electric service question

bill mart

Well-known Member
I have decided to bite the bullet and run power to my 50x80 polebarn, figure after 7 years without, its time.Plan on having at least(12)240 volt 400 watt low bay lights (probably on three circuits so I dont have them all on at once if not needed).multiple 110 outlets on the perimeter walls,(1) dedicated 240 line for my 5 horsepower air compressor, maybe a few 120 circuits for fluoresent lighting,and (1) 240 line for a automotive style rotary lift.The way I see it I have two options.Run a line from the street and have a seperate service for the barn,which by code because its more than 100 feet from the road will require a utility pole(unless they allow under ground).Or run it from the house to the barn.The house currently has a 150 amp panel.Would a new replacement 200 amp panel be big enough to handle the load the barn is going to add? Thought we could use the houses 150 amp panel in the barn.I am also considering having a generator transfer swith installed at the same time the new 200 amp panel is installed.Currently we only use the barn a few hours a week,but with power the usage will increase.Thanks, Bill M.
Do you want the generator to power the shed as well as the house? If so, then the transfer and generator have to be at the house to interrupt the powerline coming into the house.

Then you will have to run the line from the house to the shed.

Or put the line to the shed with the generator and transfer at the shed and feed the house with a new line from the shed. Delete the current line to the house.
Looks to me like it would be much easier and cheaper to leave the house alone (provded its suitable) and just get a new seperate service and 100 or 200 amp (plenty of upgrade capacity) service and panel out at the shop. Thats exactly what I have. Provided the utility will furnish the shop service????????????? their expense is to the utility pole and transformer and all you have is the short secondary drop. THATS IFFFFFFFFFF THEY WILL DO THIS ?????????????????????????

If you run a branch circuit from house to shop
you have to run 4 wires (2 Hots, Neutral, Equipment Ground) and thats alllllll your expense. It may or may not require some buried conduit depending on if you go under driveways etc. Dont forget grounding out at the shop

Also theres a limit as to the biggest size of a branch breaker you can feed out of a 150 or 200 amp main panel. If you upgraded the house to 200 amps you can easily run a 100 amp branch circuit out to the barn butttttttt if its only 150 at the house I dont see you providing 100 amps out to the shop.

STANDBY GENERATOR: Im assuming thats ONLY needed for the house right??? I suggest use of a Transfer Switch or else go with one of the cheaper lock out main breaker thingamagiggys. Of course, if you go the sub panel feed from the house (NO seperate shop service) you could have some emergency power out there.

I will post again once you decide on the approach you take.

John T
My 200 amp service is at my grain drying bin, which is by far the biggest load we have. There are also other bins there with spreaders, augers, fans, etc. There's a 100 amp breaker feeding the house, and another feeding the barns /shop, both underground. We are considering adding another drying bin and an elevator leg at which point we would be max'd out. We can hook up a tractor powered alternator at the service(so we don't get stuck with a bin full of wet crap) and still run the shop, and enjoy a comfortable house!
Here an extra service means at least $20 a month just for having the meter setting there and an account open. And the rate would probably be higher.
I vote for one main service, subfeeding other buildings as necessary, and the proper transfer at the service to allow auxiliary power( which, with a big enough alternator, will still allow you to operate as if on the power line).
Here they make you pay for the pole then about $25.00 for various base charges per month weather you use any elec. or not. I wish mine was on one meter.
Did you check to see what your electric rates will be? Here in New York and in northern Michigan, the house gets the lowest rate. If you add a separate service with its own meter, e.g. for a workshop or barn, the rate is a lot higher - forever. Montly base service fee is higher and price per KWH is higher. If you feed the shop or barn from the house-service, it stays at the one cheaper rate. That's why many dairy farms around here have the barns hooked to the house service, when possible.

If you think you've got to have a 200 amp service to the barn, it's one thing. But if you can get by with a 100 amp serice, it might make more sense to update your house panel -IF the rates will be higher as they are here. Check your downlead to your house entrance panel and see what size it is. Even if you have to upgrade it to 4/0 AL for a 200 amp service, it might be worth it. Probably only 50 feet of wire to buy.
My house has a 200 amp service feeding two 100 amp services going to two barns, with direct burial #2 aluminum cable. Obviously, if there were a bunch of people here using major appliances in the house and also in both barns, all at the same time, there would be a problem. That never happens.

If there is no price hike for two meters, then I guess do whatever is easiest. My barn and shop has around twenty 4 foot lights, drill press, 6 horse air compressor, 240 volt welder, lathe, honing machine, grinders, heat lamps on in the late winter for animals, etc. Never had an issue with power.
Jdemaris, Im in western ny(20 miles south of buffalo).Isnt it amazing that this area generates tons of low cost power from niagara falls hydro plants and we pay over .13 cents a kw while new york city pays like .08 or .09 cents. go figure.
Rate here, even though the bill claims 13 cents per KWH, is actually over 18 cents - once you figure in all the fees and delivery charges.

The Adirondack region has even higher rates in some areas, and to be technical - the region makes much more electricity then is used there (from hydro). Not sure how it all really works, but New York State is one of the highest in the nation.
here our house is 12.6 and the shop on a meter of its own is 10,3. Electric company said rate at shop would be higher, but 10.3 is what we are billed. Haven'[t called them to see what happened.................
The local inspector allowed me to double-tap my house meter. I have a 100 amp service disconnect for my shop at the meter, and a 150 amp disconnect/transfer switch for the house. Four AWG 2 conductors buried to the shop, and a 100 amp breaker panel in the shop.

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