OT-what to tell nosey neighbors?


Well-known Member
Everytime i buy something or do anything there are several people in the neighborhood who always say "what did you pay for it".They don't hint around they ask you straight out to your face.One guy that jocky's tractors asked what i paid for my new pickup.I told him i didn't remember,i'd have to look.He said " I can find out it's public record".I said go ahead and walked away.Some of these people i haven't seen in a year,but the sure worry about things i do.Maybe i'm to polite,and should say none of your bussiness,but i don't think i could do that.

Long as I can remember the answer has been "I didn't tell you?"
Other party would say "No".
I'd say "must not have been any of your business".....
"Way more than it was worth." "It was such a good deal that I couldn't pass it up." "Why would you ask such a personal question?" "I can't say, my wife might find out."
I have had this happen a few times and my reply was---I paid (unusually high price) and I paid cash. My home is also paid for. What do you owe on your home? Or, just ignore the question and look them straight in the face in silence! :wink:
An old horse trader uncle of mine used to just say "Oh I paid about seven dollars". It didn"t matter if it was a pickup, horse, or whatever. The answer was always the same. Same if he said he made or lost money on a sale, about seven dollars.
I have noticed politicians reply to a direct question, that they never give a direct answer. I have adopted the same procedure and I notice nobody ever returns to the original question. It seems if you just say something, anything, it satisfies their curosity.
You have to act very repulsive in front of them so that they will leave you alone. Burb, fart, cough up flem in front of them and act like a hillbilly that has zero manners.

Then they will not talk to you.
If it's "public record", why are are you asking me? Or to really throw him off, just say something like, pay for it? I just took it for a test drive and never went back or I haven't paid for it yet. Dave
Are you known as a guy who likes to chat about machinery prices? I like to keep up with equipment prices with some buddies and we are always chatting about that stuff. I could care less about their personal finances as long as they are feeding themselves.
people who ask what you paid for it, are trying to find something that can "pass judgement" on.
They suck. They are not your friends.
I went to a dealers lot, and he told me what he paid for each item. I knew he was a full time liar. The American Way is,,, prices are your secret.
Give the individual a nice number like 5.34% less than the average of 5 dealerships I shopped to find it.
Or trade the information for their financial statement and credit score.
Never ask a rancher how many cows they have!!. Jim
I TALK TO friends about how much I paid or he piad for things, for comparison, so I have an idea, lots of reasons.... all just as information gathering on current market conditions type of deal mostly....but that is with friends.....

if it was a stranger, or someone who I didn't want to tell, in order to not sound snobbish, try the reply, "How much will you give me for it?" it keeps the real quiet.....or, can make you some change.
And on the other hand some folks can't wait to tell you how much they make, how much their stuff is worth and how much then can now sell it for. My sister in law is like that. People like that are purely materialistic. I have heard people ask "if you don't mind telling me, what did you pay for it". I have less of a problem with that. Generally my neighbors have nicer stuff than we do as we are the "young ones" on our road and most of them are retired so they don't generally ask too much. They are more trying to parent us because their kids are all gone and we are likely around their age.
Hi Mike, I had a nosey neighbor lady that kept asking How muchI paid for my wife's wedding ring set, I kept ingoring her and I'd change the subject,She'd keep coming back to the same question. So I had enough of her crap,So I said I didn't pay anything for it, My rich Daddy paid for it and he never told me what he paid for it. Nosey old B---h......Jim in N M
You're dog out running again last night?
Found another dead tame rabbit and 2 ducks!
(Course that's my wife's story)
I don't like it when people volunteer what they paid. I then have to hide my reaction, which I suck at, and they get angry.
I just tell them that I negotiated and the dealer give me a really special deal that other people don't get and I'm not supposed to let anyone else know about the details. I can't let the secret out if I want to get another deal like it later. Then they can go crazy wondering what the secret, special deal was and how I got it.
It depends on whos asking.If its one of those"I always get the best deals because Im a genius and your an idiot guys"I always exagerate the price by thousands just to make his day.If its a close friend I tell the truth.If its a stranger,I say a lot.

