Wfie did it


Well-known Member
Well I have done my best to NOT get a cell phone. So what does the wife do but signs me up for that safe phone thing. I have always figured I do not need one and really do not want this one but guess I'm stuck with it. LOL Ya my rant for the day
Having a cell phone while I am off working alone is something I like... If I were to get hurt, hopefully I could call 911 or some one to help me..
Ya that is the problem most of the time if you get hurt etc you can not call because your not awake because of the pain you inflicted on your self. LOL. My wife wanted me to have it because of my trips to the V.A. hospital which is 100 miles one way. I have cheated death so many times I guess its time to have a help phone on me
My sister got me one when I was in high school I always told people if they wanted to no were I was just come looking for me I use the thing about six times a month
Now Old, don't do like I do & forget to take the danged thing with you when you go someplace. But then if I do & she calls, I either don't hear it or can't get to it in time to answer. That really gets her shook up LOL. Keith
A cell phone is not just for you, it's for the people around you. My cousin joined us for red pwoer roundup '08. on the way down, his father passed away suddenly. he had no cell phone. took the family 6 hours to call around to get my cell number to reach him. LOTS of extra, un-necessary driving. keep it on you and keep it on for the people you love.
(quoted from post at 21:22:25 04/20/10) Well I have done my best to NOT get a cell phone. So what does the wife do but signs me up for that safe phone thing. I have always figured I do not need one and really do not want this one but guess I'm stuck with it. LOL Ya my rant for the day

'bout time............Now, after a couple weeks of using it, try clicking "modern view" on this forum and see what new worlds open up for ya............

With your lifestyle (anyone that cwawls around on equipment and works outside), I'd find a tuff case, paint it a florescent color, and put a lanyard of some type on it. And program the speed dial with emergency numbers and your closest neighbors. Could be the difference between life and death.

Just don't take it to walmart so you can talk to your wife across isles :roll:

Now see, you can teach an old dog new tricks. LOL I'm just kidding so nobody get up in arms, I'm in the same age area. I hated phones and dealing with phones but gave in a few years ago and now don't know how I got along without one, comes in real handy.
Old - I don't like phones much either, but I got a cell phone for safety. I don't have a riding buddy so most of my horseback riding is alone. Sometimes things can go wrong on a ride in the woods, so it just makes sense to carry my cell phone when riding.
Welcome to the 21st century. Like others, I like the security of having it when I'm working by myself in the woods or anywhere for that matter. Probably make one or 2 calls and receive a couple a day. Just don't get like some people who use it like a security blanket and always are looking at it or talking on it or texting on it.

I've had them from when they first came out and were permanently mounted in the car with a big box in the trunk. First call was from my wife saying "pick up a loaf of bread on the way home". Uh, oh. Right then, I knew that this could be trouble. LOL.

Anyway, just a suggestion: I've had numerous cases for them over the years and I'd recommend getting a case that is secure on your belt and that closes and keeps the phone securely in place. For awhile, I tied a piece of bright orange surveyor's tape to the antenna to help me find it when one model I had kept falling out of the case or out of my pocket. It was easy to spont in the brush after retracing my steps when I found it missing.
(quoted from post at 06:46:23 04/21/10) Just don't get like some people who use it like a security blanket and always are looking at it or talking on it or texting on it.

Dad is long gone now but us boys grew up working with him on houses etc. He never really got upset if we were BSing, just would tell us what to or not to do and let us decide what was right. We could have a radio on the job as long as it didn't slow us down. One day, my brother knocked over the radio and I stopped in the middle of what I was doing to retune it. Dad walked by and said "let me help you" and mashed the radio with the sledge hammer he had in his hand. FF to last summer when I was visiting home, my nephew was texting his girlfriend when he was on the clock and my brother was nailing on shingles. Nephew (almost 30), was cussing cause he couldn't get a message to work and my brother said "let me see that". Mashed it with his hammer and kept right on doing shingles without a word. Guess Dad rubbed off a little.

