O. T. Big Foxes

Roy in UK

Well-known Member
Just out of curiosity, how big do these critters get in North America? By the way, if you read the subsequent opinions raised by this newspaper article, I apologize in advance for some of my fellow countrymen (and women) who think that foxes are cute and cuddly!
Big Fox
Around here the only ones I"ve ever encountered have either been seen crossing the road or dead on the side of it. In the past few weeks I"ve seen several foxes. The red foxes I saw had all become roadkill. They tend to be slightly smaller than, say a Lab. The toward the end of last week I saw a darker colored/gray fox cross the road ahead of me. It was just a bit larger than the reds but still didn"t appear to be as big as my black Lab.

Now a few weeks back I also saw a Coyote sitting in the road on the yellow line. I"d heard the were around here again but this is the first one I"ve seen. It looked to be just a tad bit bigger than my Lab, but it could have just been the long straight, mangy looking hair poofing it up and making it look larger than it was.
Most foxes weigh around 12-15 pounds. They look bigger because of their bushy tail. They're not as heavy as an average raccoon.

That seems like a normal one here in the Antipodes but maybe big by UK standards. Bought to the continent by the landed gentry together with the rabbit for sporting purposes, then turned into a menace by unchecked breeding over decades.A sheep farmers nightmare.
Gawd, I hope not!

I'm up to my belt in foxes around here. I've got at least one that makes the rounds through my place every single day. I'm still trying to figure out his schedule.

I [i:654c4848f0]think[/i:654c4848f0] he's coming through just before daylight. As soon as I know for sure, I got a little surprise planned.

Last year, I lost 14 hens to a fox in one afternoon. This past spring I lost 4 more. No more free-ranging chickens around here, and I'll cheerfully shoot every fox I can draw a bead on.
Wow. I have seen a few around here, but nothing close to that. Be interesting if that fox has some dog genes in there?
Here in New York State our foxes are normal size but it is proven that eastern coyotes have wolf genes and are getting larger. In a contest each winter for the largest coyote taken the winners are about 60 to 70 pounds. I would think if a study were done your foxes may also have other genes. Interesting article thank you
Killing cats and that big sounds like some Coyote in it.Eastern Coyotes are big (have seen several that scaled over 50lbs) and have some genetics from the eastern Red Wolf according to some game folks I've talked to,plus Coyotes will just kill for the sake of killing where Red Foxes are usually looking to get a meal only.
How about this one? Not so many foxes around here.
That looks like a coyote to me. The red foxes we have around here in eastern Nebraska are much smaller and redder than a coyote.
Yes what a big mistake that was ! those , rats and of course mice, I know you have plagues of those little horrors at times.
To my American buddies I have one question for you, would you like your gray squirrels back? It has got to the stage now where it is now ILLEGAL to release a trapped gray squirrel back into the wild, you are obliged to destroy it.
Thanks for the offer Roy, but I'm well-supplied. My deer/coyote hunters are coming back tomorrow for squirrels (or coyotes). With any luck they'll take 50 or so, one guy loves those little drumsticks. No matter how many they shoot, never appears to affect the population here. Oaks, hickories, and walnuts drop lots of food.
We have many red foxes and few grays around my place (central NY). A full grown red fox can barely run and carry a whole chicken. That's not very big. Two red foxes come here every summer and keep trying to run off with a New Hampshire chicken in their mouths. Never suceeded yet. They tend to drag on the ground, I come out with a gun, and they give up and run away. Lot of feathers flying around, but we haven't lost any chickens yet.

We also have plenty of eastern coyotes. Part red wolf. They rarely bother anthing here. We often have an open barn with baby goats in early spring. Many times we find coyote tracks where they came close to the barn and sniffed around, but would not come in.

The big killers around here are people's dogs, raccoons, and weasels.
Here are few photos I took last summer when they kept coming by the house to get chickens. I wish I could of gotten a photo when this fox had the big hen in her mouth. She could not lift it in the air, and tried to drag it. It was pretty funny. Hard to take pictures and hold a rifle at the same time. I only shot in the air. We think this pair of red foxes had a den and kits nearby, and we don't mind having them around. Did not want to orpan any kits.

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I doubt many coyotes kill for just the fun of it. I DO know many get blamed for killings that were later found to be done by dogs, raccoons, etc.

I cannot say that I know evey coyote in the woods though. They are individuals and they do not all act the same. Very few animals, inluding people, do act the same.

My farmer neighbor is a wildlife technician for the state of New York. He and his team have many coyotes around here wearing radio collars and they've been tracked for years. That tracking has eliminated many false claims against coyotes.

Now, I guess one might argue that coyotes get better behaved when wearing collars, but I doubt it.

I've lived here for over 30 years with coyotes all over the place. Most farm animal killings in this area of NY are usually found to be done by dogs. That and raccoons. Every town in the state of New York is required, by law. to have an "animal damage assessor." He/she is supposed to be trained on how to idenity a kill and who actually did the killing.

Coyotes are one of the last large animals in the woods that people can shoot, just for fun. I suspect that leads to stories attempting to justify the killings.

Years ago, I used to rrap coyotes, but that's when they were worth up to $75 per pelt. Not anymore.
Yea Coyotes kill just to be killing have put many sheep and goat owners out of business in my area.Only thing save mine are the Grt Pyr dogs.They'll do what the ones are doing around you for awhile but sooner or later they'll wipe your goats out in a few days.You'll get over the bleeding heart stuff when you find your goats torn to pieces.
I'll believe it when I see documented evidence of it. That for eastern coyotes, since I know little about the western ones that are quite different. Been raising goats for 40 years, along with a few Lincoln sheep, here and there. Only animals I've lost to canines in that time has been - two pigs and several birds - all to local dogs running wild and racoons. And several kid goats killed by other goats.

Nothing about being a "bleeding heart." That is, unless you define anybody that won't kill things just for the fun of it, a "bleeding heart."

I see a difference between having regard for life in general, or somebody that regards wild animal life as having priority over humans and domestic animals. I'm with the former, not the latter.

But, it seems people like you attempt to elevate their weak arguments by calling others childish names? Makes you feel good? Like being back in grammar school.
Documented?Coyotes are killing sheep,goats,cats,calves and anything else they can chase down all over the Southeastern US.I'm beginning to wonder if you even really have livestock
Wonder what you like. Why not just man-up and call me a liar? Lucky for me I need not prove anything to you. With your child-like behavior, allusions, and name-calling, you're not worth a legimate response anyway.

I stated what I know, and can't attest to the things I don't know and haven't seen. It's near impossible to prove a negative, so there won't be proof that eastern coyotes NEVER kill for the heck of it. Now if you say you have proof to the positive - then you must of gotten inside one's head and knew what it was thinking when it killed? Good trick. Sigmund Freud is probably envioius.

And by the way, had animals for 40 years. If coyotes finally come here and kill some of my animals now - seems after 40 years it would be an anomalie and not a trend - wouldn't it?

If someone else has actually seen it happen often, with eastern coytoes . . fine - if that's really the case - and not just based on hearsay, pipe-dreams, or dead animals found in the barn or field. In this area many coyotes are tracked with radio collars and most of them stay away from farm buildings and barns. Can't say for sure what the ones not wearing collars are doing.

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