Standard answer:
My uncle that's in the mafia bought it for me, and I learned long ago not to ask too many questions. Would you like his phone number so YOU can ask him?
I can for the most part put up with one of my neighbors, hes an older feller and pretty dog gone funny at time, but he can be a little nosey when it comes to my old stuff, which I dont mind telling him, I love to hear his remarks sometimes.My neighbor across the road, and the one behind me are just about as nosey as anyone can be, about anything! I cant repeat what Ive told one of them, but he pretty much leaves me alone.
Sorry, I don't get it? Heck if someone asks me what I paid for something I tell them the truth, and I'm not insulted at all. Maybe I'm out of place when I ask them how much they paid for something also.

Anytime we cut a neighbor short it usualy means trouble in years to come. I may need my neighbors some day, and I would guess everyone would help me out at a drop of the hat, as I would for them.

It is truley a wonderful world if one lets it be.

Perhaps it is because we are a small town.
I'm with you Iowa, the price is nothing to be ashamed of or made secret of. They may want the same item and wonder how much they will have to pay. No big deal.
I guess I am one of the guilty ones, but usually it is close friends. And its not about large items, it's usually something used or a new gun for instance.

I am not doing it to be nosey, I just try to keep abreast of what stuff is worth, then I have a better idea of the value of stuff if I am looking for the same item.

I wouldn't ever ask what someone paid for a new truck or their house for instance.

I do like some of the folks ideas.

some times when i dont care and i want to be a dick i will ask why are you writing a book? if they say yes tell em to skip that chapter and they will have a mystery
I would say with most of the people I know it is no big deal. But I do draw the line at what my wife makes at her job or any off-farm job I have been in. I suppose if I had a real jerk ask instead of somebody being inquisitive I might refuse to say anything. I'd be more worried if somebody asked why some relative suddenly moved in.
Sometimes I'll tell them the price, sometimes I'll ask, "Why, you wanna buy it, I'll make you a good deal, I'll even make ya' a package deal, you can buy this, that jeep over there, the trailer to haul it on...(or whatever, and smilin' and laughin' )"

I suppose we could be like Minnie Pearl, and hang price tags on everything...
I divert these questions to the missus..

she will quickly say: "Oh, I dunno.. bout that much..."
to which she gets asked "How much is that?"
and she quickly replies "all of it"

And in regards to the person(s) who always brag about the great deal they got.. THEY ARE USUALLY LYING.. My price is always different when certain people are within earshot (Dad takes the junk I drag home to the farm MUCH BETTER when I get it free/ crazy cheap.. Maybe he knows I'm full of it.. But I'd like to keep convincing myself that this way is working).. Maybe someday we'll get the barn built behind my house and we'll move the shop here.. but then dad'll scream about the neighbor's (MY) junkyard.

There's just no pleasing some people... LOL


(and yea, me and dad get along real well.. as long as I am not dragging some new project home)
Well, I've read all of the replys so far, and while I admit the questions sometimes make me uncomfortable, I like the answer from IOWA NORTHEAST the best.

I notice the same type of questions get asked on this forum from time to time, but then, we don't have to respond if we don't want to.

My father inlaw's father told him as a kid to tell nosy people that (if they didn't ask so many questions that he wouldn't have to tell so many lies). Or so he told many times.
I just tell them. They usually tell me that I either paid to much or that they could have sold it to me cheaper. I'll usually laugh and say that you should have bought more advertising them. Its no big deal to me. If they want to be rude and ask I'll be polite and answer. No use stressing the small stuff.
I just realized what would be a good response. I can't tell you cause if my wife ever found out she'd kill me. Dave
I simply tell them it's none of their business, after a while they stay away and that's how I like my neighbors,seen once in a while and seldom heard!!!

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