More sad news

It is really sad to see a death caused by stupidity, that was no accident. The tractor would not have reared up and turned over backward if the chain had been properly attached to OEM drawbar; where the pulling point is low enough to pull the front end of tractor down, not rear it up and over. It has been argued on here many times. Tom
Classic case again of trying to get more work done
in less time with smaller equipment.
As previously stated, using the factory drawbar
and cutting the tree chunks smaller . Would have had
Grandma bouncing the Grandkids on her knee that
night instead.
It can only take a second for it to all be over with. That poor family will always second guess what they could have done to make it not happen. Everyone of us has done something stupid like that and most of us have lived through it with out being hurt. Maybe a under ware changing but we made it. LOL
People don't realize the force things can create. My cousins husband was pulling a large log with his bulldozer. His family has logged for many years. So he is used to pulling logs. The end caught in a ditch bank he was pulling across, not very deep one. He just happened to look back as the log flipped straight over. he was able to lean over a little and it did not hit his head. It did break his collar bone and jaw. We tried to recreate it to see what caused it and could never get the log to even lift.
Let me get this straight. You tried to make it happen again to see what caused it? I only have one thing to say to that and don"t take it the wrong way but.

NO WE DID NOT DO IT just like he did. LOL We might be stupid but not THAT stupid.
We did it with a crawler that had a full roll cage and rear brush guard, but it did have the exact same draw bar and hookup. Plus we did it at half the speed that he was going at. (We did later do it at full speed but where never able to get it to even tighten the safety chain.) We also had a limit chain tied to another trailing crawler. We where doing it with the state investigating OSHA team there. They investigate all accidents that are deemed life ending. Even though he was only hurt bad it was still judged as a fatal type accident.(Meaning that 80% of the time the same event would have caused a fatality.) They could not even get the computer models to show how it could have happened. The man that was injured had done everything correct according to the rules at the time. His crawler even had a roll bar and cage. It just did not have a full rear brush cage.
The log mashed the seat and hydraulic tank down to the transmission. It also broke the winch off of the back mount. This was a D6 Cat and the log was twenty-four feet long and three feet in diameter.
Needless to say all three of their crawlers now have FULL brush cages. They block your view some but he was very lucky to have lived. If he had not glanced back that log would have hit him right square in the head.
This family doesn't need to be kicked when they're already down. A mistake was made, we all make them and obviously we have survived or we wouldn't be reading or responding to this.

A husband watched his wife die under a tractor. A son watched his mother die under a tractor. They need a pat on the shoulder and a sign of support, not a kick in the teeth. Jim
I think these type accidents can happen even if you do hitch your chain to the drawbar. it seems i read an article about this once and one example given was where a chain was tied to the drawbar correctly and the object that was being pulled was much lower than the tractor.( a log in a deep ditch or pulling something up the side of a creek bank). in this case there would be considerable down pressure on the drawbar, creating the same effect as hitching to high. if the tractor and what you are pulling are both on the same level,then what you say is right. but there are some circumstances where hitching to the drawbar isn't always foolproof

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