It's Amazing.............


Well-known Member
It's amazing how warped some people are in their thinking.

I posted a thread describing a humorous new nickname my wife acquired. Certain people immediatley took it upon themselves to turn it into a raucous and totally tasteless attack on my own nickname, which has been an honorable and upbeat part of my life for over 50 years.

Someone once said, "It takes all kinds of people to make a world". Someone else said, "It doesn't take all kinds, we've just got all kinds".
Goose I saw the post and learned about the history of the nickname an uncle had, yep we are part german but mostly hillbilly, only knew him by Goose. Just hard to see someone smile when they post!
I dont think those people that posted are warped. Dont see how that offended you. Just someone tellin a past experiance. I know theres a difference between your name being german and someone goosing someone else, is that being warped?? Maybe I missed something??
Seems to me there's a lot of no class low lifes on this forum. A "Goose" goes back before WWII, and to take offense at it seems to be pretty thin skinned to me. As the Drill Instructor said over 40 years ago, "Don't dish it out if you can't take it".
Goose, I didn't attack you or your nickname. I hope that you didn't think that is what I was doing.

I read your post about your wife's family giving each other nicknames, and read your nickname...Goose, and it gave me a chuckle about the time that I was over helping a neighbor, and his wife came out the door and mistook me from the back for him, and really embarrassd both of us. Her husband was there, and laughed first. I then jokingly made a joke to her, and shared it with you and everyone else.

If you somehow think that since I started it, that I was making fun of you, or attacking you, then you are greatly mistaken...but I apologize in advance. No harm, ill, or advantage was intended, although I suspect that I am the person that you are referring to. I apologize.

I remember some nick names my friends and I had.Tony the wop, moose,Whitey, irishman, danny the demon , cannibal, eagle beak,Fa Fa ,rolly rolls.Herwoman.Teachers were called John yok rubbernose, detective, jaw. pasta fogoli.Other friends got stuck with desilly, AJ, beans, boo boo, nick the greek.Joe grease.I can remember alot of them.A girl I was sweet on had a dad that called me shet heels.Some that cant be printed were used on cb radio.

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