O/T, Looking for a Farm job, $$$ not important

I have decided to look for a job, on a Farm or??? I was raised on a Grain, Dairy, and Hog Farm, was in FFA as a kid, worked around Farm Service places. I drove, and owned, Semi's for 30 years, 3,000,000 safe miles, I mess with Tractors, Paint Tractors and Equipment as a hobby, can weld, plumb,do electrical work, drive Equipment, get along great with Livestock. I have Caretaker experience, work well with the public.
I am 54 years old, and partially disabled, and not doing this for the money,a little would be nice,not a deal breaker, but I do want a home, and utilities, provided, love to cut Firewood, so it can be heated that way. Need 2 bedrooms, a garage/Barn to put my Tractor in. Have Cats, no dogs.
Looking in the South East Indiana, South West Ohio, Southern Ohio, areas. Would consider Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Louisiana, and Kentucky.
Email is open, feel free to email me. Thanks.
Thanks, I will.

Forgot to mention, I am a NON smoker, or Tobacco user, and have a clean, 0 points, class A CDL.
Go to the local library and check out the farm magazines. Lots of operators will advertise in them. Although most seem to be at dairy operations.

A clean CDL and non-smoker will definitely help. Are you also a non-drinker ? I imagine that would be a big deal for some.

Bonus $.02, and this is not intended to be offensive, but you may want to relax your expectations a bit. Upon first read, it seemed that you were asking for a lot from your employer. It would scare me off. What is your disability ? Are you married ? Dependent kids ?

Also, there are lots of trucking jobs around. Why the career change ?
Good friend of mine just diagnosed with brain cancer. Doctors give him few days to few weeks to live. He and his brother milk about 60 cows tie stall and raise about 500 acres corn beans alfalfa here in so. central Minnesota. Just two days ago I see the brother was advertising for help on Craigs list. Look it up if you are interested and contact him. It is advertised for St. Peter Mn. I do their repair work in my metal fab shop. Nice people but push pretty hard.
Doesn't seem to me as if he's asking too much- caretaker jobs always start with a house, because the folks want him there all the time. If all he can do is walk around and watch the place, usually no pay. But sounds like Earl can work a little too, so he would expect some renumeration.

I'd be interested, if I had such a situation available. Especially if he's an honest guy who doesn't want to simply steal everything not tied down the first month, and then move on.
I have, 1, drink per night, as I go to bed. I have a damaged neck, do to a flightline accident, when I was in the Air Force, during the Vietnam Conflict, I am, a Vietnam Vet. That, and the 30 years of being beat to death, in a Semi, made it un repairable.

NO dependant Kids, but have one that would like to visit occasionally, been in a long term relationship, but NOT married now, going to do that 4th of July week, in Gatlinburg next year.

Career change, well, I don't need the money, just need something to do, and a lot of Farmers have Homes, on their property. I can not sit in a Semi seat, 12 hours a day anymore, and there is NO such thing as part time work in the trucking Industry. Been there, tried that.

I subscribe to Farm World now, and have been watching it for sometime, but nothing has been in there.

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