Anybody here got arthritis?????


Well-known Member
Hey guys, yeah, I know, my question is kinda retorical because I know the topic of arthritis has come up more than once on here. That said the reason I"m writing tonight though is to say that after more than 20 years of dealing with the pain it has caused in my neck, I"ve finally found something that helps tremendously.For me it starts with my Dad who is 63 and up until about a year ago was taking prescription mecicine for the pain and stiffness arthritis was causing him. A few months back he told me about some stuff that he was taking that he said helped him to the point he that he hadn"t taken anything prescription in over a year. Me being me and hating anything even remotely related to medicine blew him off. Then about two weeks ago I was doing some work that left me in pain for nearly a week. I could feel the pain and tightness in my neck and it radiated all the way across the top of my head to my temples to the point that even two arthritis strength Aleves didn"t work. So I decided to try the stuff he told me about and see if it would work for me. The stuff is called Osteo-BiFlex and I"m here to tell you it works. I started taking it about a week ago and I can tell a HUGE difference in my neck already. After two days I was working under a machine and I had no problem keeping my head up to see what I was doing way longer than I have been able to in a long while without having to lie down flat every few minutes to rest. Then today I went up and pressure washed our whole rental house (about 1600 sq feet and all white....)that hasn"t been done in close to 4 years, and was steady washing for close to 5 hours. As you can imagine I was looking up alot and tonight no neck pain. I did just one gable end on our house a few weeks back (two story) which took me about an hour and my neck hurt all night and most of the next day after that just that hour so today feel like a miracle.....

Ok, I know that sounds like something off of the late night Infomercials. Even so I"m no salesman by any means and it"s no skin off my back if any of ya"ll try this stuff or not. The main thing is it takes ALOT to get me this excited about something....especially any kind of "medicine".... but I can tell you after hurting for as long as I have this stuff has amazed me and I felt like I would be doing anyone in the same situation a big diservice if I didn"t pass this on. Hope this helps someone as well as it has me......Enough said.........
Im 41 and have been suffering from degenerative joint disease for 9 or 10 years now. Been using OBF along with Athritis Strength Tylenol for the 4 or 5 years and have a minumal amount of pain. I know its going to get worse, but its working for now.
I never believed you could get arthritis at an early age, but I have it. I am 41 and have arthritis on both my hip joints and some days it hurts like he!!. I have tried many products also to no end. I am not a pill eater at all. But I am interested in trying this product you talk about. Where can it be purchased? I have been told I have hip joints of a man that is twice my age. I don't want hip replacement surgery. I'm almost afraid what my condition will be like in the future. It sure makes daily farm work tough some days that's for sure. Thanks for listening.
Kow Farmer
yep "OBF" pretty good stuff my knee and shoulder specialist turned me on to it . he says Osteo is going to be your best friend
Dont do anything before you have to but dont be afraid of a hip replacement . I am 53 and had one about 10 yrs. ago , it is the one part of my body that works good and dont hurt . I have arther in alot of my joints, hands are giving me fits this morning . I ve used otheo and it does help alot .
Wow, I didn't realize it started so early so frequently. I guess it's all the hard work in the outdoors..........yup, who said hard work never paid off. :roll:
I'm almost 37 and I have been feeling it in my hands, knees, neck and hips for quite a few years now. Nothing that a couple of ibuprophen can't knock the edge off but certainly something that is getting worse as time goes on. I notice it when doing repetitive things with my hands requiring a lot of hand grip, the joint right at the base of my thumb just throbs. I also notice it in my neck from time to time like someone else said, up underneath a vehicle trying to hold your head up. I tried taking glucosamine a couple years ago but it seemed to be worsening my migraine headaches............can't win for losing.
My Mom who is now 71 has had bad arthritis in her hips and hands for years now, it runs in her side of the family. She had one knee replaced a few years ago. I guess I am going down the same road.
Glad to hear some of you get relief from OBF, certainly worth trying. Is it something that you take just when you are having pain or something you must take all the time?
My wife has arthritis and has been suffering for years. 2 yrs ago we went to Las Vegas for work for 15 mo. In about 2 mo in the dry climate it was like she was 15 yrs younger! She was running up and down the stairs of our condo like a kid. When we moved back to Michigan, it all came back.I am going to try to get her to try it.
I have had spinal degenerative disease for about 20 years. I am now 64.
I have been taking OBF for about 5 years. I have no dought that it works because about a year ago, my knees and hands became very painful and when I asked my wife about it she informed me that I hadn't taken OBF for about a month because I told her it was too expensive.
Well after taking it again, within a couple of weeks the pain was tolerable.
Wait till gout sets in. Arthritis sufferers are prime candidates for gout. There are other risk factors, diet, etc.

Arthritis is childs play compared to gout. BTDT.

I am gimping around and can hardly get up and down stairs anymore. I will give this stuff a try, I will try anything that might help.

Thanks for the tip.

You are right Osteo-BiFlex works. Been using it for 15 years. I'm 61 now. However my 87 year old mother, who's joints are full of arthritis and her knees could like they are full of gravel, Osteo-BiFlex won't work. I don't think anything can take the gravel out, except for a knee replacement and she is too old to have one. Need to take it when you are you are younger to keep your joints in shape.
My orthopedic surgeon put me on nnalert, and it
worked GREAT, 1 pill a day, and no more pain !
IT ALSO RUINED MY KIDNEYS..Regular Doctor sais
"2 more month"s on nnalert and you"ll have to
start dyallisis !"
I went for open heart surgery ay MAYO clinic
and they checked me in 2 days early to do a
kidney flush. Now i"m on a special MAYO clinic
kidney study, and for arthritic pain use DARVOCET
or VICODEN...Tylonal with codene.
How long were you taking nnalert? What were the signs your kidneys were suffering? Reason I ask, is because I've been using nnalert for over 5 yrs.
Thanks, Jack
Hello NCWayne,
I would like to know what dosage you are taking per day. Does it require a scipt, or is it over the counter. It sounds like a vitamin supplement to me. If it works good for you!.
Started in December,2007 was taken off in March,
of 2008 as
a result of blood and urine tests. Showed loss of
kidney function. This is a well known and major
side effect of nnalert. In fact, the FDA put
out warnings for awhile, because of the side
effects, but now it"s back on availability.
Thanks for the reply. I must be one of the lucky ones. I've been taking nnalert for over 5 yrs. I get a check up with a battery of blood tests, and I've had no problems, knock on wood.

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