O/T Now, I Warn Ya... This Isn't Pretty!

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Had been up about a minute and a half and just noodlin' around tryin' to get woke up. :>(

I plan on makin' you guys a good video, but wife says to put this up so's ya can listen in the meantime.

My deepest appologies............It's all her fault!

Click if ya wanna hear
The G9 works soooooo darned nice. Just click it on when ya start and click it off again when it's done.

Just don't care for the audio quality tho.

Wish to heck I knew how to "marry" a couple of stereo audio tracks with the video track.

I love the bifocal induced head tilt there in the end! Great playing by the way.

I lost track of the progess on your Gleaner combine. Did you finish it? Are pics available?


Good stuff. Looks like you use more than one pick, right? Do you play with any groups or do any entertaining by yourself? What amps have you got there?

I need to get "up-to-speed" on posting on YouTube.
No COMMENT. lol Just say n what the others sre thinking. Any way , All joking aside nice guitar set up and fingering.Enjoyable to look at
the video. Thanks for posting !!!!!.
You needn't be so humble. Us "musically challenged" people know just how hard it really is to get to your level with an instrument and it's support equipment. We are envious!
THATS IT Im burning my Banjo n givin up I'll never be able to pick like that grrrrrrrrrrr one cant wait till over 60 to try n learn


A frustrated John T

Ive been thinking of making a lamp out of My "S" model till I saw one of Allan's vids where he was giving away the bad notes free.

I was too busy looking for them Kinda like not being able to see the forest for the trees. cause he hid them too well.

Get in here and do a little hammer clawin or something.

Remember were not competing, just havin fun.

Most of the guys here could definitely run me under the table but are all good natured guys.

We are here to enjoy Not put anyone down.
Alan. Was thinking about my bass player who passed away several years ago said he enjoyed most guitar players cause they played ALL THE WRONG NOTES ,BUT WITH ENTHUSIASM.Heck I didn't know he heard you play lol. God Rest his soul. LOU
My son is a professional musician who makes his living playing guitar and singing Blues and County on Beale Street in Memphis. Okay when I just started he tells me "Dad, you dont have to hit ALL the right notes, you just cant hit any WRONG notes"

With that 3 finger style rolling banjo method as long as youre in the right chord theres not many wrong notes (if so I avoid them in my roll) but thats NOT to say I hit all the right melody notes, maybe they will come in a few more years, I been at it 3 1/2 so far, on simple songs I hit many of the 'right" notes

Heres the real family musician, hes been at it since 12


Proud father John T
Musician Son Chad
Nah, he wouldnt let old dad within a mile when hes cutting a song grrrrrrrrr he has one of those 6 string guitar/banjos thats tuned same as a guitar but has a resonator n sounds like a banjo. I really get mad when hes home n picks up my banjo n plays it like a pro n I complain THATS NOT TUNED THE SAME AS YOUR GUITAR HOW YOU DO THAT but he says its tuned to open G so I just figure out the rest on the fly as Im picking grrrrrrrrrr He uses 3 or 4 different tunings in his show when he plays using a slide, some open E some open G etc makes me so dern maddddddddd

John T
I build backup midi files and then layer the lead, vocal and harmony voices in over the top.

That way, it is me playing all the parts simultaneously, I can play what I "hear" in my head and it is always "live".

I use a Roland GR-1 guitar synth and a Solton MS-40 as the sound module. The clean guitar goes thru a Studio Tube processor.

The whole she-bang is in stereo and it bugs me that I can't reproduce that sound here in these videos, as it really sounds so much better than just this flat-faced mono sound.

I would have bet a hundred dollar bill that you was gonna pick up on that. :>)

It's an art for darned sure, (and I still haven't got it down just yet) but I've really been pushing myself hard in that direction for the past few months; the use of layered alternate voicings and also the substitution of alternate chords.

As you most certainly know, coming at a line from a totally different degree really gives the voice a completely different “lean”, rather than the standard ‘Sears and Roebuck melody’ and forces the listener's ear to "interpret".

Yep, nothin' more boring than playin' a straight melody line; and especially so, if yer a picker. :>)

That's what I like about this place. You boys are always so darned nice to me.

Well, 'cept fer the day that I bought that darned Power Stroke. Ha! :>)

Thanks Pard!

My Nephew has one of those Guitar Banjos I can't get the feel of it because of the concave neck.
Sounds great in the right hands though
Hi Ron,

I use a 'hard' pick along with three fingers to pick up the harmony notes.

