. A lot of people around here didn't tap till March and they really lost out because of the weird weather. We set the taps on the first day that was sunny and warm, even though it was early by the calendar.
I don't tap personally, but have heard from all the tappers that production was way down this year and many didn't hardly get enough syrup for personal use let alone to sell. But we had a crazy spring it went from 20 and 4 feet of snow to 50-60 within a couple of days and been warm since.
NW wisconsin I tapped 300 trees this year. I should have put out my other 100. Way down from last year. The season was short due to the warm weather. The sugar content was up in the sap we collected over 4%
Last year was the best season in living memory. This year barely made average production with darker than normal syrup.22 gallons
125 trees and just a single flat pan.
Were they collecting good sap, or don't you know? Just curious. When I worked making syrup in the Northeast Kingdom of northern Vermont (Albany and Barton), we had a lot of buyers for the late season, grade B and worse syrup. That dark stuff that tastes like tree-buds. Many organic-type "health food" stores wanted it down south in mid-Vermont.

I like darker syrup much better then the clear Grade A stuff . . . but can't stomach some of the end-of-season buddy-stuff.
Fair to pitiful. I made just over half a crop,too much of it B grade or worse. I will have to trade that stuff in for some more good syrup just to stock what I need to take care of my regular customers.
Not good in CT.Friend said he had one large 6000 gallon run,22 hour straight boil to get rid of it, and the rest wasn't that good.Too warm to soon.

I'm in Western NY, about 55 minutes SSE of Buffalo. Everyone around here had a bad year...except us. We put out 230 taps (215 last year) and boil on a wood fired 2x6 Amish built drop flue. We usually bring in about 25 gallons of syrup. I did 32 this year, most was fancy, the rest medium. Everyone wants to know what/how I did it. I'm up on one of the highest hilltops in the area so that has to be the answer. We had more snow, colder nights, and more wind than anyone else in the area. I think the trees stayed cold longer, hence more of a sap run when it did warm up. I'm happy with this season, although most aren't. I'm keeping my prices the same as last year and I have most of what I made sold already.
I'm buying a used D&G 2.5x8 for next season from a friend of mine. Hopefully double my output for next season.
We didn't do any this year ourselves... but I read in the news last week that the local guys had a VERY good year in this area. It's been quite good weather really.... cool/cold nights and nice warm sunny days.

I had an average year here in swNH, tapped Feb 22nd and boiled for 15 days straight and didn't boil again, it was like someone pulled the plug.Most people around me only made 1/3-1/2 their normal amount.

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