The positive side of insurance for everyone....


Well-known Member
Regardless of who pays it. When doctors get paid, they pass the benifits on I guess.
Had a big quarter size birthmark on my head since (guess when). Always sticking out, getting caught on hair clippers, etc. Finally had enough the other day when getting a haircut. Wife called the doctor yesterday evening for an appointment to have it looked at. Said no appts, just come in. Went in at 0830 this morning, signed in, yadda yadda. Doctor said cutting it out costs 220 bucks and laser 120. Left at 0915 without my lump. Did the laser because of the cold weather and I wanna wear a hat and not have an itchy wound. 120 bucks covered today and a follow up look in 2 weeks.

Dave. SERIOUSLY PAL. Did the dr take a biopsy? The Daughter we lost last december had a growth removed from her back when she was still a teemager. Last year in Dec, cervical cancer took her. Damable thing that Cancer.Can hide in any abnormal growth,etc. Now in my limited humor with your post, this is certainly not humorious to me at all. I think highly of you and want you to be around posting for many years to come.
I went to have some skin tags or warts removed, don't know what lead to the conversation but I was told they had to send in everything for biopsy. I took this as medical industry wide.
Other than just checking the actual removed part for abnomalities they are also checking the edges that they got the whole thing and will call somebody back to remove more.
Sorry about your daughter.
Skin tags are removed in the doctors office here. Not sent in. I have had skin cancer and it is just as the old reports say- a scab that never heals. So far, I've had a pie shaped wedge cut from my left ear and a silver dollar size hole in my forehead near my left eye. That one nearly left me blind, but the doctor was able to pull skin from my head to cover it. Only thing is now I've got hair growing on my forehead where no hair should grow LOL. Doc did say I'd probably need more surgery in five years. Darn outdoor work and ball caps, anyway.
I had skin tags sent in. Depends on what the docs think, I guess. Of course I noticed that the doc charged the insurance company 3K for "surgery", done with dry ice and a little pair of scissors. 10 minutes, tops.
I've had a few removed and sent in, the doc says he can tell *most* of the time what the results are and what ones are safe.

There are lots of sites you can look up the signs of skin cancer and what to look for.
Apart from the dentist, I've only sought medical care twice in the last 50 years. Broken ankle and broken rib a few years later. The doctor did nothing for the rib so I generally treat myself. I have saved huge amounts of money on the insurance premiums. I have always been self employed.

Brother got prostate cancer so he convinced me to get tested. Tests came back negative.

I am a good typist but I am writing this with one hand today. I got a really big splinter in a right hand knuckle while spliting wood four days ago. My whole hand is 25% bigger than it should be. Dang it, it looks like I will need medical care but don't even know where to start looking. I have Medicare now as I am 66. Been thinking about going to a hospital emergency room.
Wardner - you might try an urgent care facility if you have one in your area. Around here they are quicker, and just a fraction of the cost. I wouldn't use an emergency room unless there was bleeding or chest pains.

You've been blessed with your good health and no insurance. One minor illness could offset the savings that you've experienced. I hope your hand feels better soon.

Thanks for the suggestion. Do they have an out-patient clinic or, just alot of sticky tables and floors?

I don't go anywhere if I can help it. Will UPS deliver hot waffles?
Probably pretty safe, it was a birthmark he'd had since. . .birth!

Would be kinda like a guy I knew who got cancer of the lymph nodes 20 years ago- neck all swelled up, etc. Still that way, 20 years later. As he says, "If its gonna kill me, it better hurry up, or I'll die of old age first!"
You are right. The docs are supposed to examine and even keep samples for a period of time. I'm sure some don't.

Thanks for the tip. I just spent 1/2 hour googling "urgent care" and "clinics" with my zip code. I have a bunch of calls to make now.
I don't buy that, most dermatologist don't start lopping on clear unblimished skin, they check moles and the such for changes because that's were most start.
I've had a number of cysts cut out over the years.
I tell the Doc it is probably shrapnel coming up,
a that is what it has always been. Sometimes it's
sent in, sometimes not. I've told them to cut into
it when they "pop" it out, and there is a piece of
metal there. Had some of the same with my dentist.
Oh, and I don't fly, don't really want the extra
hassle :) I lost a daughter also to cancer. Mouth
and throat, and she never drank or smoked. I am on
top of the list making everyone else go get
checked out, and work with the Relay For Life and
American Cancer Society. Do as I say, NOT as I
Just curious if you went to a regular Dr. in Germany or was it at the military base? Sounds like a good, efficient and cost effective plan to me.
(quoted from post at 12:12:52 12/02/10) Just curious if you went to a regular Dr. in Germany or was it at the military base? Sounds like a good, efficient and cost effective plan to me.

German skin specialist. More trouble than it's worth to see Military doctors.

Glad you got your problem solved, I know living with something like that must have been rough. That said I think you hit the nail on the head with this comment but not in the way you probably meant when you made the origional post. By that I mean it"s OK for other goernments to have great healthcare plans and often times they get lucky and they work. But think about this, your saying that to see a military doctor is a PITA. Thing is that should be government run healthcare at it"s finest and in it"s most advanced form as the military has been in existance for so long. Now take the fact that the US government can screw up and make getting healthcare that bad for JUST the military and their dependents and then imagine how bad the"ll screw it up and how bad it can get when they are controlling a plan that will involve such a massive amount of people as the population of the US as a whole.....
(quoted from post at 21:37:37 12/02/10) Glad you got your problem solved, I know living with something like that must have been rough. That said I think you hit the nail on the head with this comment but not in the way you probably meant when you made the origional post. By that I mean it"s OK for other goernments to have great healthcare plans and often times they get lucky and they work. But think about this, your saying that to see a military doctor is a PITA. Thing is that should be government run healthcare at it"s finest and in it"s most advanced form as the military has been in existance for so long. Now take the fact that the US government can screw up and make getting healthcare that bad for JUST the military and their dependents and then imagine how bad the"ll screw it up and how bad it can get when they are controlling a plan that will involve such a massive amount of people as the population of the US as a whole.....

Only reason it's a problem to see Military doctors is that I'm a civilian and soldiers/families come first and rightly so. As far as who runs the health care, only one that mentioned it is you. Everyone here has health coverage from one of several providers. Some pay more than others and some don't pay. Rates aren't as wild as some of you folks talk about. Plenty of competition for docs of any kind so folks have a choice which means prices stay down. I get along better because my insurance isn't accepted by the Germans so I am considered a private person and have to pay cash which means mostly same or next day appointments.


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