I'm on the south side of 40, as they say, and have been in so many darned bands over the years that I can't even remember 'em all.

Yes Sir, I play out all the time, but I do it by myself (probably 'cause I'm the only one I can get along with?).

And, I won't do it unless the money is there. Just cannot begin to explain how much work it is to pull it off all by yerself. :>)

Those are original Fender Twinn Reverb amps. A '65 and a '68.

The most sought-after amp on the planet and I've got two of 'em just sittin' there doing nothing.

Go figure. :>)

A person that can do that as you just can not think how that mekes some of us old heads feel. I do good to play the radio.. If I could do that never would get out of the house. Thanks for the shot it was nice. jm.
Yes Sir,

In the next couple of days, I'm gonna try to get a good-quality one up there instead of me just muckin' around in a fog.

I was testing the equipment this morning to see if I finally had it set up right, the wife heard it and she thought I should share with you folks.

Now, you just watch. I'll try to kick out a decent one and I won't be able to hit my butt with a wide-cut board. Always the way. :>)

Thanks Guy,

Well Alan , you would have won the bet BIG TIME. lol.Ya Know Most folks haven't a clue as to the efforts to master any instrument can be and so frustrating.To Me (like I've said)mastering any instrument is the ability to put music into a picture(soul feelings) form so that brings an emotional response from the listener. Techniques alone doesn't make that so. I have had discussions with people(young at that)to sing me the melody line to any rap sound. I was told in no uncertain terms what todays music is all about is ENEGERY ENEGERY ENEGERY, Being able to jump about, shake the bones ,scream, wave hands in the air roll on the floor etc is whats it all about BABY. He-l yea kid. Sing me a really loving feeling soulful song with lyrics that tell a story , and I'll re claim my sayings. So far I haven't had to re-linquish them at all. ALAN. I get SOOOOOOOOO tired of trying to tell folks they are being short changed in music. Doesn't make no difference to them at all.Were a throw away society ,music included, china imported worthless crap, makes no difference. Seems as though what was needed is something to take their mind off of how to feel about life and things and one another. Well they asked for it and by George they got it. Cheap and worthless .Shiney(techniques ,fast delivery,non soulful,enegery producing antics,)has won the battle hands down. Now don't I sound like I've lost what little brain power I once had as a young man?? Years sgo these thoughts of mine would never resonate in the brain patterns of people who worshiped r& roll, Hip Hop< RAP, and the like in todays society. I'm not about to change the worlds listening habits nor do I want to. All I was tellimg em, that they were settling for far less value then what the promoters was pushing at them.My next step up started with really bad country . Where the lyrics about the wife,girlfriend, stoled my pickup and took my dog my beer and left town with my bank account and drinkin buddy Bubba. Now let me tell ya I do like George Jones"She STOPPED loving him today" Got a great lyric line and good chord structure to match the lyrics. A perfect picture if you will. Good Lord Alan, I haven't got the tenacity to impose on Y.T forum to continue my rant. They have been very kind and patient with me. Sure don't want to wear out my welcome. Done ranting now . Keep working on the feelings and you'll be a winner in my book reguards LOU.

I thought they looked like Fender Twin Reverbs. I use a Peavey Nashville 112 for my pedal steel but am definitely not a professional.

Just started learning an electric acoustic fretless bass less than a year ago and it's easier than I thought it would be so far but we don't do anything fancy, just mainly the 1/5 notes. Having played simplistic rhythmn guitar for many years does help with learning the bass.

Oh yah, I'm WAY on the other side of 40!
Excellent Allan

Don't "crack" them knuckles this winter so you can keep sending us songs - er, we going to have to pay to see you at Branson, MO?

Merry Christmas to you and your family
Couldn't hear nothin. I saw you pickin away at what looks like a brand spankin new blue strat, but couldn't hear a thing.

Brand new rebuilt Lenovo IBM T60 Thinkpad because my T30 finally blew up, and I have no drivers for my audio device. That aint good. Well, now we're going to have to get that squared away so we can hear something. A couple of months ago I bought a brnad new HP laptop loaded with Windows 7, but couldn't take it anymore and gave it away to someone that I don't always get along with. This guy here though, XP Professional and I'm in heaven, except I just found out that I'm deaf and need a hearing aid downloaded.

Yep Been a while since I"ve heard it. Seems like in my haste, I transpose a lot.My Apologies. Thanks for comming to my mental rescue. I truly do thank you, Reguards LOU.

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