
Well-known Member
FWIW.Saw an interview on U Tube of LBJs hispanic girlfriend about a year ago. It was quite long. She said that when LBJ came to bed that night with her, after he had attended a meeting,he was very agitated and said "That is the last time that S.O.B. will embarass me.There was more to the interview, but that statement was what made me think that LBJ was definitely involved in the murder.Probably has been taken down from U Tube by now.
A lot has been "taken down". No on close to it survived very long. Dorothy Kilgallen, a New York columnist, was ready to publish a book that would have exposed most everything about it and was found dead in her bed. Her manuscripts and notes all missing. Her boyfriend of the moment turned out to be a CIA trained assasin. This stuff goes on and on. Some true, some not, but there are many skeletons in that closet.
Hi msb: THere were very hard feelings between the Kennedys and LBJ long before Dallis. In fact before their elections. I suspect the mafia more then anyone else. Bobby was Attorney General and he was putting a lot of pressure on big time crime.. Most will never know for sure now.. My big hangup is all the blame on just "ONE" person with a bolt action rifle pumping those shots into a moving car.. When I was in the Army, I was the 5th best rifle shot in our Battalion which was about 1,000 men. Being that good, there is no way I could shoot as well as Oswell is suppose to have. One person with a bolt action rifle is BS. I felt that way within weeks of all the news coverage back then and I have not heard anything to sway me from 'Big Crime' being involved.. I'll start by reminding all of "shots from the grassey Knoll.." By the way, I was working in a R&D Electronic Lab at the time to relate to the other post "Where were you.." It's all History now... ag.
You ever been to the grassy knoll in Dallas? The distance of the shot was only a couple hundred feet...not far at all. I appreciate that you fancy yourself as the 5th best in your unit but I'm pretty good also...those shots could have been made by one individual from that window in the book repository. Easily.
GWH Bush "could not remember" if he was in Dallas that day? My, my, and we allowed him to be in the most powerful office of this nation?
No matter who you like or dislike, watch this TV program of actual confessions by people that were in the loop. If you still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the shooter, I have some land 15 miles due east of Daytona Beach, FL, that I would like to sell to you.

Absolutely not with the weapon that they confirmed that he "used". It has been tried by many folks> You are welcome to go try to peel off 3 shots in under 6 secounds with the old bolt action that he allegedly used and also hit a moving target that changed speeds during the shooting spree.
Let us know if you do it, you will be the first.
Alot of controversy still exists over the shooting of Kennedy in Dallas that day. There have been several experiments of expert shooters using the same rifle and firing from the same distance and heigth at a moving vehicle with dummies in the car as targets.
It was indeed proven that the shots could be done in the aloted time and strike the target just as they did on Kennedy that day. Believing that Oswald could actually shoot that well, is a matter of fact no one can prove.
I've been to Daly Plaza in Dallas. I have to admit it sure looks smaller than what appears on film. The school Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll are very doable sites to shoot someone in a slow moving open vehicle.
It's all History now, and again, it is a matter of what an individual believes as to who really killed JFK.
A few years back I was in Dallas on business. I went out to the Texas Book Depository ( now a museum) one afternoon.

I stood at the window where Oswald is supposed to have shot from and looked down onto Dealey Plaza. One thing struck me immediately, that is how the shot would have lined up for Oswald. Dealey Plaza at that point goes downhill to go under the railroad tracks, it also turns a bit to the left at the top of the grade so that the traffic lanes come closer together as they go into the underpass, but the street is straight for about 150 feet right at the spot where the limo was during the shooting. What it does is force the Presidential Limo to go down a grade that is just about the same angle as Oswald would have had to hold the rifle as he aimed. The shot would have been on a down slope, going straight away from the shooter. The shot would line itself up, at less than 100 yards distance. Changing speeds in the limo would have no effect because the target was going straight away, not crossing from one side to the other. Any decent deer hunter could have made it.

I can't explain the "magic bullet". I don't know if there was a conspiracy, or if there was anybody on the "grassy knoll", or if Oswald was the one who fired the shots from that window, but he could have. That shot was not as big a deal as the so-called "experts" have claimed it was.

