stronger than roundup???


Well-known Member
Hey folks, a friend was visiting in TX a little while ago and said that the folks he was visiting was spraying fence lines with something that they told him was better than roundup and killed everything the first time and it didn't come back. They "use it all the time".

First thing I pointed out was, Why would they have to use it more than once if it wiped out everything the first time?

Anyway, he's like any german wannabe cowboy that just has to have what the Texans are using.

Is there such a thing on the market? How is it packaged (qt, gal, etc)?

Thanks, Dave
round up isnt what it use to be,people around here may try other chemicals because its not working.I think its not the same as once before? my thought.
Rural King sells a 41% generic round up. Regular round up is 18%. The generic brand was 2.5 gal for $37 and a quart of regular round up was on sale for $18. Both are the same stuff. Your results depends on how strong you mix them.
He may be talking about Pramitol. Roundup for the most part kills every thing it touches execpt some small trees in a fence line but it doesn't have any residual effects, meaning if there is a seed there that ain't up yet it will pop up with the next rain. This stuff will kill every thing down to the ground and nothing will grow for about a year. This is the main chemical that is used around here for this that is also labled for it. ;)

poke here

I use round-up and crossbow mix; In a bout a week
the grass looks weak, in 2 weeks it is dead:
dark brown grass. So make sure you do not spray any thing you dont want sparid.or DAVE2 your will put the hurt to you, if the flowers get spraid.

The power company uses a chemical that kills all, any time of year and makes it look like a lunar landscape for 3-4 years. I've seen it used here in NY and in Michigan. I wouldn't let them use it on my property. What it is, I don't know.

Roundup pretty much relies on being sucked in by the plant and delivered to the roots BY that plant. That's why it works better in the Fall then in the Spring. Fall is the time when plants are gathering nutrients from above ground, to send down to the roots. Springtime is somewhat the opposite.

Years back, many used Atrazine for quick "contact kill", but I assume it's not legal for general use anymore.
"Why would they have to use it more than once if it wiped out everything the first time?" Texas is a big state. They use it all the time cause they ain't covered it all yet
phone co came thru about 15 years ago straightening up connector boxes and spread Morton water conditioner salt around the boxes...that ground was clean for 3-4 years.
Roundup is a contact killer, it kills most any green growing plant it touches, but does not affect the soil, or sprouting weeds, or weed seeds.

What your friend is using is a ground setilizer product, it has long-lasting effects in the soil to prevent seeds from sprouting and can last 18 months or more.

Works very differently than Roundup.

Also, it has long-lasting effects on groundwater, can leach in heavy rains downhill & affect areas you didn't want affected, etc.

EPA is really frowning upon these sprays, and puts more & more restrictions upon them. Because they last so long in the environment they should be used wisely.

I don't know if it's still available but "Hyvar" used to be used as a ground sterilizer. If you sprayed it and then got a heavy rain it would leach out to surrounding areas. I have a cousin that sprayed a fence row with it. The next day we had a heavy rain and it washed out into the woods and killed several big oak trees. It also allowed the ground to wash bad enough the the fence posts washed out of the fence row.
There are several weeds that have developed a resistance to roundup. This year is the worst that I've seen for pigweed.
Make your own. Warm water to dissolve some salt in a sprayer will sterilize the ground. Dont remember the ratios I'm sure you could find it on Google.
not only is Tejas big,but everytime ya shred close to sprayed areas you reseed...birds plant stuff too,not to mention cows.
There's a powerfull residual that is used for non crop areas like railway yards, rights of way, utility lines, etc. I forget the product name... but it kills pretty well everything in sight for quite some time... but I don't think it would be approved for use around other crops.

Pramitol is one, Sahara is another, soil sterilants, like other posters said. Pramitol comes in liquid emulsifiable concentrate, and pellet form, Sahara is a soluable powder, as far as I know. Main problem is run off, sometimes people will use it in driveways, then a big rain, and neighbor's lawn will die. Spike is another good one, little pellets that kill only trees and broadleaves. It moves with groundwater, too.

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