O/T 30 Vets to be buried Saturday 1/8/11


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Thought that my fellow veterans and military supporters on this site might like to hear about a wonderful service to be provided by a local funeral home for 30 homeless vets.

On Saturday, January 8th The Frank E. Campbell Funerial Home is going to bury 30 homeless veterans at the U.S.National Cemetary in Calverton, Long Island,N.Y.(about a 40 mile drive)
These veterans died,some in the street,some at hospitals. Their remains are in various NYC morgues. All have been identified,but found no one to claim them. All have military records.
They were headed for Wards Island in NY to be buried in Potters Field when the funeral home stepped in. They obtained permission to remove and inter the bodies at Calverton. Officials at the national cemetary will provide a mass grave for all 30. The funeral home has arranged hearse transport for all.
The volunteer fire service will provide ariel ladder arches with large American Flags at every overpass on the Long Island Expressway as a show of respect to the Vets as the procession passes underneath.
I was selected to stand honor guard with my fellow Viet Nam Vets at the cemetary.I am honored.
NO Veteran who was so willing to die in a foreign land for his country should die alone in America.
May God hold them in the palm of His hand.
Our God and Soldier we alike adore,
even at the brush of danger-(not before);
after deliverance, both alike requited,
Our Gods" forgotten, and our Soldiers slighted.
Per my notes that"s from 1632--things haven"t changed that much since.
For something more contemporary there"s Kiplings "Tommy".
It's a pity and says a lot about our government.You would think that Washington would care a little bit more about the men that were willing to give their lives to preserve our way of life than to allow them to be layed to rest with no recognition or due respect paid. Shame on them and GOD bless the people that do care.
Thank you for everything, then and now. Do you or anyone have a link to this in black and white with some funeral home details and maybe some info on the ones being buried?

That is a nice thing that funeral home is doing for those forgotten vets.You would think the government would step in and offer some help. Alot of people give up years out of their life to serve their country. some only a couple years, and some a lot more. Most people don't realize that sacrafice, and what danger is involved in our service to our country. Myself, I served in the Navy, I had some good times, and some bad times, but would probably have rather been home those early years of my life, rather than being stationed in some stinking countyr. I don't expect any extra treatment over the next guy that didn't serve, but if I would die with no one to clame my body, it would be nice for my government to atleast give my body some respect, and not stuck in funeral home waiting to be burried in a out of the way place. I know the government will provide a barriel plot if needed.Stan
I may get kicked for this, but this is a shame for a vet, or any other person in the world, let alone in the USA.

We can package money in big ship containers and send overseas to kill others in the name of --what ever they are calling it this week. Yet a homeless person dies in the cold because they fell through the cracks.

If you could get the name of the funeral home, or a e-mail address, I would like to show them some respect as well.
If the funeral home has their military records, they may be able to request a military<a href="http://www.cem.va.gov/hm_hm.asp"> headstone and/or marker</a> for each veteran.

When my dad passed, I got the funeral home to request a military marker for the foot of his gravesite.
(quoted from post at 13:54:21 01/07/11) If the funeral home has their military records, they may be able to request a military&lt;a href="http://www.cem.va.gov/hm_hm.asp"&gt; headstone and/or marker&lt;/a&gt; for each veteran.

When my dad passed, I got the funeral home to request a military marker for the foot of his gravesite.


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