What do you feed a minnow?


Well-known Member
Had a local contractor putting in a culvert in the township and my son and i went to check on him to see how things were going. While we were talking my son found a minnow in the mud along side the road, he was excited about it and wanted to bring it home. We put it in a small container that was in the back of the pick up along with slough water, what the heck do you feed a minnow or can he live off of the mossy slough water?
how about bread crust or pieces. We would catch the big ones in the creek with the smallest hook we had when we were kids. Just did it with my daughters last year. If you can believe this, we filleted the biggest ones and fried them. Thought it was time for the kids to learn how you clean a fish and cook it, but didn't want to waste a good bluegill! Wife was really proud.
That is a good question.. I can't answer it I'm afraid, but it makes me want to ask this:

"Why don't they teach US that in science class in school?" I mean.. they teach us about the maturing process and all.. but not once is dinner ever mentioned..

Ok.. done bein a smart butt now.. But I'll be watchin for a answer, so when little guy is older and he and I encounter a similar situation, I'll know just what to do!!

I trap minnows and chubs...........with dry,cheap, cat food....mostly fish flavored....they eat that stuff...they must because I trap a lot of them and often the bait is gone.
Thanks for the replies, we don't have any regular fish food, never had a pet fish or plan to have a pet fish, throwing in a few bread crums or some dry dog food sounds like it would work. We will probably just keep him in some slough water for the night, seems to be lively, as long as he was out of water while we were looking for something to put him in i figured he was a goner. The contractor called it a fat head minnow, said they are good for catching walleye, doubt Ty will put a hook through him though. Thanks for all the replies.
My dad used to keep minnows alive with bread crumbs. Goldfish food would be better. He'd change the water -- fresh river water -- once and a while.
Dave, don't laugh. We have a Land-o-Lakes/Purina mill close by and I've been in the warehouse many times... You wouldn't believe the feeds they make. I've seen bags of exotic animal feeds that they send to the zoo. Would not be surprised to see "Minno-Chow" setting on a pallet ready to ship...
Be sure to keep it in the house and feed it Mosquito Larvae.

Out here guys put fish in their stock tanks and never feed them anything. They seem to do well enough. I'd like to get a couple gold fish just for fun.
(quoted from post at 04:36:50 05/06/10) Out here guys put fish in their stock tanks and never feed them anything. They seem to do well enough. I'd like to get a couple gold fish just for fun.

Used to have mosquitos bad because we have a couple rain barrels around the house. Put goldfish in the barrels (2 each) and a bathouse on the barn and no more problems. Fish ate the larvea and bats got what developed and made it out. Neighbor has a tank behind his barn that is open topped but water (ground water) is below frost level. He put goldfish in as a kid and hasa couple over a foot long.

I just throw a couple of slices of bread in the water and they will be gone in a few of hours. It's a small pond full of minnows.
Very true.
My brother has about a dozen coon dogs and he buys his dog food by the 55 gallon drum from a bulk manufacturer about 20 miles away. Quite often he will have a blend of different foods. One time he got a mixture of about 80% dog food and about %20 monkey chow. I don't know the nutritional requirements of a monkey, but the dogs had no problems with it.
When I was young we had an old cistern near the house that we did not use. One summer we went fishing with goldfish for bait, didn't catch anything but brought the goldfish back and put them in the cistern and they lived in there for 3 years until we removed the top to turn into my own cement pond.

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