Go to Dallas, stand at the window, see for yourself. See what I saw. Anyone with some experience shooting and hunting will agree.
As a gossip columnist her death may have had more to do with ****ing off Frank Sinatra than the Kennedy assassination.
There is a never ending list of crackpots that claim some knowledge/involvement in everything from the Kennedy shooting to the World Trade Towers. Since there isn't anyone willing to take the blame, nor is there anyone with evidence to PROVE what these crackpots say, I tend to believe they're just blowing smoke to get their 15 seconds of fame.

IF/WHEN you or anyone else comes forward with hard facts to prove anything other than what is known so far, let me know. Until then, I'll lump all the conspiracy theorist's into one group, then disregard what ALL of 'em have to say.
There is no question that some of the best strategy went it to the "what happened" that was officially laid on us.
Oswald was allegedly the only shooter, that is a big problem. Could he or anyone have fired shots from that window? Sure. Could they have hit the moving limo? Sure.
Even expert shooters that had time to think, to know exactly where the limo would be at each point, to know the speed, to know all of the angles, and and no pressure of getting caught still had trouble peeling off the 3 shots in the time that Oswald was said to have done it with that old bolt action.
Was he a better shooter that any man on Earth today and we just did not know it.? Likely not.
What we are left with is the fact that he would have had to have been very lucky to have done all that they said he did that day.
Then you have J Howard Hunt's death bed confessions. Did he do that to leave a weird legacy or was he actually finally telling what he had held secret for all of those years?

Why could GWH Bush "not remember" if he was in Dallas that day? I know where I was, and everyone I have ever spoken with also knows where they were.
Never lose sight of just how motivating money and power can be. Also, look back on history of all of the issues that were told to us one way, but later turned out to be different or even false. I guess we make pretty good sheep for those that have the power.
Read Red Dave comments above.
You can't operate a bolt action and take 3 shots in less than 6 secs? Couple hundred feet, a scope and the target going away? Braced on a window sill. Factor in a touch of luck and it's quite doable. Have you ever been to the book repository and grassy knoll in Dallas? Go and then tell me it can't be done.
Well, there"ll probably be more posts coming on while I"m typing this, but...
MFPoor: Read a little, or email me direct if you"d like a few "oddities"...
Red Dave: JFK"s limo came straight AT the dep on a level street BEFORE turning to go in front of it and past it curving downhill; so the "shooter" gave up an easy shot to make a more difficult one?? or shot while panting from scrambling to get into place almost too late?? and then while "escaping" gave up his cab to a lady??
dhermesc: yes, Oswald was a Marine "marksman" (I"m quoting from memory, the rank may be wrong) BUT it was the LOWEST Marine ranking, and there"s testimony he had trouble even making the question of why, being known in his unit as"Oswaldski" for his political views, he was posted to Atsugi air base in Japan, where (the Cold War then going great guns) the then super secret U2"s were overflying Russia and China...
Oswalds life, or the Oswalds (plural) lives, are endlessly fascinating...
Agree with Bo.. Go visit the site and sit in the window the shot was made from and look where the car was. Oswald could have hit JFK with a rock from there....
It was well known to us Texans at the time. LBJ and JFK were only together. Because JFK needed Texas and the southern vote. No love lost at all. Bitter rivals.
MF Poor, are you going to want that land off the coast of Daytona Beach zoned residential or commercial? I can get moving on the paperwork.

I agree that it was well covered up, but no one can cover up what J Howard Hunt delivered prior to his passing. That is not something that he would or could make up and leave in the hands of his own son.
This is just one valid point, there are many others.
Read and watch, it may open your eyes unless you are one of the sheep that does not want to learn new facts.

Kinda reminds me of the people that refused to believe that a wealthy preacher had been having affairs and pilfering money from the church. He was convicted and sent to jail, but there are STILL some folks that refuse to believe it.
I may have to find more land to sell.
Or MORE LIKELY, spme people (you included) tend to believe ANYTHING that's sensational, routed in conspiracy, or against the grain. That's why Jerry Springer is a rich man.

In spite of what you may want to believe, there's not a boogie man hiding around every dark corner.

