Issue with neighbor

What would you guys do in this situation. We have neighbor that is a weekend farmer as he runs a big company in a nearby big city. He has a two hired hands that run the farm for him on a daily basis. He is a hunter so he planted some strip crops to hunt birds in that butts up to our land. I few week ago I noticed they were back hunting birds on a saturday. Tonight I was cutting my CRP in preparation for the upcoming deer hunting season and I noticed shot and unshot (misses) clay pigeons in our CRP that is next to their land. I know that the clay pigeons won"t hurt our CRP but it is the priciple of the thing. I called the farm manager tonight and I talked to him. I get along great with the farm manager as they store corn in our bins and we have done a little work for each other over the last year. The farm manager was very apoligetic as he was not there when this occurred. If he would have asked I would have probaly said fine but he thinks he runs the place. I have not had any other problems with him in the 5+ years they have owned the farm. Am I blowing this out of portion? He
How many lbs of lead do you think they sprayed out there? About 1 3/4 lbs per box of shells.

Yes its not that big a deal, let it go before you have an unfriendly neighbor to put up with.
Not a big deal. Just bring a box of target loads over to the guys when they are shooting and join in the fun.
I'm kinda with gun guru. Be neighborly and ask to shoot with them next time. If the are going to go shoot next to your place tell them how bad it is ruining the hunting there by shooting there and scaring off the game. Then they won't shoot there execpt in season anyway. Suggets a better place to shoot as well.
I have a neighbor that does the same thing on my crop land. But I never made a big deal out of it as long as he doesn't cause any damage. This neighbor doesn't farm so there are other things I have to watch such as spraying chemicals next to his yard. When you farm and have neigbors you need to get along with them. Another neigbor on the same farm tried to damm up with dirt water that was coming out of my field and causing a small gulley on his property. Legally he couldn't do this but I also knew that the run off would soon eventually break over this earthen damm. He was not only going against the man made laws but also mother nature. Sometimes you just have to set back and let nature take its course.
You let him know that you found clay pigeons on your property and that you didn't like it. He apologized even though he didn't do it himself. Presumably he'll take it up with the guilty parties and they won't do it again. What more do you want? Let it go; if they do it again then you'll have something to get upset about.
I'd rather have those on my property than my neighbors stupid free range chickens. I'm putting up a fence so they don't scratch up the lawn, leave poop and spread the compost pile all over. Some people just don't have a clue.
I guess I would vote for way to much concern on your behalf. You have cast the first stone in what could be a onging problem.

A good neighbor has to take a few jabs in order to keep peace. The peace is worh far more than some lead on your land. If they are hurting something, or scaring cattle etc. well that is then a big deal.

I sure hope I did not come across as negative towards you personaly in any way.
Agreed,, Best to look at resources and Boundaries like the INDIANS do .. , Some folx takethings personel , somefolx Shrugg it off as No big Deal , most REAL cuntry folx I like are in the Latter catagory ,. and GetAlongJust fine ,, long as Ya Don't Leave the gate open ,Chase cows , Build fires , Ride 4 wheelers thru the Wheat Ect . aroundhere,. i canTell stories on People taking Blackberries from the folx that picked them 60 years ago , simply because they came up the creek unto THEIR property , Same for Fish ,,, That knda selfish stupidity stays a lifetime on those that are wronged ,,. and Yet, just This week I heard a guy stopped along a harvested tobacco feild to GLEAN a few chewing leaves and was told to Leave by one of the Neighbors ,,. God is Great , beer is good ...and one thing for SURE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY !
be lucky they werent shooting towards your buildings happens around here alot there all crazy or ignorant aint sure yet
clay pigeons can be harmful to pigs, said so on the box when I used them.We went to gravel pits or threw them over woods.They should join a gun club that has a skeet range.They do reclaim shot now.
If you have had a "weekend farmer" for a neighbor for 5 years and the worst that has happened is some clay targets on your crp ground you should think of your self as lucky and go on with life. Ask'm to quit, they will melt in a few years, and if farm manager was nice about it every thing should be cool from here out.

Good luck.

Your neighbor would hopefully have enough acreage to shoot trap on his own property..

It would appear that no harm was intended, but, I wouldn't care to have clay pigeons littering my property either..

I believe that you handled this situation very well. Just like a tractor; fix the small problems when they are small; and avoid a big breakdown.

Enjoy the weekend BDT
Ask him if next time they shoot skeet to let you know because you would like to join them!

If this is your only problem --you have no problem!
It's your land, so there's no problem with you bringing it up. There is a matter of degree, though, and it sounds like you handled it alright. Keep it country, and don't get into citified issues like air rights . . .

And I do like the argument down below that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to seed ground to draw game in, and then start blazin' away over it shootin' clay pigeons, just to sharpen your technique just before season.

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