OT: Justice Prevails

James Howell

Well-known Member
Sitting at the "T" intersection near the college waiting for the green light.

Light turns green, car in front turns left, then I turn left.

Halfway into my left turn a car runs the red light.

Driver is talking on cell phone and speeding.

Before I could even think of what to yell at him, a Mesquite police cruiser passes me on my right in "hot" pursuit.

Wonder how much the "<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuppie">yuppie's</a>" fine will be for speeding (35mph zone), running the red light, and talking on the cell phone?
Yesterday afternoon I was stopped at traffic light for about 10 seconds. I hear the sreech of tires and bang got pushed 10 ft into the intersection. Got out walked up to car the guy got out he was a older man. checked he was OK. He said it was his fault and didn't see the red light. I asked him if saw my car there,he said yes,but not the light.anyways nobody got hurt. just the cars.The police came up and looked at the car and said, oh no damage here.Told him to look at the right rear wheel well that was crumpled up.Took the car in today and the apprasier said 6-7 thousand dollars damage.
In Nova Scotia the fine for using a cellphone or text-messaging while driving is $164.50.
Lump in the fine for speeding ($263.75) and running a red light (minumum $168) and you have a minimum total of $596.25, and that's only if the cop is feeling magnanimous today.
"Wonder how much the "yuppie's" fine will be for speeding" A little more than repairing a mower that hit a tree?
See the Mesquite guys often with their multiple patrol car speed traps going south on LBJ to one of our truck fixit shops on Hwy. 175
I find I get "testy" occasionally in my old age. Think I would have followed the cruiser and offered my business card to the officer as a witness if the guy tried to fight the ticket.
Around here that would take care of probably a grand and I think 2 points for the phone... 4 points for the light and either 2 or 4 points on the speeding depending on wether it's 'speeding' or 'failure to obey traffic signs'. Faiure to obey is 2 points if the copper is in a good mood... He better be or that's enough points for an interview as to why you should have a licence.

I think the state of Michigan passed a law that fines a driver $100 or $200 for texting while driving. Talking on the phone is bad enough, but typing on a phone is real stupid.
Now that's not funny; its hilarious.

You got me on that one.

I was filming a video; not talking on the cell phone.

Besides 3rd gear is not speeding in the hay field.

Besides that haven't seen any stop lights in the hay field.

Good one!
Texting in general has always seemed pretty silly to me- As Jay Leno said, "Its a PHONE! You can TALK ON IT!" I have since come to understand that its the modern version of passing notes in class, so I can at least understand that part. But texting while driving? Why aren't they just TALKING?
Had the same sort of thing happen to me about 6 weeks ago. Lady in her mid 50's ran a red light and T-boned me in my truck. Fortunately it was on the passenger side. About 7000 dollars damage. When I went over to get the insurance information she told me that the devil would not get off her back. She didn't even have the cell phone excuse (she borrowed mine to call her husband). She ran it because she was not paying attention to driving. I would have loved to let her know my opinion of her excuse, but the police showed up about that time. I get the truck back tomorrow. I hope they did a good job of matching the paint.
Ron in NS,
Here in Ontario you can ADD 25% for the victums of crime, that's the $ $ $ the Gov. is very slow at paying out it may take 10 years for the victum to get any thing out of the fund.

When they were talking red light cameras about 15 years ago they did shorten the amber and on some wide roads as much as 4 seconds, we do have a few cameras.
The part I don't like about them is the shorter amber and the amout of trafic that make left turns all but impossible not to get caught in a red light or causing grid lock - MOST of it is all about more $ $ $
If it works like it does around here, as long as he's got the money to fork over to an attorney and the court system, it will be reduced to a non-moving violation and he'll be out there with a clean driving record and on his cell phone again in no time. Great, ain't it?
I was waiting for someone to make a left in front of me when a young woman passed me on the right flipped me off, and then in short order made about four more violations. I noticed a county mounty two cars back. the lady took the next right and the sheriff pulled her over. I saw that he was a friend, so I walked up to say Hi, just as he told the lady that he didn't stop her for an argument and named five different violations and told her she's getting a ticket. Sweet.
last year here, kid was texting while driving & blew the stop sign at the end of the concession
T boned & killed 2 local kids
against the law in ontario to touch a phone or any hand held device while behind the wheel
& the police just love writing that ticket
$250 i beleive
In Texas, if you try to fight a ticket, the only arguable points are whether you did or didn't. You are not allowed to explain any "extenuating circumstances". (Been a juror in traffic court)
tall kid had something like happen to him.
he was pulling out of parking lot when some dude came out of no where just missing him. tall kid said i have no idea how fast he was going.
dude was diving in and out of traffic cut tall kid off. tall kid saw a cop pulled over and said to cop did you see that ? turned out to be a high school buddy of tall kid's yea i saw the whole thing i'll take care of it cop soon had the dude stopped.
this was in a 35 mph zone.

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