Thanks for the memory.

This is one of those safe phones they talk about on TV I get 60 minutes free a month and that is for a year. I think my wife said that for $5 I can get another 400 minutes any time I want to add them. I will still only have it when going to auctions and when driving just so if I brake down or need to get how of my partner I'll have it. Still remember a few years ago when I could have picked up a JD-MT a 1952 if I remember right the it was from the estate of the man who got it new. Even had the manual with it. Long story short I had a check book but not enough money but if I could have called my partner it would have come home with me
I still will not carry out in the shop or on the tractors. If I did then I would drop it some place like in the baler and then I would have to have my wife call it so I could hobble around in the field to find the bale it was in LOL. And yes hobble is the correct word for it since I have had a limp for a decade now LOL
its all in how you look at it, yes they are good to have just in case, if your going to be alone doing something dangerous, in a remote area of the farm, but like the land line its a option not a mandatory thing , just because you have it, doesn't nessasseraly mean you have to carry it, like the land line, when it rings, it means somebody else thinks they need to talk to you, lol the big question is ; do YOU think they need to talk to you , always excercise your options lol
My wife always carries one riding for the same reason. She does use hers quite a bit.

Me, another story. Got one, carry it in the glovebox of my car. I get chided because it's never on. "Of course its on. Whenever I want to make a call." I figure its for my convenience, not theirs. We all seemed to survive without them for many years, guess we can continue to.

Don't get me started on texting. Don't know how, and never will. As Jay Leno said when texting first became popular- "Its a PHONE! You can TALK on it!"
I never thought I had use for one either, but one winter working in the woods my foot slipped while cutting a tree and I got my foot wedged under a fallen tree on the back side of a partially sawed off tree. I couldn't reach that foot no matter how I tried, and with the standing tree partially sawed off 10" away from me, I knew I was in a bad spot. I was able to dig my phone out of my pocket and call my brother for a little help. Foot was quite swollen by the time he got there and he got it free, but I was even more relieved to be away from that partially sawed off tree. I was sure hoping the wind didn't come up and blow that thing down on me.
I got my 1st cell phone about 16 years ago. My first wife was in bad shape, and I needed to be able to be gotten a hold of. Being a truck driver you can't just call the office. Its been all these years now, and she has been gone for almost 3 years. I am so used to it, I wouldn't know how to live without it.
Tim in OR
My wife insisted that I have one because I work in the woods alone.I keep it in my overall top pocket.Its handy to call customers to let them know their fence chargers are fixed.Its shut off unless I need it.The cost is small and worth every penny.
I only had one for those times when I really needed to make a call and no phones where around. Then the company I work for give me one for the job and told me to use it as my only phone. It did not take long to fall into that phone trap. now I would not want to be without it, and, the best part is I never see the bill.
I wear overalls most of the time.Liberty brand has a zipper top pocket that will keep your cell phone safe.Most overalls have open bib pockets that collect hay and sawdust.I get mine a TSC.
Ya know years ago my grandparents thought that only the big shots needed a phone to impress folks.

Older folks thought TV's were a waste of good money and time, same for indoor plumbing. As a matter of fact, a older gentelman 86, told me his mother had indoor plumbing, but never wanted anyone to ever know that she went to the bathroom in her house.

You certianly never needed anything but horses at one time, milking machines killed cows, the pork from confinment buildings could not be eaten because of the bad taste.

So in a few years, you will get over it, like you must have with computers, and all will become a needed item in the future.

I got my first two way radio with a phone patch in 1978, and my dad told my wife that I was trying to be a big shot, because I sure as heck didn't need one. Kinda sounded like my grand parents.

So go glue it to your ear like the young kids do, it will look good on you no doubt.
For years I wouldn't get a cell phone, due to the cost. A couple of years ago we took the plunge on a cheapy prepaid cell phone. It has worked out very well. In fact, if it weren't for internet access, the cell phone would be less than half the cost as the landline in our house. Since we 'need' the internet, we'll keep the landline.


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