tubes for tires


Well-known Member
I have some 16 and 20 inch tires I need to put some tubes in. Looking in the shed and found ones that are the correct diameter but wrong width. The question is can I put a bigger tube in a small tire?
I do when I have to but don't make a practice of it. What you want to do is avoid a wrinkle in the tube so having the correct diameter is good. I would dust the tube with talc or baby power so it slides around good then install the tube and inflate and deflate it before you put the second bead on. This lets the tube adjust to tire. You can look at the tube then and tell whether you are going to have a wrinkle or not. If it is laying good then put the bead on and you should be okay. If there is a wrinkle then inflate and deflate again.
Well, it depends on how many tire sizes you're jumping...all the "correct" size tubes I recall working with were designed to expand some just to prevent the folding over/pinching, and while I don't recall scrounging tubes for 20's it was a normal thing for us with car and pickup 16's (who had money for new tubes??)...
It also depends on usage: long distance high speed hauling, in which case KY is 100% correct, or bumping around farm fields at 5 to 10MPH??
You should be able to find an online source that lists what tubes can be used in a given tire without pinching (and cheaper tubes often seemed a mite smaller in size) or maybe someone gott an old Sears or Wards catalog...
Iowa's post is excellent advice; the baby powder (then lots cheaper than tire talc) we found excellent for keeping tubes from sticking to the casing when you're trying to get them apart--deeply appreciated in NM and AZ heat.
Your key is inflate, deflate then reinflate and after getting that second bead on again good to do that procedure again. Most wrinkles come from just putting on and airing up once and not letting the tube adjust itself.
yes you can do it, will it last, probably not most times you cannot get all the wrinkles out. If the tube is wrinkled, using tire talc or baby powderwill not help.

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