Windy in MN and WI today


Well-known Member
Very low pressure system with high winds in Minnesota and Wisconsin moving up thru and north of Lake Superior today according to weather channel. Be careful out there! It's windy and warm like in the 60's here in Nashville, TN right now.
Got 2" rain last night. Hoping for the wind only and not any snow. Havent started any corn yet so we'll see how good the Renk cornstalks hold up to the wind, and the cobs, very long and heavy cobs out there, they do no good if they fall on the ground.
Dont mind ya asking at all Gary. I havent purchased a combine yet, I really should have already but passed up a few good deals. I have brother of a friend that will do it for me at $23 an acre. My corn sampling from early last week came in with moisture from 12.4-14.5. Was planning on starting last thursday. My issue WAS that I only have 2000 bu storage bin at my place right now, the 4000 bu bin I was supposed to be able to rent from a friend still has wheat in it of his, and I couldnt get trucking in here to at least knock out what I could have delivered on my Oct-dec 15th contracts. So I had to make new plans, I now have 7800 bushels storage just a half mile from me for free from a older gent that I plow out every winter with 3600 of that aireation. So I guess the short answer would have bee, I had no place to go with the corn, when I could have gone. Now I am hoping to go this next clear spell later in the week. I have to make some upgrades on storage and my combine issue as next year I will have a few hundred more acres. Only my 3rd year in crops, learn a little more each year. I am hoping th e corn will still be nice an dry, any thing less 13% should be able to go in the non aireated bins, right? I dont think the corn will take on any moisture, I hope. Next year I will own a dryer and a combine, and wont be so dependant and stuck.,
Corn usually doesn't pick up much moisture, anything under 16% keeps pretty good over winter, issues come on in the summer heat if you store past May. 'Generally', but a person needs to keep watching it....

Your problem is going to be wet ground, and losing corn to dropped ears, fallen stalks, and butt shelling in the header when the corn is this dry.

We got high prices and a pretty good yield
& unbelievably dry crop this year in most places, get er done & sell it if you have to, don't fuss with storage & delays on a year like this. ;) You'll make more money just selling it than most any other year of your life.... Can really cost a person if that blizzard stuff NW of us heads this way before the ground dries up. Maybe you are on light soil, 'here' in southern MN the clay is all full of puddles, not going to dry out soon.....

My soil will be fine after about 1 day of sun. I have contracts for April, May, and july of '11, tghat is what I have to store. Alot of the coops are full, if i had trucking avalable last week and a place to put it I would have went until it was done. I was planning on selling everything above the contracted grain. Alot of corn up around here, this 2" of rain will stop most people north of me till freeze up, so trucking wont be an issue, but there are many things such as those you stated that I am worried about.
I can relate to all that, been there at different times.

Last year today, I was 10 days into a harvest that usually lasts a month, I had given up on beans, was harvesting corn. Got very lucky with a nice November - last year. Very lucky.

I need to do something about grain storage/ transport here too. I live 1/2 mile from a coop dump pit, but they kinda 'big boyed' their policies and play a little hard ball with the customers a few years ago, so like to spread my wealth around. :) Makes a single-person operation tough tho, when you haul grain a little farther & stand in line behind the semis for over an hour, the combine is sitting still at home...

Getting to the age don't know if a grain setup is cost effective any more, but should do something. The corn crib, 1500bu non-electric bin, and 2000bu 1907 grainery isn't as much help to me as it was to dad. ;)

Sorry Dave didn't know you were waiting on a combine.

That is one adavantage to owning your own. You can go when your ready.

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