Christmas Music for Larry Y.T Thanks YT!!

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Well AS I promised, Last of my Christmas Music for this year. Hope I'm around for the next one. Hope you Enjoy ,Larry & YT group. Sure would enjoy the other guys that play and the ones who have played here so far. Merry Christmas and a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU ALL. warmest reguards
pokey dot here
Wow !!!

That's what I like --- a tractor man who also can really play piano.

Wonderful job , wonderful music.

Merry Christmas to Lou and to all.
I hold life dear and yep there are many varied interest I like to take part in. Tractors, Crawlers Trucks etc are all on my list. But the bigest kick is Helping My SON . Thats where I get to learn more about different things. Thanks for your astute reply Reguards LOU.
I"ll just have say Merry Christmas to everyone. I wish I could see and hear what you guys are doing, but My dell has no speakers and Im on dial up, so downloading those videos takes forever. Happy Holidays. J
wow! you are amazing ! my wife listend along with me and she loved it too! thank you so much for trying to help my playing yesterday May you and your family have a Merry Christmas ....Larry
thats really good lou i can only dream about having that kind of talent .i hope you have a merry christmas with your family.
hey guys
great to have people with talent, you did great, thats what this time of year is about , surrounding yourself with good people to celebrate the holidays, thanks for the music
Beautiful Lou !

Very fine example of your previous post of color, and emotions.

Just the way you played it, I could hear it came from your heart.

Merry Christmas to you and yours too.
Thanks for your reply. Luck really falls to my side of the coin for having such a GREAT SON. Hope I never stop learning. Reguards LOU.
Thanks, The musicians here wish you all a MErry Christmas and a Happy (comming) NEW YEAR. Reguards LOU AND ALL the players.
Thanks Bruce. Ya know, I did many a gig just doing solo piano work in clubs while my favorite people had a relaxing evening with drinks and a fine dinner. I now wonder if their evening would have been more enjoyable -MINUS THE PIANO PLAYERS MUSIC. Years gone by and I still wonder.
Reguards, LOU.
That was awesome Lou.I've always wished I had some musical talents,But I don't! Anyways great music and I'm very glad you shared.
Thanks and Merry Christmas
Tony - - Omaha Ne.
Tony Thanks .I did (part of the circut on the road) in Lincoln, Sioux city Iowa,/Neb. Played in Lincoln .Came off the road dis=olusioned(sp)and frustrated. The gig I woulded to have loved to have (was close to getting it) was in Chicago at the LONDON HOUSE. Eddie Higgans was going out on the road and I was next in line for the job. He decided not to go, so i didn't get to do the club. remorse, Yep Like F Sinatra sings. "regrets ,Iv'e had a few "I DID IT MY WAY" lol. Glad you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas And Happy NEW YEAR. Reguards , LOU.
Larry. It's All about feelings (what I call Color) and I'm proud you let me do some light edge art work on your painting. Reguards, LOU
Oh Boy, whar a dummer I am. Missed 1/3 of Mel Torme's Christmas caroll. Then the part (if your familiar with the lyrics ) thats missing goes.They know that Santa's on his way, He's got lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh, and every mothers child is gonna spy, to see if Reindeer really know how to fly,. So Now I'm offering you this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety two, although it's been said ,many times many ways, Merry Christmas to you. The folks who know this can sing along with the video I sent to Larry, then you can see why I'm not playing any more. I'm Tempted to re-do the video again. Don't like things 1/2 done.I can do it right and by all means I should. I'll leave it up to Larry. It was my offereing to him and Y.T. and folks. Sorry Larry. Respectfully yours LOU.
Absolutely beautiful! I love it when people with talent just sit down and do what comes naturally.
Merry Christmas!!
Hello Lou,
I hear all those notes in between, that variation can not be thought! That IS talent...........................Excellent!
I do have i bit of an ear for music, but you also have the fingers to go with the music.
Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Merry Christmas.............Guido.
Guido. Thank you for your kind reply. Happy that you enjoyed . Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year. Reguards LOU
Inno. Thank you as well. I'm of the same opinion as to musicians. All players have the same intentions, =To SHARE !Haye a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. Reguards
So Happy you enjoyed it. Thank you for your kind words. Merry Christmas to you and yous , and A Happy NEW YEAR AS WELL> reguards LOU.
Thank you, I'm greatfull for all the kind replys. I want to wish you and yours,and all the responders a special MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! WITH WARMEST REGUARDS,

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