Too Much Rain Too Fast.

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well, we got heavy rains starting about 1:00 AM Sat. night. Still hasn't stopped here at 6:30PM Mon. night. The local news reported 7.3in rainfall from a weather watcher 3mi north of me. Emergency Managment declared Flood emergency in 5 local towns. 66 families reported evacuated. Fortunatly we live in hilley teraine and flooding is short term, verses the flat ground in the midwest. Unfortunitlly the water is swift and powerful, The waters pick up fallen trees and debries which collect at slucies and bridges and dam up the flow in a matter of a few min. The local Fire Department has been out since Sun. afternoon pumping cellers. Many losses experienced buy people like you and me. (heating appliances, washing machines, etc. Most of us do not have flood insurance, because we are on "high ground" I guess The Insurance Companies consider any water damage a flood now a days.
I was in Indian Lake (Hamilton County) all last week. Weather was beautiful until Sunday. I've been building a cabin there, and trying to work with the weather. All in all, we've hit some of the nicest weather this year in the Adirondacks that we've seen in a long time. Can't say the same here in Otsego County. Been very wet all summer. But this time, it's dismal in both places. Still nothing like a few years back when Interstate 88 washed out and two tractor-trailers disappeared (along with the drivers).
No measurable rain here in north central Maine since sometime Back in July. All the Adirondack rains went south of us. I have never seen it so dry here. The corn suffers terribly. The little garden that I can reach with a few lengths of hose is doing well tho'. The upside to the lack of rain is that I am mowing places that I've never been ablew to mow before because it was always too wet. 3 cheers for that! All the grass in the lawn is brown and crunchy like corn flakes. I just may learn a few steps for a good rain dance!
we're at 2 1/2-3" since saturday night. its still raining lightly. the river has lots of room for what we have gotten so far.

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