I am a moron!


Well-known Member
been trying to post pictures,doing everything the way you all been telling me.I guess I am not smart enough to figure it out!What am I doing wrong!!??I need to find some kid to help me!
I email the pic's,then save the attachment to My documents.from there i can browse wich one i want to post.
well you are not alone,the 1st time I tried to post a pic it took over 8 hours before I got it to work,it was cold and snowing so I didnt have much else to do at the time,then I didnt post for a couple months,and forgot how I did it,but figured it out after an hour,good luck
Don't feel too bad. My teenagers use photo websites all the time, especially my 16 yo daughter. They can't understand the trouble I have simply uploading pictures. I guess if I did it more often than once a blue moon I would get the hang of it.....

This Moron got the pic. posting down thanks to J Garner last winter, BUT how the blink ity blink do I post dialog to each pic., in a series of pics. Help us all moderator instead of poofing us.
Me too!
Just have my 13 year old daughter do it for me!

Otherwise, just send it down to Texas and/or Northern Illinois and they'l do it. Course processing fees are not cheap!

Once you "get it" not that bad.
I post directly from my computer.

At the bottom of a Post a Message or a Post a Reply screen scroll down to Advanced Posting Tools and click on "Upload Photo". This opens a small sub-screen where you click on "Browse".

This opens your My Pictures file on your computer. Find the album and picture you want and click on "Open". After a delay of 5 or 6 seconds your picture will show up in the sub- screen. When the picture appears click on "Upload".

Then click on "Continue". After you type in the text of your message then click on Post Message or Post Reply.

I forgot the picture.
I'm like you. I was at the end of the line when computor knowledg was passed out. Not much was left when they got to me.stan
To post dialog to each picture you need to write HTML.

Here is how pictures work......
Type out
where ever you want the picture to be in the post. Replace filename.gif with your pictures address and you have just dialoged a picture into your post.

If you notice I had to show you what to type in a picture because if I just type it in you would never see it on your computer. The reason is your computer would read it as a picture instead of just typed words and since no address was added the dreaded red X would show up.

If you want to learn other ways of using HTML follow the link below.
Writing HTML
Here's using the HTML method of posting pictures.
Leave a spae between the pics or write something.
I found that when the red x shows up, I just right click on it and then double click on "show picture" and it shows it to me .
No you're not a moron; several of us have had to learn how to post photos, videos, and other links to information on our own.

Take a look at an old post on <a href="http://www.ytmag.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=ttalk&th=766058">how to post photos</a> from several months ago.

Hope this helps.
<a href="http://imgur.com/">http://www.imgur.com</a> is much better than <a href="http://www.photobucket.com">http://www.photobucket.com</a> (in my opinion).

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