rant on computers!

I'm going through my recipts from many places of business, and I'm just so ticked at the way the recipts are unreadable.

The recipts are placed in a briefcase, and sit in a hot vehickle. This has destroyed several hundred dollars, if not more recipts that make them nonbillable.

Actualy there are some that are nothing more than a blank piece of paper, even looking with a magnafing glass.

I pay cash for almost eveything, and record only from the recipts for tax papers as well as charging my customers.

Why can't the government make these businesses print out a decent sized slip with real full words (without partial words and codes)

While I'm venting----When we get a recipt from our local court house we get a cash a adding machine print out recipt without even a date on it--yea simply a list of numbers. I'm sure the IRS will by into that one.

Perhaps the book keeping should be done every night, instead of at monthly!

I best take my meds and get some rest --that is if I can read the faded labels on the meds.
My tax man told me to bring bills home and photocopy them,if you don't over time you will end up with a blank piece of paper..yes you are right, heat and sun and those cashier receipts fade to blank paper. I especially photocopy recipts for larger items so they can be returned for warranty..saws,power tools,lawn and garden,hardware..if the reciept is blank its a lot more difficult
Hard to believe some people think that their ill-advised actions are somebody else's fault, ain't it?
I have to wonder if it isn't deliberate that they disappear after one day in my billfold. Just the very slight pressure of them rubbing together makes it disappear by the end of the day or its nearly or partly unreadable. I have printed store receipts in my files that are 50 yrs old & as readable as the day they were printed. Paper is ok, it's just the ink. Who knows who or what controls the ink stores buy. Do you have to be a discriminating consumer on everything you buy or could we just expect old-fashioned quality? Don't pay any attention to the troll using another name to agree with himself. DON'T FEED THE TROLL!
(quoted from post at 20:04:17 09/21/10) Why can't the government make these businesses .

There ya go! Great idea, maybe you can get on facebook and be friends with the CIC and have him appoint a cash register receipt CZAR........

Some of the worst for disappearing ink are gas and diesel receipts. Proper invoices are usually good. I think it has to do with better paper. It's also highly possible the gov't. doesn't care. There's less expense's for people to write off on their taxes if you can't read the receipt. Dave
I have noticed this on auto parts reciepts in the last few years. What good is a lifetime warranty when the recipt is unreadable two weeks later. I copy all my big ticket purchases but it sounds like you would be doing this daily. Not sure what the easiest way to fix this would be.

I'm with you!!!!! We DEFINITELY need a 'tax receipt' czar. As an added benefit, think of all the folks that would have jobs.......meaningful, useful jobs.
You need to get up with the times and start using a credit card, that's what most businesses expect now days. Easier for returns, and you have an electronic receipt!
i have the same problem, i found the way to keep them is to take them in the house on the same day, and store them in a solid drawer, so there in the dark where the sun and heat cant make the numbers fade
The direct thermal product that is used for many receipts has been on the market for about 15 years. This has been the accepted output media for many years. Almost everyone knows that it is sensitive to heat and sun. That is how it is printed, it uses a hested print head. The retail oulet saves the cost and down time of buying and changing ribbons by using direct thermal.
So how happy would you be if you were ready to check out and you were told that they were out of ribbons, it was jambed, or you had to wait for them to change the ribbon?
Just find a place to keep them that is not hot or in direct sun.
They have the option to use larger receipts and use ribbons but can you guess who would bear the added cost? you would not be happy about that either.
Remember the old coated FAX paper, when FAXes first started? I needed some documents for evidence in a court case one time, and asked my client to bring them in. He arrived with kind of a funny look on his face, and showed me the papers (coated FAXes)- he had highlighted the relevant parts, and overnight, the yellow highliter reacted with the paper, and those lines were perfectly black, and totally unreadable.

So far as Iowa's problem, I'll "pile on"- just gotta get them to a cool dark place quickly. They'll stay OK if you do that. And I'll echo what others have said about credit cards, as well- let them do the record keeping for you, and its free if you pay in full every month. DON'T use debit cards- too many risks, not much upside.
I do all my business on a credit card, so if I lose a receipt, I will make something up off the credit card statement for my tax records. Keep all my records on spread sheet. Makes things very easy to send to my CPA.

You may not have a Menards. At Menards, you can go to a computer at the store, insert your card, look at all your purchases, and print duplicate receipt. 2 thumbs up to Menards!

The following info adds to your position for a different system. It is a serious problem in many ways!
Those little tickets are made from a high percentage of synthetic estrogen (not kidding) it can and is known to rub off on and into your skin. Do not eat them. Jim
Estrogen in reciepts
Why not get a scanner for your computer.
You can save them on a flash drive,or a CD/DVD
(SAFE FROM COMPUTER CRASHES) and print them as you need them.
The print will fade within a year, regardless of how you keep them.
I can certianly understand some advise here, but It is pretty clear a few have never delt with the IRS.
I personaly also know of a couple folks that had their identity stolen.

I realize that some contractors spend alot of winshield time, but my work load demands that I am part of the small team, and taking a invoice to a air conditioned building seems a wee bit of a problem.

I also had alot more birthdays than I used to have years ago, and when I get home, the bookwork must wait till a rain day. Or at least that is the best excuse I can come up with for not doing it as often as it should be done.

I must admit, I sure as heck know what direct sun does to recipts, and why it does. My rant is our world is supposed to be getting simpler as we get smarter.

I also enjoy finding recipts from a hundred years ago that were written with a simple old chunk of lead, or a ink pen. Now I can't make it 24 hrs with the new methods of recipts (my original rant).

I also have a scanner, and that is a good idea, but again my rant--why should this be required?

My meds will kick in, and I will probably get over this, but that doesn't mean for one moment that I will not complain about it.

And it does seem like we have kinda accepted this as ok in our world. I may not have to wait in line at the Walmart check out, but It will take about the same amount of time waisted at the office.

They have a new prototype toy I've been told that will alow you to push your shopping cart between two posts, and it will print you a recipt of every item in the shopping cart.

I'm thinking I will try putting my mother in law in the cart with all those metal plates in her head and seeing if it will still work.

Any idea how much bookwork I could have done instead of goofing off here? This seems to be more fun!
Tell them they can either get ink that lasts or write out a ticket.For a long time trucking companies demanded a hand written fuel receipt,or a good printed receipt.The disappearing ink has been around a while.If the people would demand that they quit using it,they will quit using it.

As for changing a ribbon in a cash register,Thats a lame excuse.The last typewriters had ribbon cartridges which arent hard to change,why not a cash register?

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