Have you raced up the stairs with adrenaline obviously flowing as you are almost late getting there, took aim at the limo, peeled off 3 shots in under 7 seconds? Many have tried it under very ideal conditions and have not gotten it done.
Let's assume that YOU can, it proves nothing other that the fact that you were not the killer, but could have gotten it done had you decided to be the killer that day.
Seriously, you need to read more about this. Just the facts (not "theories") make it very suspicious from the beginning.
Go read and listen to what J Howard Hunt said on his death bed. Did he manufacture a bunch of lies, accuse innocent people that could and would sue his estate? Why would he do that, to make his son's life a mess?
You didn't answer the question...were you ever there to see the layout?
He didn't "race" up the stairs...still, were you ever in the service where you had to go through adrelanine pumping training and still function well? Were you ever in the service where you trained at all? Yeh, I could make those shots as could half of the grunts in service. Just for kicks, I took my bolt action 30.06 and cycled it 3 times as the microwave ticked of 6 sweat cycling, aiming and cycling. So...answer the questions above.

You will enjoy your land purchase off the coast of Daytona Beach. You can even set up a shooting range and keep proving to yourself that you can cycle a 30.06 3 times in less than 7 seconds. AND? That proves nothing unless you are a reincarnated Lee Harvey Oswald with the exact same rifle and reflexes under extreme pressure and time lines.

I have not stood on the grassy knoll. But you & I are not in the running for a possible person that could have been in Dallas and helped with the assasination. So once again, your points are moot (of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic).

Did you hear what J Howard Hunt had to say to his son before passing?
So you're some chump blowing smoke based on nothing that you've experienced. Talk to me when you've been to Dallas to see the lay of the land and field of fire. Talk to me when you've had your chops busted by some battle hardened DI and you've handle most weapons well enough to be expert with them. Until then, you've got nothing to say.

They taught you a bunch, but apparently you were AWOL during the classes on respect. I have not called you stupid names because that only comes from stupid people. I just thrumped your "chump" slur.
You remind me of a person that is discussing why an airplane crashed and he makes it clear that he has flown the same airplane in the same area and never crashed. Again, it begs the question - SO DARNED WHAT?
Any clue as to why J Howard Hunt incriminated people in his death bed discussion with his son?
I got it, you think he was just another one of those crazy conspiracist. LOL
How fast was the limo moving when you ran the test that you claim thrumps my information? Did they really allow you on the same floor?...........With a loaded rifle?......To shoot down in to moving traffic? WOW, You must have some pull with a lot of powerful people in Dallas.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about and yet you prattle on. Amazing. Never served huh, do you at least know from which end the bullet comes out of?

Don't blow what little credibilty you may have left with brainless statements.
I served honarably in the US Air Force. I qualified top 5 in my troop with an old M-16. That does not mean that I can or cannot bolt 3 bullets in less than 7 seconds in an old foreign made rifle.
I am not using my opinion as much as I am simply asking you if you are even aware of additional information that has surfaced since we were "told" exactly what happened and how by the Warren Commision?
There are still plenty of questions about what all actually happened and why. If you do not get that, oh well, what a big surprise. LOL
Troop? Airforce has no "troop units" airman calls himself or herself a "troop" or "trooper". Strictly a Cav designation. Your credibility sucks. There is no such thing as an "old" M16..M16s are the current weapon, not old.
Nope, don't believe a thing you say. You can continue to look for boogy men under your bed and find others interested in conspiracies but you'd be better off finding something more relevant. Nope, you've just lost all credibility and are bordering on being an imposter posing as one of America's finest. Troop ..ha!
You just exposed why you cannot think outside of that silly box that contains your gray matter. I put "troop" in there on purpose. You see, there are some people that can't see the forest for the trees. They get their minds fixed on one solution to everything, just like you about JFK. Not sure if it is being lazy, or if that is tapping the limits of the ability to think.
It was called a "Squadron", you would know that if you had a half a spark plug in your noggin.
Yes, it was an "old" M-16, as in 1971. You better learn some stuff including how to respect folks that have seen more and know more than you, or you will continue to be in the dark on some issues.
Thanks for absolutely confirming that you just do not get it at all.
I am sure that you are a good shot, but tell us what that has to do with what may or may not have happened to JFK?
Were you in Dallas the day he got killed, or is your answer that same as GWH Bush, "I can't remember"?

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